The princess and the dwarf 6

chapter 34

All he could do was open his mouth automatically as she held bite after bite to his lips. As he chewed and swallowed she would rub her hands over the silky smoothness of his firming gut. Her fingers would follow the trail of hair that ran down his plump chest and crossed the great expanse of his belly. She would put her hand on either side of him and just admire how far apart her hands were with him filling the space in between.

She knew then he was her willing receptacle, his acquiescence sending a thrill down her spine and making her lightheaded. She became stern as she tried to hide her growing excitement. "Keep eating love, we have a ways to go yet I can tell."

Melda watched in amazement as the food slowly disappeared inside him mouthful after mouthful, his naked belly rising like a huge loaf of bread and she began to worry about his comfort...she knew he would do whatever she wanted until he hurt himself. All men are like dogs she smiled secretly, and this fat one is mine.

Carefully moving over him, she kneeled between his outstretched legs and, slipping her hands under his huge belly, pushed his knees apart with hers, then lowering and centering his abdomen between them.

Gamli immediately sighed with relief, but she noticed even though he was breathing easier, his eyes were slightly glazed. It was time for him to rest, the massive amount of food inside him slowly digesting and filling his deep gut. She moved next to him, leaning against the pile of pillows behind him and slipped her arm behind his short stocky neck, kissing him as she gently stroked his distended abdomen, whispering elvish words of love and praise into his ear.

He was so filled with food he could barely register her small body next to him. The circular motion of he hand on his stretched belly lulled him dangerously close to sleep and he didn't want to go right back to sleep...he had just woke up. She seemed to read his thoughts... "It is fine to sleep again my precious dwarf. We have this time to recover and enjoy ourselves. Get some rest. Later, when you wake up, we can find something to do."

Gamli was in absolute bliss, the discomfort of his swollen stomach, now stretched to its maximum capacity, slowly faded as Melda's expert massage technique worked its magic. "Where by my mother's beard did you learn how to do that?" he asked sleepily, feeling himself drift in her arms, his head cradled between her soft breasts. He knew he had overeaten, but there was no pain...just a dull pleasure as she manipulated his abdomen, helping him digest.

Melda just smiled, loving his immensity and his strength contrasted against his current weakness and his new helplessness. "Get used to it my love. You think you are fat now, just wait until our adventure is over...I have the most amazing plans for you."

He looked up at her, "so it's true then? We truly are "us" now? I must admit that I haven't let myself believe it. I dreaded thinking of the future. Until now this minute I couldn't help but feel as though we might go our separate ways."

She looked into his eyes and with as much sincerity as she could put into her voice said "I will do everything in my power to keep you by my side forever."

Gamli sighed deeply, his heart swelling with love and affection for this small, unique woman. A woman of another race who had bared her soul to him as openly and sincerely as she bared her body. Opening up to him her vulnerability thinly disguised by a brazen tough exterior. He wanted to surround her, protect her and love her to his last dying breath.

He said nothing but took her into his arms and held her tightly, covering her hands with his huge gnarled palms as she gently pressed her fingers into his distended belly, kneading his softness like a hungry kitten palpitates its mother.

"I like the idea of spending the rest of my life at your side," he finally answered as he kissed her soft, supple lips. He helped her to straddle his thighs and relax against his naked belly, pressing him into the soft pile of pillows as he massaged her back, feeling her large warm breasts mold against his, her arms around his neck. "Even more spending it beneath you, as I am now, my dear sweet maiden." He squeezed her until he heard her shuddering gasp, "and I most definitely look forward to those amazing plans of yours."

"And I will greatly enjoy seeing them to completion. But, unfortunately, I cannot start just yet." She rubbed his broad chest, moving her hands lower as he ran his along her curves. The motion of lowering her hands pushed her arms into the sides of her breasts causing them to push even further up. He was having a hard time focusing on her words...
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