Little girl lost 4

chapter 3

Besides he had fallen for this small, delightful woman and knew now he would do everything in his power to keep her with him. ""Ok, gratitude gratefully accepted. I have all the tools you'll need and most of the materials. In fact most of the lumber we can mill on site. This will be fun and I can use a work off some of this blubber I'm carrying."

She got a sly look in her eye...."well before we start doing any of that, I'm going to enjoy what I've got here..." and with that she disappeared under the covers...

He gasped as he felt her cold hands on him, a surprising contrast to the warm softness of her breasts.

She explored his large belly with her hands, kissing it as she went. The next thing he felt was her warm breath on his growing manhood and her moist lips sucking on his inner thigh. Her hair tickled his legs and the suspense was driving him mad.

He rolled to his back and spread his thighs for her, his arousal quickly rising as he felt her probe and prod and gently massage the soft fat there.

She wanted him...she couldn't wait any longer. This huge man caused something inside her to come alive. Something she had thought she would never feel again. Pushing her hands up under his excessive overhang, raising it, she wrapped her lips around his manhood and started gently, hearing a small moan come from him. She wasted no time in getting rough with him.

He felt more than saw his soft belly sack move on him, then her small warm lips, soft as rose petals, slip over his throbbing member. He gasped as she took him deep into her mouth and reaching down he gently held her head between his hands as she moved against him, her head butting up against his underbelly. He raised his knees and spread himself wider for her, opening himself up to her. "Oh lord," he moaned, the way you play my body makes me want to grow fatter, my belly bigger."

Her hand took over for her lips for a few moments. "Then that's what we'll do baby....we'll make you grow until you can't see me do this at all.." She moved back down below his belly and resumed her teasing with her hand squeezed his scrotum like a vice grip and she sucked him hard. Bill started to move...part of him trying to get away and another part trying to get closer to her.

Bill felt his climax nearing, unable to stop he tried to hold her head still. He was surprised at how strong she was, but he knew he was stronger. Concentrating hard, he squeezed his legs together tightly, and pinned her between his large thighs. Holding her tight and with a deep grunt heaved himself over, rolling her onto her back. He thrust her legs wide smiling at her surprise as he split her, pinning her shoulders to the bed with his hands. "My turn," he smiled down at her, her breasts large and full, shuddered on her chest as he overpowered her.

A moan escaped her as he leaned over her. His belly spilled over her and she grabbed his sides.."use me baby...."

He let his climax ebb as he held himself over her, loving the feel of his underbelly moving against her flat belly. He could just feel the underside of her breasts against the top of his hanging abdomen as he leaned forward to kiss her, finally flattening under his massive softness as he nuzzled her neck. "You're mine now, my prisoner for the rest of your life, so get used to it." He felt her twist her pelvis to allow penetration but he held the tip away from her throbbing maidenhood. "I can tease too," he whispered, rolling his soft body fat side to side over her, her thighs pressing the relaxing against the outside of his.

The movement made her squirm..the weight of his soft silky belly running over her maidenhood was pushing her arousal over the edge. His lips connected with her neck again and chills broke out over her body. "Please baby...please...I need you" She barely managed to breathe out the words as she arched up under him. One hand dug into his side while the other grabbed onto the head board to give her leverage.

"Cum for me my little lost girl, cum for your old fat man," he whispered, gently but firmly pushing into her. He heard her gasp and her body arch again as his shaft slid into her, splitting her, his warm soft pubic fat molding against her firm smooth maidenhood.

"'re not're perfect. And mine.." He pushed against her, raising and lowering his belly onto her small frame. "Oh Bill...yes..YES! Punish me..make me your prisoner!! Trap me..." She was twisting under him, her cries echoing in the large room.

He smiled, accepting the truth as she saw it and loved her even more. He took his time now, letting her arousal mount, feeling her, gauging her body's response to his pulsing cock as he slid his thick shaft in and out of her spasming, slippery wet cleft. Long deep strokes followed by short quick strokes, the very tip of his member pushing in and out of the tight "O" of her orifice. "I will punish you my sweet lover by making you cum over and over for me until you are a shivering empty husk drained dry of all your love juices.

She answered him with a moan and latched her mouth onto one of his almost womanly breasts. He gasped in surprise and shuddered. The motion of his belly pushed her over the edge and she reached her climax. She dug into him with her fingers and let out a loud moan around her mouthful of his fat. But he wasn't done with her. He grabbed her legs and forced them up to his shoulders. He reached under her pillow and pulled out a vibrator he had picked up with just this occasion in mind. Turning it on he placed it against her tender womanhood. The sensation immediately had her shaking. He pressed his belly back into her, preventing her from reaching down and stopping the small vibrating machine from rolling her with orgasm after orgasm. It would stay there until he decided otherwise.

He had full view of her shaved vagina, it's pristine smoothness now glistening with her juices. He slid the thrumming vibrator around the pulsing lips of her labia, her inner thighs and then spiraling back. He was milking her, catching her warm juices in one hand as the other played the tool over her womanhood. He felt her shudder under him as she came over and over, gushing warmly as the soft pad circled her erect clitoris.

She shook and looked up into his eyes with her wide blue ones. "I love take me, finish me. Now."

He took that as an indication of her pleasure and complied. Drinking deep from his hand her warm, salty/sweet juices he had collected, he flipped her over until she was on her hands and knees. Kneeling between her legs and centering his belly on the small of her back he reached under and with some difficulty guided his throbbing shaft again into her welcoming vagina, feeling an almost sucking sensation as she thrust back into his pubic fat taking him deep inside her. "Consider yourself being taken," he whispered as he thrust. And leaning over and reaching either side, caught and massaged her heavy, hanging breasts, milking her with long deep strokes, feeling them shudder and sway beneath her at every thrust.

Her head tilted back like a mounted mare as he used her to work towards his own release...he couldn't stop. He wanted her and he was going to make her his own.

The feel of her magnificent hanging softness in his hands, the feel of his shaft deep inside her, the softness and warmth of her sensuous round butt against his thighs at every stroke and lastly the site of his huge soft belly rolling out in front of him, supported by her strong back all combined to push him over the edge. The explosion built and built, swelling his groin in a white hot burst of sheer pleasure as he released in a throbbing gush of his essence, filling her with his hot rich juices. Gasping he collapsed next to her, his body shaking from the massive orgasm he had experienced.


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Chub41ub 10 years
holy crap! i'm shaking in pleasure it's so good- please, don't stop! ^//^
Liz Blue BBW 10 years
Yum indeed...and yes, more please
Badhansel 10 years
In a word, yes! Another fine piece of work
- thanks!
FrecherTyp 10 years
take amd let her live at my home i mean not the other taking .....ohoh
FrecherTyp 10 years
i want to have such a girl !!!! and ok i would let her make me get that belly , too i guess ;-)

a great story overall i guess i wil read it again a few times :-) oh and really a sad story about that girl but i would take such a girl even if i not loved her .....