The feedee blackmailer

Chapter 2 - feedee turns the tables

I had been out of town for about 3 months and was dying to see my fat Julie. Texting and talking on the phone was not enough. Though she had emailed some photos of herself and surely looked bigger. I had laid out a detailed eating plan for her and was happy that she was sticking to it - the fat was sticking to her for sure. Finally I was back in town - I bought a take out gourmet meal for 4 for her at an upscale grocery store, after lying to the skinny shrew wife, and sneaking out of the house. On the way into the apartment complex I was met by an older woman, probably about 50, and quite overweight. She grinned at me deviously and said, "You haven't been around lately?" "Do I know you?," I said. "No but I know you Mr. Big Time bring that fat woman food all the time. I think you are making her bigger on purpose!" "Different strokes for different folks," I growled on the way by. "You like the fat girls, really fat, I can tell, I hear you thru the walls!" she whispered. "Mind your own business - go away," I told the crone, grunted and knocked 3x on the door. Julie let me in right away and had obviously gained a whole bunch of weight over 3 months! New folds to explore everywhere, even at her knees! Most of the goo was settled in on her huge belly, the bely button now a soft cavernous hole. Her tits were also hanging lower and were much puffier. "Baby, you have really packed on the pounds, you look great!" She French kissed me as usual and guided my hands towards her drooping fat bag, now softer and more gooey than ever. "Leave your wife for real woman Jim, I am your fat secret." Julie cooed fondling my package. Julie then surprised me by dropping to her knees, the fat belly bag piling up on the floor in front of her, and giving me a tremendous blow job. She swallowed every drop of cum and licked her fat ruby lips clean, then grinning at me with a knowing smile. "What was that for?," I asked, "That was great!" "Well Jim I have a surprise, and I'll tell you while I eat!" So she tucked right into a dozen white cream filled powdered sugar donuts, licking each off her lips like it was my cum, and by the time she got to donut #12, told me the news. "First, I am up to 500 pounds, and Jim do you remember the last time we made love where you came like a fire hose so very deep inside me?" I nodded. "You got me pregnant that night," she said smiling deviously. "I quit the pill a couple months ago, and I tricked you into breeding me." I was stunned. She continued, "And unless you leave that skinny bitch wife of yours, this little secret in my big fat belly is going to come out to the whole county! I am tired of being your fat whore, I want to be your wife, your one and only woman!" I was reeling. How would the Camber of Commerce, the church, the Bar Association, my Country Club, my friends, my wife, react to the news that I had a 500 pound tub of goo as a kept woman! "Jim I have copies of your calorie records and your measurement and weight files of me ready to mail to all your associates. They will find out what a sick chubby chaser you are, trying to make me so big and fat that I am immobile!" I gasped, staring at my fat creation before me, blushing. "What will they think, Jim?" I stuttered, nothing came out. She continued, "But it doesn't have to be bad Jim - just think of how fat pregnancy is going to make me, I am really going to blow up bigger now, and the baby weight will NEVER leave me!" She grabbed and shook her rolls. My cock stirred, despite the shock of the news. "I promise to get bigger for you Jim," she said reaching out and stroking my cock, moving it towards her huge belly button and rubbing the head on her fat. "H-h-ow big will you get?" I stammered. "As Big as you want Jim, so fat that I will waddle into restaurants in town with skimpy too-small clothes, rolls hanging out and people will stare, so fat that they think a whale is at the Country Club pool. You will French kiss me in public and rub my rolls in public and order me HUGE meals out in public. 600 pounds, Jim, of pure fat hanging off my frame for you to *** and suck any way you want," she smiled triumpantly now. "W-w-ill you consider immobility?," I whispered. She laughed, her beautiful luxourious triple chin shaking..."Not right away, FIRST I want everyone in the county to know that I am your public sow, your gooey blubbery breed sow, your fat, gelatenous wife of choice! Just like I chose to blow up into a huge pig for you because I love you, you must publically choose me! But, if you marry me and take great care of me, and my every whim, I evenutally will fatten up and be immobile for you so you can spray my fat tub of goo gut with your cum while I lay in bed and eat more donuts! As lazy as I am there is no way I can avoid that path." I considered - my skinny wife was worthless and I had been hiding the secret too long. Sneaking into the apartment, seen by at least some people anyway. Finally I said, "You are mine Julie, I will divorce and pay the bitch off. I will marry you my fat queen - C'mon, we've got to take you clothes shopping for your new size!" Pulling my hand towards the bedroom she cooed, "Wait lover, my fat pussy needs some cock." And that night I pounded her from behind and sprayed a huge load into her already pregant womb. Can't wait to take her hand a have her huge, blubbery mass waddling down Main Street next to me in size 50 Daisy Dukes, her eating a triple ice cream cone. "You'll need a motor scooter soon," I said as I rammed her and came inside her. "Ohhhhhh Jimmy I hope so soon, I am so tired of walking....." she moaned and came.
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Planb 10 years
nice story but please use paragraphs next time, just having it as one block of text makes it harder to read.
Fatlilboy 10 years
Love the story - but what is with the older woman?
Nok 10 years
Love breeder fetish stuff. Hot mix.