The princess and the dwarf 8

chapter 48

Then again he had only seen her nude in the flickering of campfire or the dim light of dawn. There was a fullness about her, a glowing softness lit by the liquid afternoon sun that hit him between the eyes and sent flashes of heat throbbing in his loins. He knelt before her, fumbling at his own ties, unable to speak.

She leaned forward to help him, placing her small hands over his. He moved his hands out of her way and allowed her to work on it. He looked down on her, admiring her, his wife. The word seemed foreign to him and yet perfect at the same time. She pulled his trousers down and moved back to let him finish undressing. She was propped up in a bed of pillows. No ground for the two lovers tonight....Just each other's arms.

Gamli let his clothes slip to the floor and simply stood there, relaxed, letting his abdomen flow out round and full. He could feel the underside move on his thighs as he breathed, simply letting her eyes caress him. He could almost feel her gaze on his skin like a feather like caress of ghostly fingertips. He could feel those fingertips slide over his stretched and distended belly, feel them slip into his navel, stroke the underside of his soft underbelly fat.

Gamli pushed her back against big fluffy pillows, his hands running up her bare thighs, slowly gliding on the silky softness there. He felt the muscles underneath slowly relax, her abdominal muscles relax and her glorious new roundness spill forward as she arched her back in pleasure.

His fingers found the folds between her belly and thighs, sliding in the warm womanly softness. Moving into her his bulk pushed her thighs apart, concentrating on the magnificent roundness of her now evident tumescence, he was amazed by its shape and softness, his hands moving up until they were at either side.

He pressed in gently feeling her delicious ripeness and leaned forward, caressing her swollen breasts with his breath. He felt her shudder, and he lost himself in the sight and scent of her magnificent body.

"I love you so much," he whispered. "I want to love and cherish and protect you and what is now growing inside you, my dear elf maid.

"I love this soft warm fullness between my hands, kissing the moist darkness just between your breasts I know are aching to be touched, to be fondled, and those eager nipples brought to my lips."

Yet Gamli resisted, taking his time with this magnificent creature, his rough hands lingering at her waist, her ribcage. Gently he pushed his face between her huge breasts, smelling her clean fresh scent, feeling their delicious softness either side of his face, holding there, listening to her heart beat until he could not resist any longer, his hands sliding underneath and lifting them until he heard her gasp and he felt her shudder again.

He hefted their soft, hanging fullness, wonderfully heavy, bringing her erect nipples inches from his lips. And then he took the sweet nubs into his mouth, his warm breath bathing them and, moving back, watched her aureoles crinkle around them as they stood erect, succulent firm nubs that he now took into his mouth, tonguing them as he squeezed the soft heavy underside of each breast.

Softened, spreading, heavy, Gamli was incredibly aroused by them, their size and delicious softness. The only sound now was her soft panting and the creak of the wagon wheels, the gentle clip clopping of the horses hooves on the wide, cushioned forest path as they slowly rode homewards.

Quickly he pulled a few of the larger, softer pillows from their marriage bed and spread them on the floor behind him. Still kneeling between her widespread thighs, he took her waist firmly and pulled her toward him, laying back until she was straddling his thighs, her warm, round fullness moving against his.

"I'm about to become undone sir dwarf," Melda gasped as the delicious feelings swept and reverberated through her body. "This big, perfectly round belly is magnificent. Since I met you know my eyes have been glued to it, barely able to concentrate on what was around us every time you moved, sat or lay down. I can't explain how much I wanted to tie you up and rub and stroke every single inch of it, feel it's perfect roundness sliding against my fingers.
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Zombit 10 years
Thanks goes to the two of you for writing such an amazing story. I loved every chapter. I just can't describe how much I enjoyed the overall story. I love the action for one! This was beautifully done and is extremely reminiscent of Tolkien. I love your attention to detail and incorporation of such critical characters. I would buy this and add it to my book collection. I look forward to seeing anything the two of you write together. Thanks for keeping this story alive for so long and being so dedicated to it. Bravo!
FrecherTyp 10 years
oh what a wonderful ending hehe :-)

this really was a chubby fairy tale at it´s best ^^
Dragorat 10 years
Excellent story...filled with many delightful things