The pie eating contest

Chapter 2 - 2

Your belly rumbled and you were in a state of near-panic as you climbed into the truck the next day. You hadn't eaten anything in 22 hours. You felt as if you were starving, starving for real. You were desperate, desperate and horny. Your boyfriend patted your huge belly.

"Just a little longer, big girl, stay with me now. I promise I'll never let you go hungry again, just stay focused a little longer."

You growled at him. "If you don't *** me the minute this is over, I'm never talking to you again."

He laughed. The moment of truth was at hand...

You could already hear the mumurs of shock when you waddled on stage.

"There's no way that's her, she's f*ckin' huge."

"Good lord, how'd she get that shirt on, half her belly is hanging out."

"My, oh my, look at all that weight she's put on, goodness that's a big girl."

"God, she's obese, she'll never lose all that weight."

The comments made you wet. These people would be eye-level to your belly when you sat down, watching you swell like a water balloon at a tap, as you chugged down pies. Your boyfriend had forced you to wear a snug button-up shirt, he could barely contain his excitement as he trussed you into it this morning. He promised you an orgasm for every button you popped.

The crowd cheered as the lovely Sally Ann glided across the stage. She was lithe and graceful and smiling to her fans.

"God, she's perfect, look how flat her belly is."

"How does she stay so thin? Just remarkable."

"She's sure to win again, though where she puts those calories, who can say?"

A few more contestants were seated. You boyfriend slid his arms around your soft middle and kissed your cheek.
"Good luck, tubby, get nice and full for me so I can have my way with you after."

You moaned. Sally Ann winked at your boyfriend and said, "Hey sexy, if you ever get tired of going fat-hoggin' every night, I'm single, and I can touch my toes no problem." The crowd laughed.

Your boyfriend turned to you and held your gaze, then smiled. He knew Sally Ann had just made a huge mistake. He kissed you once more and said the word twelve to you and stepped back behind the coaches line. Twelve was the state record Sally Ann had set two years ago.

The starting gun cracked and three pies were set in front of you. You slung your arms around all three and pulled them to you in one motion - they never had a chance. Three second later you swept the empties to the floor and barked "MORE". Three more were dropped in front of you.

"Get three more ready, NOW!"

Your spotter sprang into action and loaded his arms with three more pies. By the time he was ready to drop them, you had finished another three. Three new pies, three more empties clattered to the stage. The crowd went silent. Your belly stretched an inch. Your shorts rolled under your belly, the tight shirt stretched, biting deep into your love handles, squeezing them into grotesque, bloated loaves of pig blubber. A button popped and PING-ed off the leg of the table. You moaned, so horny, so greedy. You ached for your boyfriend. The pies kept coming in threes and clattered to the stage almost as quickly. Your belly stretched, two more buttons popped free.

The pie tins continued to fall like shell casings in a gunfight, the fourth button popped loose, your tight belly surged forward and pushed your thighs apart and quivered like a soft-boiled egg. It was packed so tight it didn't sag. The crowd gasped.

"Dear lord in heaven," one man said, "she's going to pop."

More pies came and more went. You pushed your greedy snout deep into the sweet, gooey center, rooting around like a hog, and ploughed through pie after pie. After what seemed like an eternity, you lifted your head, "BBUUUUUURRRRAAAWWWWPPPPPPP." Your belly was so swollen that when you leaned back, you pushed the table away several inches. All the other contestants had stopped halfway through and were standing around you and gawking. Your face was smeared with pie filling and your belly stuck out so far you couldn't see your knees. Your spotter was counting your empty tins and the judges shook their heads in disbelief.

"Count them again."

"That's the third time I did, Bill, it's twenty-three."

"Jesus, Carl, that's damn near double the state record."

You laid your head back and smiled. The applause was deafening. You felt your boyfriend's strong hands squeeze into your back fat and help you to your feet. You started to giggle and said,

"I guess we over did it a little with the training, sweetie."

He laughed and very , VERY tenderly rubbed your taught belly.

"That was probably the hottest thing I've ever seen. Sally Ann didn't even get through seven pies, poor little waif."
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Bradypig 10 years
I want to be her!