The princess and the dwarf 7

chapter 40

Melda laid back against her pack. "A lot has changed and in such a short amount of time...and I'm happy for it. Tomorrow our Journey shall end, one way or another. We shall either travel the path that has been laid out for us or we shall venture into death, which is just a different sort of journey. Either way, I want to be sure that I tell you this now, for I may not have another chance. I love you, my dwarf, and when this is over, if we both remain standing, I will never leave your side."

Gamli knelt before her, looking down her, loving her as he unbuckled his harness. "You have taken my words as you have also taken my heart, Princess." He leaned over and ran his stubby dwarf fingers through her tangled golden locks, falling into her intelligent crystalline eyes as he looked into them.

Pulling a pad and an elven cloth from his pack he spread it out next to them and picking her up, lay her on it, placing her pack under her head. "This time I will prepare the meal, my princess, in the meantime have a cup of this elixar..." he made a great show as he pulled the bottle from his pack and poured into a chased silver cup, "it is a fiery brew crafted in the ancient dwarf way. It will soothe our cares, help us forget tomorrow and live in each others loving presence tonight.

He set about his task and in short order had their meals ready, hers presented with the flower he had pulled from her hair and saved what seemed like years ago.

They sat and enjoyed good conversation while they ate the excellent meal he had prepared. The drink made her thoughts a little fuzzy but it warmed her body and she was able to tell him stories of her childhood and of her people. In a likewise fashion, he shared similar stories with her and she clung to every word. But while she seemed to greatly enjoy the drink she only touched very little.

Gamli had started a small fire, burning hot with no telltale smoke and after cleaning and putting away the cooking tools, he moved around the fire and with a grunt sat behind her, his knees perches for her arms and pulled her into his softness, listening to her voice as he massaged her neck and shoulders.

"You don't care for my dwarvish drink," he said, "I understand, it is a rough, crude liquor not fit for an elven princess. Is there something else I can bring you? I have some good water from Beorns drinking is an amazing liquid, near as heady as a fine wine from the men of the north."

He felt her shake her head, leaving her neck and shoulders limp. She reached down her hands either side and rubbed gentle circles in the sides of his abdomen as it bulged out either side behind her.

"Your drink does Not bother me, sir dwarf. In fact, I could surprise you with my drinking abilities. My nerves and stomach just aren't up for much right now. Although I could think of something to do......"

With a twinkle in her eye, she leaned in to his lips and rubbed her hands over his broad belly. A fire seemed to race through his body...then he felt her tense...and suddenly she leapt up from him and darted outside the firelight. He could hear a soft retching sound and shortly she came back it. Picking up the water canteen, she took a big gulp that she swirled around in her mouth and spit out. Then she took a couple of large swallows and laughed shakily..."it seems to me that my nerves are a little more upset than I believed."

With concern in his voice he looked at her, "my dear, from what I have seen of you so far, you are not one to be a raw bundle of nerves. Are you sure that some illness has not fallen you?"

"Nothing life threatening I can promise you that. But I don't believe my original idea is going to work with my stomach in my throat."

He nodded, knowing she was hiding something but not sure what.

"Not knowing your original idea, madam elf," he rumbled, regretting the coolness on his soft belly resulting from her curious departure, "I can but acquiesce and accept whatever alternate you have in mind."

She smiled at him with a mischievous grin. "Well I'm not one to let a little inconvenience stand in my way." She moved down and took her place back between his legs. She undid the shirt he had left on to sleep in and suddenly pressed her mouth to his neck. The sudden warmth sent shivers running down his spine.
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Built4com4t 10 years
:-) stay tuned...nearing the finish line
Liz Blue BBW 10 years
Your stories always make me want to go pounce a very fat man. Thank you so much for sharing!
FrecherTyp 10 years
Oh that is an incredible story so well written and detailed in touches landscape and feelings it´s really like reading a real tolkien^^ book ;-) with a lovely maiden in her leather outfit and so sexyily described body that i wish to be the dwarf and have a much more chubbier belly :-) all their loveplay is so amazing sensual and lovely ......
i would have wished for more sexulal situations or weight gain but that´s only me your story is perfect it is and very lovely to read

Ypu really should make a book out of that story !^^