The princess and the dwarf 7

chapter 41

But she didn't seem to care as she slipped her lips around his breast, gently sucking. She did one and then moved on to the other. She could feel his heart pounding through his chest and hear the uncontrollable moans coming from between his lips above her. She grew eager and immediately started into his belly, pulling on it, digging her hands into his sides, licking, kissing, and sucking every inch. She gently pushed against him. Taking a hint, he leaned back against a pack, allowing her access to more of him. She licked the incredibly soft and sensitive underbelly, nibbling occasionally. He could hardly catch his breath.

He felt her small hands tugging at his leggings almost desperately. He reached down and lifted his massive belly out of the way so she would be able to undo it faster. With help from him she managed to get his leather pants around his ankles but she was to eager to take them further. She ran a finger along his burning hot, throbbing member that was revealed before running her hand below to cup the rest of him. She pushed his thighs apart as she leaned down to kiss his thighs. He wasn't able to see exactly where her mouth was so the anticipation made him even harder. Finally he felt her warm breath on him and he waited for her to descend.

Seconds passed and he couldn't stand it. He was surprised to hear a strangled "please" come from his mouth. That seemed to be what she was waiting for. She plunged her warm, moist lips onto his member, sliding all the way down until he could feel the back of her throat. His cries echoed In the small cavity they shared and his massive body shuddered violently. It was a pleasure he had never known before.

Lights flashed behind his closed eyes as his massive orgasm swept through him, as it did he felt her petting him knowingly, knowing the pleasure she had just given him; feeling her move against him suddenly realizing somehow she was as naked as he.

He moved his hands over her, her amazing breasts heavy and warm. Her stunning rear end, massaging the base of her spine where her butt cheeks begin to softly swell out so deliciously round.

"By the gods you are so ripe, so perfect, so beautiful ," he whispered as his hand slid underneath her, cupping her maidenhood, feeling her tender flesh quivering against his warm palm... throbbing, pulsating in her growing arousal, his other hand still massaged the base of her spine.

She felt the core of her womanhood encapsulated between warm, gentle hands as he pressed up into her. Incredibly aroused by this, her exquisitely curved body gently spasmed and her recent abdominal distress melted away, her entire pelvis throbbing as he played her like a finely tuned instrument, bringing her to crescendo after crescendo of sheer orgasmic pleasure.

She reeled under the onslaught of sensations she was experiencing in his hands, losing track of time and space, suddenly realizing he was next to her, she face down on knees and elbows, her rear high in the air, the warmth of his body as it moved against her, her maidenhood still cupped in his massive hand.

She was in another world, another space, another dimension as his hands moved over her, his fingers surrounding her, within her...her entire focus was on the sensations exploding from her groin, her throbbing center, her lower belly spasming as her deep inner muscles responded explosively over and over.

Her nipples erect almost painfully in her arousal, aching to be suckled, stroked...tender nubs tingling as they stretched outwards from her textured aureols and he heard her gasp, shuddering and cry out as he stroked her center, the lips of her labia molding wetly against his juice-slick knuckles.

He held her tight as she finished, loving the pleasure he had caused in her, feeling her shudder warm and relaxed in his arms.
His heart melted as he heard her softly cry, her tears wet on his soft chest. "Why the tears, princess," he whispered, "why are you so sad?"

"I am not sad you silly, lovable dwarf; I am supremely, incredibly happy. Happy to have met you, happy I found you, happy that you care for me as much as I care for you."

She knelt next to him and leaning over him, kissed him deeply, purposely letting her full breasts slide over him. "I want more, my love, much more. You must promise me you will be careful tomorrow, careful and brave. I do not want to lose you. Thank you for letting us forget that this day may be our last. We must rest my love, tomorrow will decide our fate."

They rolled into their bedclothes, firm in each other's arms, soon sailing innocently in their dreams of the future."


h aving a absolute blast playing this this...enjoy it so far? do you like where it's going? where it's been? please comment...
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Built4com4t 10 years
:-) stay tuned...nearing the finish line
Liz Blue BBW 10 years
Your stories always make me want to go pounce a very fat man. Thank you so much for sharing!
FrecherTyp 10 years
Oh that is an incredible story so well written and detailed in touches landscape and feelings it´s really like reading a real tolkien^^ book ;-) with a lovely maiden in her leather outfit and so sexyily described body that i wish to be the dwarf and have a much more chubbier belly :-) all their loveplay is so amazing sensual and lovely ......
i would have wished for more sexulal situations or weight gain but that´s only me your story is perfect it is and very lovely to read

Ypu really should make a book out of that story !^^