To be loved: ezra & bella

Chapter 6 - part 2 chapter 2

"I don't remember there many steps" she huffed as they made their way up the steps to the doorway.

"Take your time." He was tense again. She held onto his hand partially for support and partially to ease him.

"I knew stopping at that place *pant* was a mistake" she complained, she was a few steps behind him.

"EZRA!! YOU MADE IT!" His hand gripped hers ever so tightly as Rachel nearly jumped onto him.

"Its so good to see you! Oh my gosh! Look at my lil' bro! You're so tall!" she beamed at him, tears in her eyes. The last time she saw him, he was 19; now he's 23.

He smiled in response, his hand crushing Bella's. "Oh and Bella!" she poked her head around his tall frame.

"Give me a hug sista! How have you been?! We need to catch up, its been awhile!" Rachel wrapped her arms around Bella's wide frame.

"I've been good, really good." she caught her breath, smiling. "I can see" Rachel winked at her.

"Come on in! Everyone's already inside!" They followed her into the familiar home - his childhood home.

Everyone was scattered around the large opened living room. Pictures of the family were still in the same places - baby pictures, toddler pictures. Pictures of a heavy Ezra through middle school and of an even heavier Ezra through High School. Screams of joy were sounded from Kim, tears from Rachel, hugs from his mother, and a handshake from his father.

"I've missed you so much Ezra. And you Bella, Why haven't we kept in touch?!" Kim questioned, Rachel nodded in agreement.

"Well, I've just been so busy you see." she mumbled nervously. Really it wasn't being busy, it was simply due to the fact that Ezra would rather her not.

They all sat on the couches surrounding a huge coffee table full of cookies, cheese and crackers, drinks. Ezra kept grabbing cookies, offering them to Bella just to be rejected and instead ate them himself.

"Aren't you hot Bella? You can take off the jacket - the jacket rack is over there" Kim pointed.

"No no! I'm fine honestly" she fumbled with her hands.

The bantering continued as Ezra's mother pulled out a stack of photos.

"These are the photos I took on my trip to Italy. It was great - the food, the hotel, the scenery." All the girls gushed as if on cue with each other.

"Mom, You looked amazing. And who is this handsome hunk?" Kim questioned.

"Oh just some guy I met at this Italian cafe. I decided that I should take pictures of the finest things and well of course..hes a finer thing" Everyone laughed except Ezra and his father who sat there uncomfortably. Ezra's parents had already gotten a divorce.

"Ezra, you really haven't said anything since you've gotten here. This is a family reunion you know. I've missed you so much" There was the trigger. His mother seemed hurt and he couldn't understand why.

"Was this trip before or after you left your own kids to handle their alcoholic, abusive father?" he said grimacing.

"Ezra!" Rachel shouted. "Do not start that!"

"Don't start what?! I'm sick every time I walk into this house. I'm sick of keeping in contact with people who have done nothing but hurt me my whole entire life. I don't wanna act like shit never happened, like we were a perfect ***ing family! We weren't!" He shouted back.

"I couldn't stay. You know why, I couldn't handle it." His mother got defensive.

"And so we could!? You're our mother! How could a mother do something like that to her own children?! You could have taken us with you, something!" He screamed.

"Son.. don't bla-" His father began but Ezra spoke over him. "Don't even say anything to me. I have less respect for you than that woman"

Bella grabbed his arm "Stop it. Relax!". He gave her a long death stare, blinded by anger.

Ezra dropped his face into his hands, shaking. That was never a good sign of what was to come.

"I had and still am struggling with alcohol. It had nothing to do with any of you, I just had problems of my own and I took it out on you all, especially you Ezra, once your mother left - I didn't know what to do with myself. The things I've done to you, I thought I could make you into a man. I'm so sorry" He looked at everyone with the biggest apology written on his face.

"A man?! You think what you did to me was going to make me a man?!! All you've done is ruin me!" He choked out. His eyes were teary and red, his muscles tense, his body shaking.

"Baby, please" Bella begged. She hated seeing him like this.

"I'm done. We're leaving" he said. He stood up and turned to Bella.

Rachel stood up. "No no no no! You are not doing this! We have to work this out as a family!"

He nearly choked, "Family my ass. Get up Bella" He bent for her hand once again but she rejected it.

"You need to talk to them. They are willing Ezra, please" she looked up at him.

His face twisted up almost into a snarl, a sound from deep inside escaped him. He grabbed her pudgy upper arm and rooted her from the couch. "I said get up"

His strength showed as he pulled her up; she stood up reluctantly and his hands grasped the small of her back, pushing her towards the door. Her face was apologetic, she wanted to hug everyone but he was already so upset, she didn't want to push him.

"Wait Bella! We have to keep in touch, just write your number on this!" Rachel jumped around Ezra and gave Bella a pen and a piece of paper. Ezra opened the door while Bella wrote the number.
"Bye girly!" Kim and Rachel hugged her quickly.

Ezra pulled her by the arm out the door. "Let go of me" She tried to pull her arm out of his grasp but he only held on tighter. The flight of steps seemed easier this time around as she rushed to get away from him.

She heaved herself into the truck, breathless from the rush. "You're the one making this worse! Your parents are just trying to build a relationship with you and you're not letting them in."

"I love how you're taking their side! For ***'s sake, you should just be adopted into the family then!" He jabbed her in the belly.

"Why are you being like this? I'm trying to relate to you - I'm trying to help you. You're being defensive, I understand, but don't attack me!" He wasn't the open-book type and she knew it.

"You're driving me insane! I'm angry enough but for you to support them over me, its eating me up right now" He pointed at her.

"I'm not supporting anyone Ez. I want whats best for you, I care about you getting closure and you're never going to get that if you keep pushing them away!" she pleaded with him.

They stopped at a light.

He sighed, "I don't know if I'm ready"

"I understand"

He placed a hand over her soft knee, "I don't know what I'd do if you left me. You are literally holding me together right now. I need you"

She looked at him and so many emotions swelled up in her. "I'm not going anywhere. I love you" she breathe.
32 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 10 years , updated 5 years
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Theswordsman 5 years
Love it
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Part 5, chapter 2 -- oh my! Just when I think this story can't possibly get any better, you prove me wrong. Nicely done throughout!
LadyAdelaide 9 years
I like the character development, not something you see everyday. This was beautifully written.
Rawrbaby 9 years
I'm understanding everyone's frustration with the last chapters - while some, not so much (Yea, some supporting folks). I must remind everyone that this is simply a "fantasy" and (one that often mirrors my mood), there will be an enjoyable ending (for most I hope). I do think I took a leap of faith with the last chapters. For in every good story, there is always some struggle to overcome - I do want this story to be real(listic), to be more than just a "hot" fetish read. Overall, I do appreciate the feedback whether it be positive or negative as I seek to find a middle ground. (Thank you - my rant is over lol)
Feedher3000 9 years
I hate to say this but I really loved this story.. But it seems to have gone off in a different direction.... Kinda depressing....
Feedher3000 9 years
That would be hot!