The machiavellian diet

  By Slim

Chapter 3 - just deserts

"Who are you?" she realized her voice sounded obviously pained.
"I'm the prince, silly girl. And.. are you sucking in your belly?" She suddenly discovered she had been! Oh no! It hadn't made much of a difference, only really pulling her belly button upwards about half an inch, as she no longer had any abs to speak of, and even if she did, they were so far behind a thick layer of fat that their movements were invisible. Still, he had noticed.
"I'm sure you've been warned about that. Surprised you'd want to be punished so soon after a meal, but so have it. You're the ambitious type." He turned and walked out. Several men came in just after him, one with a funnel and a hose, and the other with a large barrel. One grabbed her by the jaw and forced her mouth open, the other put the funnel in, and she watched in horror, not wanting to fight against them, as they connected the hose to the barrel, and hoisted the barrel up. Beer began flowing through, and her eyes watered instantly as the carbonation pushed against her already-full belly. She felt flushed in the face, and by the time they were done, she felt ready to pop, and very drunk. Then the grate lifted, and a large plate of sausages was put out. She felt the chain began to tug, and saw the men turn to leave. She tried to dive at the sausages, but just fell on them drunkenly. She began to eat them as fast as she could, but her stomach simply had no room left. She felt she was about to puke, and just knew that would get her punished even more. She felt herself vomit and faint at about the same time, her last thought being, "Oh no, I'm falling in it."
She woke on a fancy sofa in a luxurious palace. Looking around her, she saw countless guards and servants going about various orders. She heard a familiar voice approaching, speaking with guards, and turned to see the prince.
"My princess, how are you feeling?" he asked, bowing to me.
"Why would you call me that?" Brina demanded.
"I.. I... My apologies, your majesty." he dropped to his knees.
"That's it. Guards! Seize this man!" and immediately several men around her grabbed his arms from several angles. "I want this man subjected to everything to which I am subjected. In the name of the people!" The guards cheered, and the prince looked confused, terrified. "I hope you enjoyed your role. I'll have to find a new prince. All I asked you to do was to make me fat and humiliate me for it, and you couldn't even do that. Pathetic." She turned her back on him, noticing the buffet just behind her, and beginning to eat.
"Don't do this to me! Please! I have a family!" he cried to her, as the guards dragged him away.
"Every single calorie, guards! If you're in doubt about one, give him two." They shouted their affirmatives and ayes, and she continued to stuff her belly, half wondering why she was doing it, half wondering why she would do it to her half-brother. Just then, she felt a tug on her belly rings, despite being in a fancy dress. She looked down, and saw the chain taught, held by an old man she had never seen before. "Careful, old man. You're holding royal property." she advised him, hoping he was too old and weak to be able to do any damage to it anyway. Just then, she saw something like lightning bolt across the chain from his hand right into her belly. She just stared at him, and was suddenly filled with the most incredible hunger she had ever felt. He just grinned at her, missing a few teeth. He dropped the chain, and immediately, she found herself spinning around, looking for the closest source of food. She ravaged the buffet for several hours, frighting many of her people as she ate unto oblivion, finally passing out under a prohibitively heavy belly full of food.
Once, the people had been proud of their thin, beautiful princess. There was nothing left of that, encased in a solid layer of fat. She woke up, and tried to sit. Her belly was still too swollen for this to be possible, so she tried to stand. She was having difficulty, when she felt a tug at her belly rings, and was pulled to her feet by them.
"That's the real purpose for them, princess. Safety first." she heard a chuckle, and saw the strange old man before her. "But we're a bit beyond initial purposes." he tugged at the chain and turned, and began walking. "Really, this is about a revolution. The people knew what you wanted, and they knew you have no clue what they want. So, here you go." she was led to a large building on the outskirts of town, and immediately she smelled pigs. This was hot. She was getting her money's worth now.
Princess Brina was led naked past throngs of her people, all of them jeering at her, mocking her for her heft, claiming she had eaten the kingdom's food. At one point, brass rings were being thrown at her, and after the pelting, she looked at who had done it. A large group of very angry, very obese women shouted at her for the cruel treatment done to them on her orders, merely because she desired the same done to her. She saw "the prince", no longer well dressed and no longer exactly skinny, at least for the time being, and then was led into a pen with nothing but pigs. A stake was put deep into the ground, and her chain affixed to it. She found she could reach the troughs, and headed to it. Townspeople began rushing up to throw food at her and in the trough, and she and the pigs began to eat, delighted.
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Nok 10 years
awesome twist man. Good writing.