To be loved: ezra & bella

Chapter 4 - part 2 chapter 1

She woke up to not only a pressure on her left side but on her lower belly as well. She groaned, opening her eyes. His long frame curved around her, his lips snuggled by her ear. His left hand rested on her still slightly bloated belly. She moved her right hand over her soft upper belly, feeling the effects of the night before. She grasped it, fondled it, lifted it up and felt it's weight.

"Good morning love" he whispered in her ear. His voice was husky yet calm and coherent enough to assume that he had not just woken up. He rubbed her lower belly gently, motioning his hand back and forth across her vast domain of a gut, his fingers curving the bottom and tickling her V spot.

"What are you thinking about?" She said, arching herself into his hand.

"You know what I'm thinking about" he mumbled.

"Besides sex, sports and methods to make me fatter than I already am...I have no idea" She smirked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ha, funny Bella" he sighed. She was not use to this man that laid beside her. This somber, depressed person did not compare to the energetic, smile-worthy stallion that would already be up making breakfast.

"You will be fine. I will be there right beside you - I'll be your support babe. Relax." she said kissing his lips.

"I'm just so nervous. Everytime I think about this...I cannot handle this reunion today Bella" he pulled his hands up and grazed them through his hair.

She pulled up from under him, lifting her heavy body off the bed and getting on all fours before sweeping her pillowy thighs over his muscular torso. Her post-stuff belly overflowed onto his chest.

He was mesmerized, "Well hello there" he said breathlessly, surprised by the weight and her sudden bravery. He caressed her belly, grabbing her upper belly and jiggling it, letting it drop onto her ballooned lower belly and picking it up again. He looked up into her big brown eyes, her chocolate-brown wavy hair accentuating her round face and double chin. She looked away blushing, fumbling with her hands.
He knew how she was, how she was not the most accepting of her fat body. She had those days when she was perfectly comfortable with the weight and then other days when something like not fitting into a booth at a favorite restaurant would ruin her.

She had not known about "feederism" before she met him several years ago but soon took the role of a feedee without the official name. She'd rather go through the motions without any connotations being attached.

"Are you hungry?" she mumbled, her head down.

He lifted her double chin with his finger, "For you, always". She rolled her eyes, smacked him on the shoulder and giggled.

Her giggle sent ripples of jiggling soft flesh from head to toe. He could feel his dick harden and so could she. "Theres my boy! So happy you could join us." he mused.

"Psh! Let's get up Ezra. I have no idea what time it is but I'll make breakfast" she huffed as she got off the bed.

She walked towards the bathroom as he hollered the time to her "Its 1:40, we are suppose to be at the house at 4 this evening"

"Dammit. I'll just eat when I get there!"

"Oh no you won't. We'll be late if we have to..But I'm going to make sure that belly of yours is full before we get there; that will put some peace to my mind at least" He snuck up behind her and wrapped his hands around her, his hands grasping her hanging belly.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

He watched her as she struggled to get into every piece of clothing she put on.

"Ugh!" she puffed, trying to pull the jeans over her broadened hips. "I know I've been wearing sweats for the past month but my gosh, I just bought these!"

"Love grows" was his response. He pulled her jeans up as she pushed her belly in. He buttoned it after a full 5 minute tug-o-war with the zip.

"I feel like if I put one crumb in my mouth, not even down my throat - this button will bust!"
"We can always find out" he winked at her as he grabbed the keys off the nightstand.
32 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 5 years
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Theswordsman 5 years
Love it
Bigbellybeauty 9 years
I long for a relationship like Bella and Ezra's. I love the dominant attitude Ezra has towards Bella
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Part 5, chapter 2 -- oh my! Just when I think this story can't possibly get any better, you prove me wrong. Nicely done throughout!
LadyAdelaide 9 years
I like the character development, not something you see everyday. This was beautifully written.
Bigbellybeauty 9 years
In all honesty, stories like this are the best on this website. They have so much thought and imagination put into them so they can become something for than just your typical fetish story. I really do appreciate that.
Rawrbaby 9 years
I'm understanding everyone's frustration with the last chapters - while some, not so much (Yea, some supporting folks). I must remind everyone that this is simply a "fantasy" and (one that often mirrors my mood), there will be an enjoyable ending (for most I hope). I do think I took a leap of faith with the last chapters. For in every good story, there is always some struggle to overcome - I do want this story to be real(listic), to be more than just a "hot" fetish read. Overall, I do appreciate the feedback whether it be positive or negative as I seek to find a middle ground. (Thank you - my rant is over lol)
Feedher3000 9 years
I hate to say this but I really loved this story.. But it seems to have gone off in a different direction.... Kinda depressing....
Bigbellybeauty 9 years
This is my favorites story right now! I love it so much.
Feedher3000 9 years
That would be hot!