More than one way to fill a cat

  By Slim

Chapter 5 - critical mass

"It makes people fat." I immediately regretted what I had just said. All their eyes opened at once. I felt a jab as it pierced into my belly, and at the same time, my mouth was being opened and the tube from my beer bong put in. Sickeningly sweet beer flowed in, swelling my gut and practically ending my consciousness.
"John? My god, what did they do to you? You're... huge!" I was awake, but there was something over my head. She pulled it off, and I looked down. Huge belly and 6 empty liters of vegetable oil, and the wrappers of 2 packs of at least 20 hot dogs each immediately stood out to me. My stomach seemed to be covered in some kind of lotion, and it felt more or less numb. I was thankful for that. I looked at her then.
Her pajama pants were now untied, and seemed very low on her, the strings held down and at least partially obscured by overhanging fat. Her hoody, once extremely baggy, now showed her every curve. "You look good, though." I was immediately popping wood looking at her, making a tent of my sweat pants. She smiled at me.
"Get up. Let's get something to eat." She helped me up, and we played something like dress-up, trying to find clothes that fit and looked a bit more presentable. As we were about to leave, Anna suddenly shoved me into the bathroom. "On the scale. Now." I didn't even want to know. Luckily, my belly stuck out too much for me to see the number anyway. "That settles it. Buffet time." I shrugged. It sounded good. I realized with something of a shock that the virus was working, and I was having a pretty good time of this. In fact, I felt great. I felt my softer middle, and then decided I actually did want to know. I looked at her.
"Forty pounds. In about 2 weeks. Not bad." Two weeks?! I had been practically unconscious being stuffed silly for 2 weeks? And FORTY pounds?! If I wasn't already so eager to go to the buffet, I might have fainted.
"Alright, now your turn." I stepped off the scale and tried to move her onto it. She refused. She said she wanted to play a game. We'd both guess at each other's weight, and whoever was closest got to dominate the other for the day. I knew she hadn't gained as much as me. "One fifty.... five."
"Nope. Guess its my turn today." she grinned and slapped my belly, which wobbled for several seconds afterwards.
"That isn't fair. You weighed me and didn't guess." She smiled a devious smile.
"Deal with it. Should have been more dominant in the first place. Now I want you to go put those sweat pants back on, as the pants your in are just going to burst, and go take 3 of each tablet." I sighed, knowing she wasn't going to give this up easily, and did what she said. I was glad she chose a smaller number of tablets. I was getting a little tired of spending my life blacked out. Still, she drove to the buffet, as even 3 made me feel too drowzy and hungry to be comfortable driving. Though of course if she wasn't willing to drive, I'd risk it for the buffet.
We arrived there to find the parking lot fairly full, and the inside packed. When I tried to ask for 2 buffet orders, I was very surprised to be told that no, they would not serve us their buffet anymore. They literally told us we ate too much. That is to say, they told Anna, because I had stepped out of line to begin filling a plate already. She came over to me and tried to get me to stop, but I was apparently just in eating mode, no longer capable of doing much else. Apparently this made her quite angry. I found this out a while later, when I came too, tied up in a chair, feeling stuffed beyond belief and incredibly fat. I had always been skinny, so the feeling of my flesh oozing between places, filling spaces... it was foreign, but the virus made it all feel like sex.
"I see you're awake now. About time. You can't imagine how hard it was to cover up for you acting like an animal there. We can't ever go back, and you know that was my favorite place." I looked up, groggily, and saw she was standing in front of me with some sort of machine there. I started to open my mouth to reply, but she instantly silenced me. "No, I don't want to hear it. If I can't take you there, we'll have to do the next best thing." She pulled something out of her pocket. "Probably should learn to clean up your internet history, too." As she leaned in with it, I saw it was a syringe. What the hell would more of that stuff do? She pumped the entire thing into me. The earlier one had been split in half. Worried, I saw her turn to the machine. Noted that it had a very large plastic bag filled with a yellowish, clear liquid. "Open your mouth for the airplane." she demanded, grinning. I refused, and she stomped on my foot, and the second I let out a cry of pain, I felt this tube sliding into my mouth. "Look up. Don't want to damage anything in there." I looked up, and instantly she began to shove the tube down my throat. My eyes welled with tears from the pain, and I groaned a few times, but quickly found I couldn't speak. "Now be sure to tell me when you're full." She grinned, hit a switch on the machine, turned and walked away, out of my sight. I tried to get her attention with my moans and groans, all the noises I could make right then and as close as I could come to telling her I was already full, but a loud pump came on, and quickly I could feel large amounts of the yellowish liquid squirting into my stomach. I squirmed, tried to break the ropes, tried everything I could think before I began to feel drowzy and pass out. My last thought was literally, "I'm going to die, being burst open by my girlfriend. That'll be a closed-casket."
I woke up to the feeling of the tube being pulled from my mouth, and then the sensation of incredible pain in my belly, and instantly a sensation of deep contentedness. I felt so good it was all I could do not to thank her. This wasn't a time for that. Revenge was at hand. "Get up." she said, roughly. I tried to stand, and instantly noted new weight in pretty much every direction, but especially my belly. It stuck out like that of a pregnant woman, and my moobs were about as impressive. I groaned looking at myself. I never thought I would look like that. Struggling to stand up, I did something desperate.
"One sixty three." I said, not sure where the number came from in my head. Instantly, her look changed. Suddenly there was something there, a kind of fear or worry. "Oh, come on, it won't be that bad. I'm actually enjoying this." I said, patting my belly.
"Me too" she said, putting her hands on mine on my belly. She looked deep into my eyes. I was pretty sure I knew what she was doing.
"Uh uh. 4 of both. And bring me the other syringe you ordered and have been hiding." Somehow I was sure she hadn't just gotten one. She was too into this, and had too much of a tendency to buy and hoard extra of pretty much everything. By her expression, I knew the tables had been turned. She walked away, I presumed to do what I had said, and left me tied up. "***." I said to myself.
She came back with a troubled expression, holding the syringe and 8 white tablets. "Untie me." I demanded. She did, and I still struggled to stand, even being able to use my arms to help lift my bulk. "Jesus Christ, what did you do to me?"
"No, it was rhetorical. Now inject yourself. With all of it. It's about time you felt this good too." She looked at me, shocked, and looked down at the syringe, seemingly more afraid now. "Go on. We've got a lot to do today. You're going to need bigger clothes, and I might as well get some things that fit, too." That seemed to relax her. Clothes shopping was the magic concept that got her to inject the entire contents of that syringe. "Let's get to the computer. We need to order some pizzas fast before we get to clothes shopping."

Epilogue or for the next part: The virus has worn off, and as it wears off on Bill first, he realizes it and quickly obtains more for Anna. He begins to lose weight and return to his former athletic shape, but Anna continues to guess his weight right at least a few times a month, and stalls the process. She, however, will have enjoyed packing on almost 200 pounds in the next year. The company producing the tablets that prevent fat from being burned for energy will have released a new line that selectively targets certain areas of the body, allowing every ounce to go to the breasts, or belly, or ass, as the user desires. They both enjoy the experience, but in the end, stop using supplements, enjoying seeing how devoted their partners are as they pack themselves past full for their lover. Bill manages to maintain a stable weight of around 220, soft enough for Anna, though not always stuffed full enough for her tastes. Bill enjoys Anna's fluctuations down to 180 and up to 280, questioning how any man can become bored with a woman when the beauty of any one can take so many different forms.
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Slim 10 years
Any thoughts on the epilogue, beyond that it needs to be more fleshed out? Anybody have strong feelings as to who should be dominant in this relationship?
FrecherTyp 10 years
wow great ;-) hehe and those interesting pills and set up with the more then one girl was very hmmm let´s say interesting ;-) i would very love to read even more of how this poor lucky guy will deal with his changes ;-) and what chance he has around so many temptations ^^
Bobbyfad 10 years
A next part would be aweosme with this story. Either way, great!