The princess and the dwarf 8

chapter 49

"Remember the time you were so full it hurt?, moaning in your sleep you were unaware as I gently caressed it, easing your distress and loving every second of your misery. Then I watched you sit upright resting, leaning against that tree and I dreamt of sitting facing you on your lap, my body overwhelmed by the wall of fat pressed against me as I bury my face in your chest and suckle your fat dwarvish breasts."

He watched her lean back and arch her back as her elven maidenhood pressed more firmly against him. He had a full view of her breasts, ribs, and newly curving abdomen.

He felt her adjust his enormous belly between them so it was at just the right angle. When she did, her breasts, swollen in excitement, created a new exciting friction on it as she moved over him.

He guided her knees either side as she arched over him and he saw what he had been waiting for...their magnificent ripeness. So soft now, plush, luscious, velvety silken containers of womanly softness, swinging heavily over him, she brought them to his lips first one than the other as he suckled beneath her, her firm round belly a soft warm pillow against his.

He pulled her higher, loving the softness of her breasts sliding over his face until her belly came into view and he held her there, burying his face in her navel, exploring every inch of it with his probing tongue. Unable to breathe or see, he sensed her delight as he attended only to her new fecundity. Then his hands moved over his head to gently cradle and stroke those twin fattened sacs, taking her almost to the point of explosion. His hands were gentle yet adventurous as they explored her draping volumes. And her wetness on his belly, her body spasming, rocking over him in rhythm to the sway of the coach guided him.

Shudders of sensual pleasure washed over her endlessly as her maidenhood blazed and throbbed, feeling his hands on her magnificent roundly muscled butt, massaging, stroking; moving between her strong, thick thighs.

Occasionally slapping her gently, he felt the vibration sing though her body and echo in her breasts, her nipples throbbing in his mouth. He reached around her and massaged the base of her spine, that wonderful spot between the flare of her butt cheeks and he could feel her large elven clitoris distinctly, slipping in her juices against his soft fat.

Gamli reached around and pulled her gorgeous weight deeper into him, her maidenhood a pleasure nub that she thrust throbbing into his deep navel

He controlled her completely for probably the first time since they had been together, playing her like an elven harp, reaching almost every spot on her body with his strong hands and stubby fingers.

"I want more and more of you," she moaned floating again over his magnificent obesity, "I want you so fat that when you mount me you will cover me like a heavy blanket ... The very best kind of blanket."

She kissed him and raised her hips. "Lift your belly, my dwarf prince, lift your belly and feel my clever elf hands grasp your throbbing spear. Let me envelope you, guide you inside me where you belong now and forever." Twisting slightly, he felt her slide down onto him, her firm rounded abdomen against his, her firm pubis pushing into his pubic fat. He had forgotten how tight she was.

Their bellies flattening as he thrust into her, her hot breath on his neck, filling her, stretching her. By the gods it felt so good being surrounded by her, her inner muscles clenching then releasing and he knew she was approaching her zenith. He tugged her nipples, watching the lights of otherworldly pleasure sparkle in her magical eyes.

Yes, I am close my fat baby," she whispered reading his mind and body, her breath panting against his neck as she rode him, "there is so much of you now, I can feel it between my thighs. But you are gong to grow a lot fatter for your elf and I will love every new inch and pound as I fatten you. Yes, there's a lot of you now. But I'm going to grow you so fat that only I will be able to touch this," and another bolt of lightning struck as he felt her reach under and cup his scrotum.

Holding him. Mmm...Yes, she knew he loved that, then her fingers moving up behind working into his perineum, pressing, kneading and she heard him gasp and felt his body shudder, and she knew then too....they were both ready.

The dwarf felt himself spiral into oblivion, unable to stop, he cried, loving her, his orgasm imminent, held by him until she was at the very brink of her precipice.

"Release with me, my beloved," she cried, "fill me with your essence." And as she pressed upwards one last time up into his throbbing perineum, his soul seemed to leave his body, exploding outwards in a bursting white light, his scrotum pulsing in her cupped palm as they erupted together, blending their hot liquid fire together in her welcoming maidenhood.

and together they collapsed, spent, heavy, soft, loving.
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Zombit 10 years
Thanks goes to the two of you for writing such an amazing story. I loved every chapter. I just can't describe how much I enjoyed the overall story. I love the action for one! This was beautifully done and is extremely reminiscent of Tolkien. I love your attention to detail and incorporation of such critical characters. I would buy this and add it to my book collection. I look forward to seeing anything the two of you write together. Thanks for keeping this story alive for so long and being so dedicated to it. Bravo!
FrecherTyp 10 years
oh what a wonderful ending hehe :-)

this really was a chubby fairy tale at it´s best ^^
Dragorat 10 years
Excellent story...filled with many delightful things