The fattening bed & breakfast

chapter 3

Sandra sat at the table for several hours eating large slabs of pork that were soaking in a juice that she found irresistible, there were potatoes and creamy pasta dishes fit for a queen! Her belly was very swollen and every so often either Sara or Mom would rub an oily cream all over it. They told her it would keep the skin nice and soft and lessen the stretch marks that were sure to come. Finally Mom brought out several desserts and said, "I think this will do it for now, after dessert you have to stop and rest, maybe go into the sauna for a little it will help soften your skin and then we'll feed you a snack before bed." Mom had brought out a thick German chocolate cake and she also brought out a cheese cake and told Sandra to choose one for dessert and she could save the other for after her before bed snack. Sara quickly said, "Mom I told her we wouldn't give her the cheese cake yet because it is so fattening and we want to try to let her keep her girlish figure for another day or so." Mom answered, "Girlish figure, she's already a little piggy, look at that belly hanging over, those widened hips and ass, those pudgy cheeks and besides she's been brought here to be fattened. Let her try one piece it will be up to her!" Sandra was already half way through the German chocolate cake and was slowing down a little bit. Finally Sara had said that Sandra had enough and lead her away from the table. Sandra had eaten so much that she felt a little wobbly when she stood up. Her belly was sticking out so far that her breasts were resting on it and it was hanging nicely over the front of her panties to the point where you could barely see the front of them!

Sandra was lead up to the very plush bedroom that she had been taken to when she first arrived to be weighed. Sara told her that this would be her bedroom for the stay and that she should make herself very comfortable. The bathroom was very large and had its own sauna, the room also had its own second floor deck with a hot tub. The bed was king size, it had high corner posts and a mirrored canopy with very plush bedding and was very inviting. Running between two of the corner posts at the head of the bed was a sturdy metal bar that had Sandra's curiosity. "Sara what's this bar for?" "Oh you'll see in a little bit dear," she answered. Sara and Sandra sat in the room for a while talking and Sandra was getting the feeling that Sara wanted to be her friend but she also got the feeling that Sara was very curious if not totally interested in Rick. "You're so lucky to have a fiancé that loves big girls and wants to feed you and fatten you up. I would so love to be in your situation, I'm 275 lbs and obviously love to eat but my boyfriend had broken up with me because he said I was getting to fat for him! I would love to have a man that would let me get really fat and would give me a few babies too," Sara went on, "Do you want to make babies with Rick?" Sandra told her that Rick was planning to get her pregnant on the honeymoon and that she was really excited about getting pregnant. Sandra went on about how Rick wanted her good and fat for the honeymoon and how he wanted her hanging out of her bikini so he could proudly display his fattened bride like a prized hog and then impregnate her! Sara was in awe and becoming very excited, "You're so lucky, Ricks so good looking and you'll definitely be hanging out of that bikini when we're done with you!"

Sara began to take off her own clothes which revealed her large pear shaped body, her thighs were soft and buttery looking, her belly poked out nicely and even though she was 275 lbs she didn't have the amount of fat that Sandra had on her belly. She then began to help Sandra out of her panties and bra and lead her into the beautiful sauna! Sara continued to talk with Sandra while they sat in the sauna she wanted to make sure Sandra was comfortable and trusted her. "I can't believe I've been stuffed like this and still want to eat more, Sandra said. Oh if Rick were in here and saw me with my belly so swollen he would just start licking my pussy until I came! Sara you have know idea how much Rick loves to lick my pussy and make me explode, but he loves to feed me first!" "Sandra I wish you would stop talking like that you're making my pussy wet," Sara said! Sara and Sandra sat in the sauna talking about how good Rick was at licking pussy until both girls were moaning and playing with themselves. Sandra was enjoying hearing another woman moan in ecstasy and she continued to tease Sara, "You know Sara you are quite the little porker yourself, I bet Rick would love to feed you, fatten you, lick you and watch you explode, Sara was moaning uncontrollably, but he's mine so I don't think that's going to happen." Finally Sara couldn't take it anymore and she began grinding her thickness against the bench that she was lying on and fingering herself until she finally exploded. "You know Sandra I'm in control here and that was not fair now you're going to be punished!"
8 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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Bigbellys4eva 9 years
Brilliant cant wait to read more
Sam24 9 years
Part two please!
Thefeeder1 9 years
Thank you, I'll get it posted!