Fat goes viral pt. 2: the chubbening

  By Slim

Chapter 4 - icing on the face

"So what do you think about these college kids? Hardly a thin one to be seen right now. I can just imagine the price of belly tops at resale shops around here is about to plummet."
"Ooh, we should get you one of those." What could I do to end this? Oh! Food!
"You know what we should get? Lunch. Let's hit a buffet." She shuddered again, and I could see the crotch of her pantsuit had become visibly wet. This could get even more awkward, actually.. Thankfully, we actually were both hungry, and were pretty much just gorging ourselves the entire time there. I expected to have her drooling over me as I ate, maybe even touching herself, and other people staring over that, but no: they stared because we just kept eating, and eating, and came in looking like we had already eaten enough for a lifetime or two. I was so glad I had made the switch to maternity clothes; most women probably didn't need them in the first trimester, let alone their first month or so of pregnancy, but no regular pants could have survived that lunch buffet.
I announced I was done, and pushed my plate into the little remaining space left on the table(Anna had insisted that the waitresses leave all our plates until we were done, for some reason), I realized this was probably my last time sitting in a booth seat, as my belly was now touching the table even when I was seated as far back as possible. It wasn't uncomfortable, and in fact it took a bit of the weight off my back, but in a week, I probably just wouldn't fit. Anna just looked at my most recent empty plate, and then hurriedly scooped the contents of hers into her mouth. She got up, and returned with two plates heaved with soft serve ice cream.
"I think that usually goes in cones." I joked. She looked at me very seriously.
"I want them both to go in a sphere." and, setting them both down in front of me, patted my belly. Shit, I knew this was going to get weird.
"Anna, I-" She put a finger over my mouth.
"Shhh, I'm going to go get my own. We should race. Loser pays." She giggled and trotted off, jiggling heavily. I probably could have passed for pregnant even before I conceived or whatever, as my weight went so heavily into my belly and breasts, and probably my ass, too, but not much to my arms or legs. Anna's pantsuit sleeves were simply filled by her arms. Fat just hung from every part of her, and I wondered how much she had gained. And then she was back, with her own plates similarly heaped. I reached a spoon towards mine, and she put a hand in the way. "No spoons." I put the spoon down, and reached for the fork, giving her a hopeful look. She smiled and just shook her head. Oh.
So I ended up paying the bill with chocolate vanilla swirl ice cream in my hair and on my new maternity top, and for the first time in my life wanted a kid, just so I'd have an excuse for it all. I drove us back home, telling her I had lab work I needed to do, and then went to the lab and tried to figure out how to deal with Anna. I came up with nothing, but as I was leaving, I happened to notice that the mouse that had been infected a second time had gotten huge since I had last seen it. It just kind of laid by the food bowl, unable to curl up for all of the fat in the way. I reached down and felt my belly. As big and soft as it was, at least I wasn't to that point yet. Heading out of the lab, though, I felt very aware of every jiggle on my expanding body. And I stopped dead in my tracks, realizing suddenly that I enjoyed it. The *** was wrong with me? Maybe Anna and I really were the perfect couple... I shook my head. No, just because I'm crazy and she's crazier doesn't mean that's a good idea.
Arriving home, I found Kristie and Sylvia on the couch with a box of tissues between them. "Oh, no." I started. They just looked at me and nodded. "You poor things. Want me to check to see if it's a virus or if you need antibiotics?" They nodded again. I just grabbed a couple AD 36 tests now, which I was carrying with me everywhere, and.. yep, two purple squares.
"It's just a head cold. I'm afraid antibiotics won't help, but you'll be better in a few days." I truly did feel sorry for them. Both had been very athletic just a couple months ago, and now were very definably chubby. Kristie's face had rounded considerably, and her ass had gotten huge, while Sylvia seemed to be gaining very much like I was: breasts and belly. Both had stopped wearing anything revealing, in part because the weather was getting cold. They just lounged around in sweat suits all the time.
"Do you know when Anna's making dinner or what she's making?" Kristie asked. I was almost shocked by how genuinely curious she seemed about this. I must have taken too long to answer, because she continued. "Because I'm getting pretty hungry."
"We just ate lunch." Sylvia said, but sounded unsure of herself. I noted the two large pizza boxes on the table in front of them. I left them to sort it out, and went upstairs to change. I heard cheering as I finished, and went down to check it out.
"We're going to have an eating contest!" Kristie shouted at me the second my head poked out my door. Great, I thought. Just what I needed. Then Kristie's reaction hit me. What was it, a week ago she had been accusing Anna of trying to make her fat? Now she was cheering for an eating contest?
"What are we going to be eating?" I asked.
"Hot dogs." she replied, grinning, as though it was the most perfect answer ever. It actually sounded pretty good to me, but so fattening.. I didn't want to be like that mouse. And I felt a shudder escape me. Or did I?
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Slim 10 years
Mesenchymal stem cells do this. They can bud into muscle cells, bone cells, or pre-adipocytes, which can then become fat cells. Quite a few scientists believe that Adenovirus 36 and another adenovirus known as SMAM 1 target these pre-adipocytes, or the stem cells themselves, and cause them to become fat cells more frequently, instead of muscle or bone cells. Not only that, but fat cells that become much larger than normal, containing more fat, and conglomerating into larger groups.
The really interesting thing, and I haven't covered this in the story yet, but I will- people made obese by this have fairly normal blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels, and very rarely any significant levels of fat build-up in blood vessels, making them perhaps healthier in real terms than most people of normal weight.