The fattening bed & breakfast

chapter 2

Sara went on to tell Sandra that her and Mom use a special blend of herbs, spices, oils and butter that when used together have a synergistic effect. This combination is used in the preparation of all of the food and that it not only doubles the calories of the food but it also causes you to lose control and you will just continue to eat until stopped! Sara said that they use this same combination when they fatten up the hogs that they are going to use for the pork that will be fattening up a guest at the bed and breakfast. "That's why you can't stop eating the pork, the hog was fattened up using this blend and now we prepared the pork using the same blend, its like a double whammy, it melts in your mouth, its super high in calories and you can't stop eating unless I stop you," Sara laughed! "Imagine a cake that has ten slices and each slice is 200 calories, well you might have a slice after dinner or maybe a little piggy like you might have two slices so that's 400 calories. Well our cake made with our special ingredients still has ten slices only each slice will be 400 calories and instead of eating two slices you'll eat the whole cake, about 4000 calories. Imagine that Sandra, you'll be eating cakes like that after your dinner, don't worry honey we'll start you out light, maybe about 20,000 calories a day for the first couple days. Mom makes a special cheese cake that is about 10,000 calories and you can be fed one of those after your dinner if she takes a liking to you, and I'm sure she'll love a little piggy like you," Sara smiled. "I'll tell her not to feed you one of those yet though because we want to try to keep your girlish figure for a few more days, after that you become a hog! Come on its time for dinner now let's go see what Mom has prepared. "What about my clothes," Sandra asked? Oh don't worry its just you, Rick, Mom and me and you won't be wearing much more than that while you're here, we like to be able to see your belly and make sure you aren't being over fed!"

Sandra was lead down to a large dinning room that was eloquently decorated, the chairs were big and comfortable and there were piles of food covering it. Sandra was seated at the head of the table wearing just her panties and bra, her belly sticking out from eating so many of the bacon wrapped pork chops. She hadn't met Mom yet and Mom walked into the dinning room carrying more food. Mom was also a big woman weighing around 400 lbs herself. "I'm glad to meet you Sandra, I hope you enjoy your stay. You are so beautiful, I'm sure you'll make Rick an even more beautiful bride after staying here! Don't be shy dear, just ask for anything you want we're here to please you!" Where's Rick," Sandra asked? Mom answered, "Well dear we asked him if he would mind leaving you to us for the first couple days, we want to get you started and we have some techniques that work best when we are alone with the guest we are fattening. Don't worry dear he's here in the house in his own room, we are going to work on you for a couple of days and then let him see you, ok?" Sandra hadn't stopped eating during the whole conversation, "Well I guess I really don't have much to say about it do I?" Mom answered, "No dear you don't, so just relax. Oh and just so you know, you aren't free to leave even if you wanted but I'm sure you won't even try!"
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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Bigbellys4eva 9 years
Brilliant cant wait to read more
Sam24 9 years
Part two please!
Thefeeder1 9 years
Thank you, I'll get it posted!