When ex-swimmers and college combine

Chapter 3 - part three

They got to Dave's room and John quickly stripped and changed into Dave's old clothes. The 32's fitted nicely and did not cinch his waist. Dave's shirt was a bit baggier though Johns belly still pushed through and was evident though less noticeable. Dan suggested that they go get lunches so the four boys went and had a large lunch talking for hours all talk about weight gain gone while constant snacking. In fact it got to 5 in the afternoon before they noticed the time. Dan and James suggested just staying through to dinner so they did just that, talking about their glory days. It got to 8 pm before they headed back to Dan and James dorm room to watch a movie and mess around. Dave noticed a photo of the four of them after a swimming session grinning and poses ridiculously. Dave looked enviously at his past selves rippled stomach and taut chest, the image of a good athlete. He looked down and saw the belly that covered his abs with fat and sighed what had happened to him. Dan peered over his shoulder and commented that 36 pounds would do that.
Dave sighed and out the photo down before sitting self-conscious that his belly overlapped his jeans slightly. James asked what they wanted to watch to which Dan replied to let the new fatties decide. Constantly snacking the two boys filled their ripped bodies with all types of shitty junk food while the two fatties resisted for about half an hour before going mad eating everything in arms reach. Eventually John and Dave let leaving Dan and James to go to bed for the next day was the first of classes. Dan commented that he felt slightly sick and bloated, he took his shirt off to reveal and hard as rock stomach poling out with abs clearly defined. James jokes that he was getting Johns body type to which they all laughed for a few minutes about. Like he wasn't as fat as Dave obviously but he had to get extra points for how much he jiggled. Eventually they went off to sleep. The next day was uneventful despite doing different courses they shared a few basic classes and found themselves completely starving half way through the morning; they raided a vending machine before marching off to class. They continued for a few weeks with the boys constantly peckish. They hung out with Dave and John though John was often busy with coursework. They made a small effort to exercise but just couldn't get pumped and excited so eventually slowly stopped the frequency of their exercise. Dave and John despite their best intentions were still expanding slowly and Dave who had been 196 pounds was creeping towards the milestone of 200 pounds with barely a change in appearance. In fact John had been putting on weight faster than Dave; he was now ashamed to say he had gained another 9 pounds in two months putting him at over 150.
Now that he was getting bigger more of the weight was going to areas other than his stomach which despite growing larger was looking more in proportion to the soft baby man boobs growing out of his once flat chest. However the two fit boy's weight had crept ever so slightly. Dan had put on only 2 pounds on his 6 foot one frame taking him to 162 from his original weight of 160 and looked pretty much the same, though James had noticed that his abs may have been slightly less defined they were still visible and all of his clothes still fitted perfectly. James had put on slightly more around 3 on his 5 foot 11 frame taking him to 158 and like Dan he looked pretty much identical though his slight softening was a little more noticeable. Dan had noticed to a little bit of amusement that Dan's six pack had faded noticeably and only a light four pack was viable when he wasn't breathing in. All in all though the boy's metabolisms had had a perhaps last hurrah in keeping weight off despite the fattening lifestyle. John was becoming increasingly concerned in his increasingly fast weight gain, with no muscle all he was gaining was flab and was finding himself out of breath ridiculously often.
He had popped buttons off his favourite shirts because they simply could not contain all of him anymore. He had even developed small stretch marks on the underside of pale gut. He refused to go shopping for bigger clothes convinced he was going to start losing weight but he didn't and he clothes got more comical by the pound. The boys were amazed at how fat their friends were getting, completely oblivious to the small changes that had occurred to them. One afternoon a few weeks later John finally announced he was going swimming to try to lose some weight, Dan and James agreed to come alone and finally convinced Dave to come alone to. John announced he was determined to shed the paunch. They went into the change room to get dressed and stripped to get changed. Dan and James had put on a little bit more weight in the weeks gone by and it was finally starting to be slightly noticeable.
They still had hard stomachs but their six packs had faded mostly to only slight hints when they weren't tensing, their hard chests had softened slightly but that was hardly noticeable. James slightly more than Dan had lost a little bit of definition on his arms and legs but all in all boys still looked fit, though not like hard athletes. Nevertheless they removed their clothes with all the confidence in the world completely blind to the slight softness that had crept over them. . Any small loss of definition paled in comparison to the sight of Dave and John stripping. The two boys had put on even more weight, Dave had soared past 200 pounds and it showed clearly on his waistline as he pulled off his fitted shirt. John had put on a few more pounds taking him to around 160, over 35 pounds from his swimming days and around 20 pounds in a few months.
His gluttonous middle pushed out as he undid the straining buttons on his shirt. Dave joked that he was torturing those buttons and should just buy new clothes. John shook his head and grabbed his belly stating that he didn't need to cause he was going to lose his gut. Dan snorted and commented that he had been saying that for a month and had only gotten fatter faster than ever. Dave ignored the comment and started squeezing into his swimming outfit. With his back to them his fat arse jiggled and resisted the now ridiculously tight swimmers. The meant to be skin-tight fabric was straining incredibly so and caused John to look fatter than he actually was due to how unflattering it was. His belly had even done the hang down roll obscuring the top quarter of the suit. Dan loudly swore at the sight and James commented that he looked like an enormous flabby marshmallow. John told them both to shut up and that anyway he wasn't as fat as Dave. Dave had changed into a similar swimming outfit and though tight it was fitted right. Dan reckoned they looked about even now, he patted Johns pale belly and commented they he had caught up. John argued and said that he was only 160 pounds while Dave was over 205 but Dan responded that Dave had weighed more to begin with and proportionally it was about the same.
James sitting down sighed and said that John was out of control and would soon overtake Dave at this rate. Dave looked like an athlete who had gotten very fat Dan explained to which Dave sighed at but John looked like a skinny kid who had put on tons of weight in a very short time. John scowled but started packing up his things to get ready to swim. Dan and James looked at each other and sighed. James was sitting on a bench leaning forward and waiting to go and Dan was alarmed to see a small fat deposit inching ever so slightly over James jammers, in this position it was clear that James had put on a little bit of weight. Nothing significant but Dan decided not to comment on it. John continued to pack up and eventually all four boys went to go do laps. They walked past a group of girls who giggled slightly when Dave rubbed his belly slightly; he blushed and looked away, use to getting sighs of approval. They slipped into the water and started swimming. Dan and James swam decently though it was obvious that they had lost a fair chunk of their fitness, wheezing after a short time period. It was nothing in comparison to Dave and John though.
John especially could barely get a lap out before stopping and gasping for air. Dave wasn't as bad, underneath the fat he still had a bit of muscle which not only stopped him looking downright flabby and soft as John but meant he could do a couple of laps, soon enough though he was gasping for air hands on his hips looking unhappily at the gut that pushed through the water in front of him. He ran through the water to the end of the land completely out of breath. John was already there his elbows resting on the side his back the wall completely out of breath. His pale belly half submerged in the water moving quickly with breaths. John complained to Dave that he was just so out of shape. Dave agreed and grabbed his belly and shook it annoyed at how unfit he has become. With Dan and James off still swimming they two fat boys bitched to each other about how annoyed they were at getting fat. John admitted he was almost frightened at how quickly he was ballooning and couldn't stop it. Dave admitted that he was concerned at the rate that John was packing it on. John looked down at his gut and sighed unhappily. Eventually Dan and James pulled up out of breath and asked why the two fatties weren't swimming. Dan poked Dave's soft chest. They two fatter boys sighed and announced that they were done.
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Gaiajanice 8 years
Well after quite a while here is the latest chapter smiley
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
What a pleasant contribution to the whole ex-jock getting fat sub-genre! I hope you will re-visit this and perhaps write some more. I would love to see more of your writing!
BS Writer 10 years
I hope there's going to be more to this.
Gaiajanice 10 years
Hey built4com4t. You're right I will do better paragraphs but I wrote most of it on a phone so its easy to forget haha. As for the female ffa I am not attracted to females at all and don't think I would be able to write a female gain very well haha. Its just not my thing. Thank you for the constructive critism though. Thanks to everyone else I can't believe this has been seen over 3500 times. I feel like a celebrity with the lovely messages I have been getting.
Built4com4t 10 years
could use some paragraphs and a female ffa or two ;-)
Drstrange 10 years
More please!!!
BS Writer 10 years
Well then I need more chapters faster.

But seriously great job so far. It's really well paced and well written so if it takes some time to get where it needs to go I'm patient. Well, patient but incredibly eager for more.
Gaiajanice 10 years
Haha Bsfan, its not for a few more chapters but its definitely coming
BS Writer 10 years
I'm hoping James and Dan get fat and the girls they've been flirting with humiliate them.
Gaiajanice 10 years
BTW I would love love comments and ideas