Being fed

Chapter 3 - bering fedchapter 3getting fat

This became our routine. Katie fed me and I ate everything put any where near my mouth. The pounds and inches started to really show.

Two weeks after Katie caught me padding and started me down the road to a new lifestyle, I was lying in bed, running my hands over my now forty six inch belly. I had only had a thirty eight inch waist when Katie's assault on my waist line started.

She came out of the bathroom in just her panties and bra. I notice that a few calories had managed to get to her belly too. "Nat, why don't you come with me to the warehouse store this morning. You haven't been out of the house since we started your new diet." I thought about it for a second, "Sounds good Katie, what should I wear, none of my jeans fit anymore." She giggled checking out my bulging waist, "Your old sweat pants should be fine and a t-shirt."

Katie fed me a huge breakfast, waffles, pancakes and sausage. I took a shower and pulled on a pair of tight briefs (all of them were tight at this point), a t-shirt and sweat pants. The t-shirt only covered about two thirds of my belly and the out line of the briefs showed through the sweat pants, which were pretty tight around my expanded butt. Katie giggled, "Oh Nat you look so hot! I love the where all the calories I'm feeding you are going." We went out to the garage and got in the car and headed to the warehouse store.

I got a little winded just walking in from the parking lot. I could really feel the gain. My belly swayed a little and I was getting a little waddle, as my butt cheeks were now larger and my thighs were "filling out" too. I loved shopping for delicious food for my "diet". Katie let me pick all kinds of fattening treats and entrées. I loved the "sample ladies" who were more than happy to let the guy with the big pot belly nibble on their wares. We bought several bags of candy , boxes of cookies and pasties. I ate nearly a whole four pound bag of "M&M's" just waddling around the store with Katie. We checked out a two hundred dollar plus purchase. I was amazed at how much we spent. Katie just giggled and tickled my belly, "Nat it is all worth it when I see it on your belly and bottom !"
As the weeks went by, Katie "had" to feed me less and less. I started to really love to eat. I would cram myself full at every meal eating until I felt I might burst open. I would start nibbling on treats, candy cookies, crackers, nuts, chips and soft drinks virtually every waking minute. I started to get up at night and eat too. I loved it! My waist grew to over fifty inches my weight went up to two seventy five. I got really, really lazy. I only got up to eat, use the bathroom or go to bed. I now really waddled, my thighs and butt were huge and soft, my body jiggled with every move.

I thought Katie might start getting turned off, I was getting so fat, but the opposite was true. She would get turned on watching struggled getting dressed or ready for bed and virtually attack me. She was constantly kneading my belly, love handles or my huge butt. She loved it when clothes ripped or buttons burst off.

On Halloween, Katie found me a XXXL t-shirt that was bright orange, she painted a "jack o' lantern" face on it. I sat by the front door giving out huge piles of candy to the kids, their faces lighting up when they saw the huge fat guy giving out tons of candy. Of course a stuffed myself with all the candy we bought before Halloween and the sales after. I gained ten more pounds by the time Thanksgiving rolled (waddled) around. It was time for Katie to show off her huge, round, fat husband to her family.

Katie and I went to Wal-Mart to find me some "Big and Tall" clothes to wear to her folks house for the weekend. She was ecstatic that my waist was fifty-five inches and my ass was fifty two. We got a pair of pants, a belt that looked as long as a tow rope for the car and some shirts. We also found to low cut, XXL briefs for me.

On the drive to her folks house I asked, "Katie are you worried at all about what your family's going to think about how fat I am now?" Katie looked over at me, "Nat I'm not worried at all. I'm sure my mom will adore your new figure and so will Dad. Jill will be pissed, but she is always pissed about something. Marti and Karl will be delighted, since Karl won't be the only fat son in law anymore. So don't worry honey, everyone is going to love the new you!"

Well she was right. My in-laws, who are both pretty heavy, just smiled and complimented me. Katie's sister Jill gave me a dirty look and said she was disappointed in me. (no surprise there) Karl and Marti were delighted. I waddled into the family room and sat down with Karl and Katie's dad. We just hung out snacking and drinking beer.

In the kitchen Marti, Katie and their mom were working on dinner. Katie's mom asked, "Dear how did Nat gain so much weight? He must weigh nearly three hundred pounds!" Katie giggled, "I fed him." Her Mom looked at her, "Really dear, you fed Nat and fattened him up deliberately?" "Yes Mom I did. We have never been happier, I love Nat all nice and fat and soft. He loves being fat and eating as much as he wants to." She looked at Katie again, "So how did getting fat come up? I can't see you just asking Nat out of the blue, Honey do you want to get fat for me?" Katie laughed, "Mom, you won't believe this, but I caught Nat one day doing what is called "padding". He literally was pretending to be fat and getting turned on doing it. I asked him if he really wanted to be fat, he said he would love to be fat. He even asked if I would "let" him gain and get fat. I told him, no I'm going to make you get fat. I have been stuffing him like this turkey ever since!" Marti had tears streaming down her face. "Katie that sounds so romantic! Nat is so sweet to let you fatten him up." Katie and Marti hugged, "You are so right Marti, our love life is better than ever, too!"

We had a great long holiday weekend. Karl and I sat on the couch, with our big bellies sagging out in front of us being waited on by Marti and Katie. We had all we could eat and more! Plenty of beer and snacks. We left Katie's folks house on Sunday . I barely fit into my new clothes, much to everyone's delight.
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Snarry0901 2 years
Fanedfox 10 years
enoshima, I responded to your question on your page. Thanks for commenting. My stories are on dimensions magazine and deviant art.
Enoshima Sama 10 years
!!! i've heard of you for a long time, and this is the first time i've ever commented on your works (on FF, anyhow,), and i have a question owo
er, are you looking for a beta reader, perhaps?