The princess and the dwarf 7

chapter 39

"More of a coincidence than a choice. My heart had more say than my mind did." She glanced at him with a smile before turning her attention back to what Radagast had to say.

Radagast continued, "No time to waste in talk, I will outline the proposed plan as we travel as we must be at the rendezvous with Beorn and the other volunteers of our impromptu army by nightfall. Are we ready? Good, then follow me."

Radagast didn't move quite as quickly as Beorn and Melda, so Gamli followed easily, listening to the strategy as it unfolded. unknown quantity of orc warriors behind virtually impenetrable walls, the fortress surrounded by their own wild army, an attack coordinated by the eagle lords all timed to a certain event of some unknown potential weakness or distraction.

"Sounds far fetched to me," Gamli mumbled to himself, "we're stopped by these "impenetrable" gates before we even start." Radagast slowed and said over his shoulder. "You have no idea young dwarf, the power and strength ents have when it comes to mere rock and stone. And we have at 5 of the beings on our side perhaps more...unfortunately they move slow overland. They will tear down the gates and give us flanking protection while the eagles protect us from above."

Melda elbowed him in a familiar tender spot and held her fingers to her lips as Gamli grunted. Radagast caught her gesture and smiled, a white trail of bird droppings sliding down his cheek from under his heavy furred cap. "The plan must be flexible, but that much will get us inside. Once there Melda's original plan will take effect. While Beorn and the others decimate the orc's forces, the three of us will lead the wolves to the massive underground dungeon caverns where I am now convinced the entwives are being held. It is the only secure place large enough. If the information I have is still good from certain messengers the grey wizard has sent me the timing is indeed critical, and I will know it, in fact we all should know it."

As the sun circled overhead, details clicked into place one by one. It was a well thought plan but much too much was still left to chance Gamli felt. He certainly would do his best, glad he was to be at his eleven maid's side during the upcoming challenge. He glanced at her as they hurried along.

Meldas eyes shone brightly. Gamli wondered at her increased beauty. My love is excited for the upcoming events I believe, he thought to himself with a chuckle.

The day's journey passed rather uneventfully but as they drew near to their destination, Gamli realize that they were all traveling much more quietly, as if an unseen signal had been given. The air grew thick and warm and seemed to carry a weight of its own. Finally, they reached the agreed upon meeting site.

Beorn was already there, seemingly alone. As they came close he nodded in the opposite direction. "There are more than we expected. We are outnumbered. We must hope that our plan does not fail."

Radagast nodded his head at this information. "Nothing has changed. Tomorrow we shall strike when Sauron's eye is focused elsewhere. Tonight we should rest and be watchful."

Beorn grunted in agreement. "Well said, wizard. I am unable to rest and so will patrol the perimeter of the fortress, seeing that all is well with our rag tag army. Join me if you wish and let the dwarf and elf maid find a sheltered spot to get their well-earned has been a hard road today and tomorrow may be harder than I would like to imagine."

With nods to Melda and Gamli, the two magical beings disappeared into the deepening gloom. Melda turned and, kissing the dwarf whispered "I spied a cleft in an ancient forest elder, perhaps an arrow flight behind us where we will be safe and comfortable. Come my love."

Gamli followed silently, guarding their rear as he occasionally stole glimpses of hers. Enjoying her divine roundness, moving muscularly under her leather armor as she strode purposely back into the forest. He muttered to himself "by my mother's beard I will fight and die for this maid, wherever she will lead me."

They reached the sheltered spot, surrounded on all sides by rock and tree, immediately threw their packs weapons down helter skelter and breathlessly rushed into each other's embrace.
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Built4com4t 10 years
:-) stay tuned...nearing the finish line
Liz Blue BBW 10 years
Your stories always make me want to go pounce a very fat man. Thank you so much for sharing!
FrecherTyp 10 years
Oh that is an incredible story so well written and detailed in touches landscape and feelings it´s really like reading a real tolkien^^ book ;-) with a lovely maiden in her leather outfit and so sexyily described body that i wish to be the dwarf and have a much more chubbier belly :-) all their loveplay is so amazing sensual and lovely ......
i would have wished for more sexulal situations or weight gain but that´s only me your story is perfect it is and very lovely to read

Ypu really should make a book out of that story !^^