The princess and the dwarf 8

chapter 45

She removed herself from the willow and watched as the elegant creature rose to her rootlike feet. Gamli's concern was Melda. Under the orc gore and ichor she appeared pale as death itself. He watched her hands moved to her stomach and he was barely able to reach her side and catch her before her body collapsed to the ground.

"Princess!," he cried, worried as he cradled her in his arms, wondering what was wrong, what had happened. She was as filthy and as much slimed as he, but he could see no wounds save for slight scratches on her exposed skin.

He ignored the tumult around him, the clattering rustle of branch and leaf and the mysterious, wind-like chanting in harmony from the ent throats as they herded the now free female ents out of the gloomy cavern.

Silence fell on his ears unnoticed as he picked the elf maid up and followed the torturous path back to the waiting sun. He looked down at her sweet face, hearing her soft moans, her body tensing and relaxing in his arms as he hurried along, unmindful of the heaps and stacks of dead orcs piled either side, his fear for her giving wings to his clumsy boots.

Staggering into the sunlight he was greeted by a thunderous cheer, the fortress entrance ringed by their hosts and allies. From a thousand throats of all manner of beast and creature rose gleeful song and shouts and rousing cries of cheer and gladness, all directed at him.

He stood there, stupefied, blinking in the breaking sunlight, the dark clouds disappearing as if by magic, the elf maid in his strong arms. He shook his head puzzled and tried to cry out for help but nothing would issue from his choked throat. He saw Beorn and Radagast moving through the tumultuous crowd, shouldering aside towering ents standing side by side with their newly rescued mates until they too towered over him.

Never before had he felt so small or so helpless next to these two mighty beings.

"It's Melda," he finally gasped, "something is wrong with my princess."

"I think I know what is ailing her," Beorn said with a gentle smile as he took the limp woman into his arms. "I have suspected as such.' He nodded to Radagast who moved the glowing end of his staff over her small body and smiled.

"She has wore herself out with all the commotion. The stress she has suffered these past few days, and the outpouring of the energy that she used to save Willowsong has left her drained. Give her time and she will come around."

But Gamli was still afraid for her. "But why? Why hasn't she awoken yet?"

Radagast shared a look with Beorn before turning back to Gamli, "I would normally leave it to her to tell you, but in order to ease your mind I will face her displeasure with me. She had gone into what can only be described as a short hibernation. Until she has the strength to awaken and function normally, what energy she has is being focused elsewhere. Melda is unconscious because her body is protecting your children."

Gamli's brain went fuzzy. His ears started ringing and the world started to look a little too bright. He sat down, hard. "Children....she's with chi...more than one...How long...?" The words weren't coming out quite like he had planned...
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Zombit 10 years
Thanks goes to the two of you for writing such an amazing story. I loved every chapter. I just can't describe how much I enjoyed the overall story. I love the action for one! This was beautifully done and is extremely reminiscent of Tolkien. I love your attention to detail and incorporation of such critical characters. I would buy this and add it to my book collection. I look forward to seeing anything the two of you write together. Thanks for keeping this story alive for so long and being so dedicated to it. Bravo!
FrecherTyp 10 years
oh what a wonderful ending hehe :-)

this really was a chubby fairy tale at it´s best ^^
Dragorat 10 years
Excellent story...filled with many delightful things