The princess and the dwarf 7

chapter 37

Fortunately every so often when he thought he as completely lost Beorn and Melda would be found waiting for him; frustratingly as soon as he came into view they would immediately turn, rested, as he struggled after them without stop. A small soothing as the afternoon drew on and evening slowly closed in, he would catch Melda's concerned look before again disappearing deer-like after the shape changer.

Finally it was too dark to safely move through the tangled forest and Gamli resorted to feeling his way through the darkness like a blind man using a branch he had cut off.

With his visuals impaired his other senses sharpened, every creak, groan or whistling hoot startled him as he gamely struggled along the disappearing trail until he finally thundered into an immense tree, rebounding and landing on his ample backside.

Groaning, he struggled to sit, but was overwhelmed with tiredness and lay back with a deep sigh. A rustling nearby then suddenly a gentle prod in his side with a slender booted toe.

"Is he alive?," came a deep baritone voice opposite the toe. A very familiar lilting voice from replied from overhead "Yes, but I'm afraid we have over taxed my dwarf for the day."

Looking up in the gloom, her sweet face lit by a stray moonbeam, he felt her kneel next to him. Speaking softly in her elvish tongue, she leaned over and peered into his eyes.

Immediately he felt an energy flow through his body. Enough to cause his eyes to flutter open and raise his head. "We have a camp a little further on my dear. Let me help you stand and then you can rest there."

Gamli struggled to his feet with the help of his beloved. Not much farther was the promised camp site. She already had a bed waiting for him and helped him lower himself to the soft pad. She stroked his head working her fingers through his hair. As she undid his braids and untangled his beard she sang in her selfish tongue soothing him, his aches fading. Her face was the last thing he saw as she drifted off to sleep.

The morning sun, dim yet still unwelcomingly bright in his face woke him up. Melda was nowhere to be seen. Gamli dully struggled out of his tangled bedding and stretched groaning, working out the soreness in his muscles from the day before. Melda appeared from the deep forest. Gamli thought she looked paler than normal for a moment until she smiled at him. All negative thoughts left his mind and he took her into his arms.

He hugged her, welcoming her softness, feeling her move against him. "How are you, sir dwarf," she asked as she kissed him, "you did most admirably yesterday. Yes, we had to push you...please forgive me, but I must push you again. We must meet Beorn, Radagast and the others today before the sun sets and now we must hurry."

Understanding his slowness she patiently helped him dress and put his gear on, helping buckle the hard to reach straps on his back, adjusting his pack. Her busy fingers paused for a minute as Gamli heard her moan softly. Turning, he saw her press her small hand to her trim abdomen, her face going first pale then blushing. Concerned he reached out to her. "Princess, are you unwell? What is wrong?"

Straightening, Melda shook her head and squeezed his outstretched hand. "Nothing my love, a strange feeling that is quickly passing. Do not worry, I am fine; now turn around and let me finish. Beorn has an hour's head start and we must catch up."

He watched her carefully, apparently the fast pace hadn't been easy on her either despite hr elvish stamina. With a quick, reassuring answering kiss they headed out side by side on yet another rough trek. They would stop every so often to rest and have quick refreshment, she understood that his body, while strong, had its weaknesses.

Gamli faired better the second day. In fact he was surprised that his coordination had improved, his wind seemingly unstoppable. While he didn't understand, Melda did, knowing it was a combination of both his forced exercise over the past week or so and the lembas cakes she would continually hand him with a brief flirting kiss and a teasing poke in his bouncing abdomen.

They pounded out the miles as the sun travelled its well worn path across the sky. Just as his heart felt it would burst, they glimpsed the soft glow of a campfire ahead. Melda held up a hand, fingers to her lips to indicate silence.

Gamli stopped and attempted to silence his heart and heavy breathing. With a glance and a quick hand motion to keep him still, she took to the trees and raced ahead. He waited several minutes, straining his ears for the slightest indication that she was in trouble and needed him. He was so intent on listening that he was startled when she dropped to the ground in front of him. She grinned that grin that he absolutely loved. "It's only our comrades my love. Let us hurry. There we can rest, eat, and plan our next move."

Nodding, he grunted affirmative and followed her, again shielding her off side as they carefully moved closer to the campfire. It was a large clearing sheltered by Mirkwood's huge trees, a ring of them leaning over as if listening to the low rumble and murmur of voices from many different species of throats.

Gamli's jaw dropped at the reality of what he was seeing. Beorn was at the center, lit by the blazing fire, surrounding him listening were many other creatures clearly following his every word with intelligence. "What magic is this?" Gamli whispered only to receive an elven elbow in his ribs. "Shush dwarf," she hissed under her breath, "I'm trying to listen and please walk quietly, you sound like a horse in full battle armor rolling down a hill."
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Built4com4t 10 years
:-) stay tuned...nearing the finish line
Liz Blue BBW 10 years
Your stories always make me want to go pounce a very fat man. Thank you so much for sharing!
FrecherTyp 10 years
Oh that is an incredible story so well written and detailed in touches landscape and feelings it´s really like reading a real tolkien^^ book ;-) with a lovely maiden in her leather outfit and so sexyily described body that i wish to be the dwarf and have a much more chubbier belly :-) all their loveplay is so amazing sensual and lovely ......
i would have wished for more sexulal situations or weight gain but that´s only me your story is perfect it is and very lovely to read

Ypu really should make a book out of that story !^^