The princess and the dwarf 7

chapter 38

The language was completely unintelligible to him, apparently a speech common to the creatures of the forest, but to him only musical moans and clicks and sounds of wildlife.

He could tell his elf maid was following the conversation so he amused himself by peering around at the different beings. From great golden eagles perched overhead to at least 5 by his count ents of different varieties to all manner of bears, giant cats and oddly shaped horses. Near Beorn was a bent figure of an older man in a deep hooded cloak of dirty ragged brown leaning on a gnarled staff with a head like a knotted root.

The parlay went on and on, until Gamli's tiredness swept over him. He removed his helmet and shook his head trying to stay awake but it was no use. Sighing he lay down, laying his head in his elven maiden's lap then feeling her fingers stroke and wind their way through his tangled hair and beard. The buzz of the voices droning in his ears, like a forest lullaby, slowly but inexorably swept him into sleep's embrace.

He awoke the next morning to find the camp empty of its wild inhabitants. It was almost as if it had been a dream. Melda was busy around the fire, a delicious smell permeating the air. He got up and walked to her side and leaned over to kiss her cheek. She smiled at him as she spooned some of the stew she had made into a bowl. She handed it to him as well as a couple of pieces of lembas bread and put her hands on his belly, massaging the soft emptiness. "We are getting close now, dear dwarf. The woodland creatures have gone off in their own directions and will be awaiting our call. Radagast should be back shortly and Beorn is in his bear form, patrolling the borders of our camp. Eat up and fill this wonderful belly for me, I think the day could have many perils ahead."

Gamli accepted the bowl and started eating. He stopped when he noticed Melda just spooning just broth into a cup and sipping on it. "Are you not going to eat, my love?" She sipped her hot broth and smiled at him. It's just for my stomach. I would hate to end up catching some sickness before we achieve our goals."

"Always the determined one aren't you?" He chuckled. He turned his attention back to his stew and after finishing it leaned back with a sigh. There was something about elvish food that had an interesting affect on him, energizing him, pushing his stomach out round and full yet at the same time making him feel lithe and alive and energetic despite his bulk. As he massaged the sides of his now distended abdomen, puzzling over the sensations, he looked to the forest. A shape moving in the distance caught his eye and as he peered at it, he was able to make out the form of a bent old man. "I do believe that your friend Radagast has returned, my love."

Melda answered, "So it is, he will be bringing us news and confirmation of potential success for the battle strategy Beorn and I worked out last night with guarded approval from the Ents. They take so long to make up their minds and there is much to tell. Beorn and I believe you have a key role in the adventure ahead, but much depends on what Radagast has learned. So stir yourself sir dwarf, don't embarrass me with your lazy slothfulness."

Grumbling Gamli obeyed and swayed to his feet, stretching his sleep-cramped muscles, scratching the sides of his belly before donning his leather and plate armor.

He wasn't quite sure about this Radagast character, he didn't much look like the powerful wizard legend had spoken of, rather a spry but weak appearing elderly man who would probably collapse without his bizarre staff.

"Greetings children, I have interesting news" the wizard spoke in a deep warm friendly voice as he neared the fire, unexpected from his physical appearance. His face crinkled in good humor yet his eyes were full of portent as his gaze took in the two, nodding in approval. "My goodness, he is a fat one isn't he Melda," he peered nearsightedly at Gamli's newly swollen girth, "yes Beorn was right, you have chosen well."

Gamli blushed, biting back a retort as he bowed to the wizard, waiting to hear what the day was to bring.
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Built4com4t 10 years
:-) stay tuned...nearing the finish line
Liz Blue BBW 10 years
Your stories always make me want to go pounce a very fat man. Thank you so much for sharing!
FrecherTyp 10 years
Oh that is an incredible story so well written and detailed in touches landscape and feelings it´s really like reading a real tolkien^^ book ;-) with a lovely maiden in her leather outfit and so sexyily described body that i wish to be the dwarf and have a much more chubbier belly :-) all their loveplay is so amazing sensual and lovely ......
i would have wished for more sexulal situations or weight gain but that´s only me your story is perfect it is and very lovely to read

Ypu really should make a book out of that story !^^