The princess and the dwarf 8

chapter 47

Radagast stood next to Gamli to watch over the ceremony and to bind them with the knot of well being and love. Beorn had went to bring Melda and give her away in marriage.

Suddenly, Gamli noticed a beautiful melody rising out of nowhere. The entwives were singing of love and of being together. He looked up and saw Melda on Beorns arm. Her armor had been replaced by a flowing dress with flowers decorating it and flowing around her. She was clean and her hair was curled up with vines and jewels. The entwives had done an amazing job.

Beorn placed her small hand in Gamli's rough one and bowed back. Radagast raised his staff and began to chant. It glowed and he made motions at their joined hands. A glowing rope appeared around them, forming an intricate knot. As it tightened they looked into one another's eyes and their lips met.

Time again stood still for him, all his dreams had come true. "You're the fattest dwarf I've ever wedded," she whispered as she kissed him, "and also the smelliest. This fest will go on for many days but I yearm for my own forest and I'm afraid I cannot take another minute of the orc stench cloaking you. So go my lifemate, cleanse and prepare thyself for our wedding bed. I will say our goodbyes and start us on our journey."

"Yes my love, I hear and obey" he answered with a wink, swatting her on her rounded rump. Turning he shook hands with Radagast who handed him a small stone. "You will know what to do with this when you return home," he said with a smile and a blessing. To Beorn he nodded, unable to say the heartfelt thanks welling inside him. "Say naught, dwarf, behind that beard your face can be read as well as any book. You are welcome, more than welcome and fear naught, I know you will be surprised at the welcome you will receive when you bring your maid home. The carriage is ready, the horses know the way and need no guidance. I will catch up before you each your home borders. Now do have a most ghastly smell about you."

Gamli wandered back to their original camp where he remembered a reasonably clean stream was flowing. Several of the animals walked with him almost as a retinue, an honor guards of sorts. Reaching the stream he saw it was now running clean and clear. Doffing his heavy gear he waddled into the warm water and began bathing, cleansing his hair and beard, slowly becoming aroused as he imagined the coming eve in the arms of his maid.

He didn't notice the huge wolf on the bank above, nor the eagle perched next to him. Nor did he hear the wolf growl "by my mothers tail he is a fat one."

After making sure he was as clean as he could possibly be, he sat back in the sun kissed waters of the spring and thought about his life. Suddenly he had a wife and children on the way. Things were as he had always wanted them, so why did he feel apprehensive? Pushing his short comings aside, he removed his bulk from the water and found a clean outfit awaiting him. He dressed and headed back to the arms of his beloved. He could not stand to be without her long.

Upon his return he saw the great carriage waiting. The massive creation was pulled by some of the largest horses gamli had ever seen, with long fur draping the feet. Melda was saying her goodbyes having already put their meagre belongings in the carriage. She kissed Radagasts old cheek and made sure to receive promises of future visits. Gamli went to stand next to her. They were ready.

The carriage was covered with flowers, clouds of flowers were being tossed at them until the ground looked like it was covered in snow. The songs and chanting continued until finally he slipped his arm around the maid and escorted her into the back of the wagon. It was brilliantly colored, ornately carved and at the wide rear dutch door they stood at waving to the crowd. A team of 8 huge horses, also white as the clouds of flowers, were stamping their feet and jangling their bits in their anticipation of departure. The singing and chanting rose to a crescendo and with a deep booming shout of farewell from Beorn, the wagon smoothly glided away like a huge yacht.

Gamli watched the crowd dwindle, the songs fade and slowly the once evil fortress gradually sank behind the trees. Already they looked healthy cloaked in new dark greens. The air was sweet and the road was smooth rolling gently as they went northwards.

Inside the carriage was amazing...literally all the comforts one could imagine, a full kitchen, bath, sitting area and a huge bed. He saw his new bride sitting on the edge of the bed, slowly untying the white lace of her straining bodice as she watched him, smiling. "Do I detect any interest in consummating this relationship formally? I do have a terrible urge to sink my maidenly fingers into that amazing belly of yours and pull it over me like a big blanket."
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Zombit 10 years
Thanks goes to the two of you for writing such an amazing story. I loved every chapter. I just can't describe how much I enjoyed the overall story. I love the action for one! This was beautifully done and is extremely reminiscent of Tolkien. I love your attention to detail and incorporation of such critical characters. I would buy this and add it to my book collection. I look forward to seeing anything the two of you write together. Thanks for keeping this story alive for so long and being so dedicated to it. Bravo!
FrecherTyp 10 years
oh what a wonderful ending hehe :-)

this really was a chubby fairy tale at it´s best ^^
Dragorat 10 years
Excellent story...filled with many delightful things