The pie eating contest

Chapter 3 - 3

Your boyfriend took you home and eased you onto your favorite couch. You lay on your back barely able to breathe. He put a few pillows behind you and washed your face and chest and feet with a cool cloth,then pulled off your tight shorts and got rid of what was left of your shirt. He lotioned your belly and then began lightly rubbing your clit. He ***ed you oh-so gently and murmured playful insults as he slid in and out. Even at this slow pace, you winced with every thrust. Your belly was so tight, so full, mmmm, so full. Somewhere after your second orgasm, you drifted into a blissful, weightless sleep. You could hear yourself snoring lightly but were too relaxed to care. Some time later, there was a knock at the door. It was Sally Ann.

Your boyfriend invited her in and she smiled at your beached, bloated form.

"Wow, you were amazing today," she blushed. "I just wanted to congratulate you," her face softened.

She sat in a chair next to the couch and extended her hand toward your tummy, "Can I touch it? What you did today was nothing short of spectacular. People are going to be talking about you for awhile."

You nodded to her and she put her flat palm on your belly. Her eyes filled with desire, "God, you're so round and soft. I think you're so beautiful, especially now that you've gotten big and fat. I'm sorry I teased you about your weight, I was trying to psyche you out. Secretly I loved watching you get so wonderfully big."

You smiled. A perfect victory, one you couldn't have predicted. Sally Ann was smitten and couldn't take her eyes of your swollen tummy. Then your boyfriend said something that almost made you come right there.

"Sally Ann, honey, would you like to kiss her belly and go down on her while I feed her just one more slice of pie?" Sally Ann gasped excitedly and nodded her head yes, as if speaking might break some secret spell. You turned to your boyfriend and whispered, "Oh my god, do you have any idea how much I love you."

He smiled at you and went to the kitchen. Sally Ann kissed your tight belly tenderly and squeezed your soft love handles."

"I love to be called names," you said.

She moaned and dropped her head between your fat thighs. Your boyfriend sat down and pressed part of a thick wedge of pie into your open mouth. He remained quiet and let Sally Ann enjoy you without interruption.

"Oh god, you've gotten so f*cking big," she said between inner-thigh kisses, " you naughty ***ing blimp, you should have seen yourself up there stuff ing that big fat gut in front of everyone. I couldn't even concentrate, I just kept watching you eat."

You gasped as she slithered her tongue alongside your clit. Your boyfriend pushed more pie into you. Sally Ann licked and sucked your clit and labia and slid her hand between her own thighs. "Oh f*ck, you big, flabby pig, you taste so good, mmmm, sloppy fat hog, mmmmm."

You're both so close to coming, your boyfriend pushed in more pie. Your eyes rolled back in your head, your lower belly tighted, and, at the perfect moment, he tugged your nipple gently and you came and came and came. Your moaning and wriggling, the wobbly thigh blubber, the loud chewing; Sally Ann came loudly on the heels of your loud orgasm.
Your boyfriend set down the empty plate and leaned back in his chair smiling, admiring the perfect scene. Sally Ann curled between your fat thighs like a sleeping kitten, your face once again smeared with pie. He gathered your plump hand in his and lovingly kissed each knuckle,

"We should get some sleep, champ, we start training for next year's competition tomorrow."

You giggled and drifted into sleep, knowing you'd be far too fat in another year to even make it to the competition.
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Bradypig 10 years
I want to be her!