Being fed

Chapter 2 - bering fedchapter 2being stuffed

I went downstairs and sheepishly went into the kitchen. Katie squealed, "Oh Nat honey you look so cute and chubby dressed like that!" "Katie, are you mad at me for gaining weight?" "Nat, I'm not mad at all. In fact I want you to get fat!" she blurted, then Katie blushed. I was standing there barely dressed with my bloated belly sticking out. "Katie, do you mean, you are going to let me gain weight and get fat?" "No Nat, I'm not going to "let you get fat" I'm going to make you get fat!" She gently poked my belly. I stood there stunned, but I was getting turned on thinking, "she is going to make me get fat!"

Katie opened the refrigerator and took out a beer, one of my favorite brands. She opened it, "Nat, honey sit down, take a load off and drink up." I'm not stupid, when your wife tells you to have a beer, well you have a beer. I lowered myself onto the couch and started drinking my beer. I finished it and Katie brought me another one then another one. "Burp, Hey, are you trying to get me drunk? Urp." She giggled, "Yup I am, I want you nice and buzzed so you will eat more." "Urp okay, then, I'l have another beer, Urp!" She dutifully brought me another beer. I was more than a little buzzed, with four beers in me, and pretty bloated, which Katie was really enjoying. She giggled, "Time to for dinner, Nat." I could barely get up and stagger to the table (not so much for all the beers, but being so full, too.)

Katie had fixed a frozen pizza, garlic bread and of course more beer. "Now eat up Nat." I started in on the pizza. I managed to get down three slices, and several pieces of garlic bread. I was slowing down when Katie came up to me and started to massage my belly. She place her hand on my groin again and gently squeezed. "Nat, I want you to eat up for me. Finish the pizza and bread dear, please." "Babe, I'm going to burst I so stuffed, now!" "No you're not Nat, just keep eating, chew and swallow, come on you can do it." She held out a slice I took a bite, chewed and swallowed. We kept this up until the pizza, bread sticks and the last beers were gone.

Katie giggled, "Nat I'm so proud of you! You finished all the pizza and beers and look at your belly! Oh honey you look so sexy with your big round belly! Nat I want you!" Katie had that look in her eyes again. She helped me up off the couch and I staggered waddled upstairs. She pushed me onto our bed and started massaging my engorged, bloated belly. She cooed, "Nat honey your look so sexy right now, I can't weight to make you even fatter!" "Katie, do you mean, you are going to let me gain weight?" "No, Nat, I'm going to make you gain weight and get a big fat belly. I'm going fatten up your big rear end too, so you have to waddle!" That statement caused quite a reaction in my groin, much to Katie's delight.

We made love for the first time in months and it was the best we had had in nearly our whole marriage. The next morning Katie surprised me with breakfast in bed. The tray was covered in rich heavy breakfast foods and of course I got stuffed! Katie came in the bedroom, wearing only a bikini and a t-shirt. "Nat, I want you to start working from home. I'm going over to the warehouse store and get some more groceries. I want to be sure you get enough to eat." "Sounds good to me honey. I'm going to get up and take a shower and get some work done."

I got up. I was really full, I could feel how taught and round my belly was. I stripped off my t-shirt and pulled off my bikini briefs. I was startled by my reflection in mirror, I really looked fatter today than I did yesterday. I stepped on the scale, it spun up to 206 lbs. I had gained five pounds! I stepped in to the shower and lather up my belly. It felt great to run my hands over it. I starting thinking, "I won't need to "pad" anymore at this rate. Katie is going to have me waddling in a matter of weeks!"

I got out of shower, dried off and pulled on a clean pair of briefs, a t-shirt and a pair of jeans, which felt tight. I went down to our office area and started to work. Katie got home an hour later. I got up to go help her unload the car. "Nat, you go sit down! No exercise for you! I've got this and I want to surprise you with some of the things I bought. Hey, why are you wearing jeans? You're not going anywhere. Go take them off."

I pulled off the jeans and sat back down in just my briefs and a t-shirt. I felt weird and but also was a turn on too. I soon smelled cooking and a few minutes later, "Nat honey, lunch!" I got up and went into the kitchen. I wasn't really hungry, I was even still feeling my breakfast in my belly, but Katie would not be denied. She smiled when I came in. "Oh Nat, you look so cute in those panties, sorry I mean under pants." I sighed, "Hey why can't I at least wear sweats or something? I feel kind of naked in just my briefs." Katie came up to me and poked my belly and reached around and squeezed my butt cheeks, "Because, I want to see every ounce of fat I am going to put on you, that's why! Now get your growing tummy and cute fat butt in the kitchen so I can get you stuffed again!"

I went in the kitchen, the table was covered with a huge macaroni and cheese casserole; "pigs in blankets" and bottles of regular soft drinks. "Sit down Nat, I want you to eat a much of this as you can and fast so you don't feel full to soon!" I plopped my butt in a chair and started chowing down. I ate several pigs in blankets, then nearly half the mac and cheese. I then finished the "pigs", then the mac and cheese was gone. I drank a whole liter of root beer. It took me thirty minutes to shovel all that food in my mouth. Katie was delighted, my belly and rock hard and bulging out under my t-shirt. She was giggling patting my belly. "Nat, now for desert, I made you brownies with ice cream and chocolate sauce!" "Oh babe, I going to burst, I'm so stuffed right now." "Oh come on Nat, don't be so wimpy, eat up!" She put the bowl down in front of me and I slowly started to eat it. It took me another forty-five minutes to finish it and I was now beyond stuffed. I waddled back to my desk and starting working again, massaging my engorged abdomen.

It was only an hour and half later when Katie brought in a fresh batch of cookies and a large glass of whole milk. "Here Nat honey, this should tide you over until dinner." "Thanks Babe", I replied and absently started eating them.

It was five thirty before I knew it. "Nat honey, time of dinner!" Katie called from the kitchen. I got up, felt the bulge of my belly on the waist band of my briefs and against the t-shirt. This time the table held a huge platter of spaghetti with Alf redo sauce, a large loaf of garlic bread virtually soaked in butter and smothered with cheese. Much to Katie delight my belly growled. "Wow, honey you weren't kidding about feeding me were you?" "No, Nat I wasn't kidding, I am going to feed and stuff you everyday." I plopped down in the chair and again. Katie served me huge portions which I dutifully started to eat. I gorged on the rich spaghetti for nearly thirty minutes, eating most of the greasy bread too. I leaned back, my belly bulging out in front of me, taught and round. Katie smiled, "Nat you are doing a great job, I'm so impressed with how much you can eat!" I rubbed my bulging belly, Katie giggled, "Nat, make some more room, because I have a huge cheese cake for you." I groaned thinking, "At this rate I'm going to be huge by the holidays." "Yes Dear." I dutifully replied. Katie put the rich, cheese cake down in front of me and I started to eat, mouthful by mouthful, until I was done. It was only seven o'clock when I finished and Katie said, "Nat why don't you go in the family room and relax, let you tummy settle." I hoisted myself up and staggered/waddled into the family room.
I fell asleep for a while. I woke up to Katie holding a warm, soft, freshly baked cookie to my lips, which she pushed into my mouth as soon as I was awake. I finished the whole batch. Katie started to rub and massage my nearly distended belly. She cooed, "Nat honey are you enjoying all of this eating?" I patted my belly, "Sure dear,why wouldn't I, this is a dream come true for me." "Oh Nat you are the best husband in the world, no other guy would let his wife fatten him up like I'm doing, you're the best." She started kneading my belly and butt cheeks. We made out for a while and then went to bed.
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Snarry0901 2 years
Fanedfox 10 years
enoshima, I responded to your question on your page. Thanks for commenting. My stories are on dimensions magazine and deviant art.
Enoshima Sama 10 years
!!! i've heard of you for a long time, and this is the first time i've ever commented on your works (on FF, anyhow,), and i have a question owo
er, are you looking for a beta reader, perhaps?