The fattening bed & breakfast

chapter 6

Sandra was lying by the pool after an afternoon of being stuffed by Mom. She was growing very fat and there wasn't much that fit her as she laid there sipping on a special high calorie very dense drink made especially for the fattening by Mom. Sandra had become very comfortable and was even beginning to enjoy her captivity and fattening. Her appetite was constantly increasing as was her waistline, her face had become very full with chubby cherub like cheeks and the slight double chin that she had was beginning to fill in and become a full double chin. Her upper arms were very full, much like the pork that she constantly stuffed herself with, and beginning to hang and jiggle in the back, her back side and upper thighs had become much thicker with more dimples, much like Sara's, but her mid section was the prize. Her entire midsection, front and back, was becoming very blubbery and her hanging belly was beginning to sway as she walked, she was beginning to look like a small beached whale as she lay by the pool indulging in everything put in front of her!

Sara walked up to the pool, "Wow wouldn't you look good on the grill you little porker!" "I know I would Sara I'm helpless to you and Mom's fattening, I'm sure you'd love to get me good and fat and grill me like a hog and then you can have Rick to yourself, wouldn't you?" "Now that's not nice is it Sandra, I thought we were becoming friends," Sara answered! "You know Sara, you look like you're really starting to pack on more pounds too, what are you getting fat for Rick, have you gotten him to lick you yet, huh, I'll bet you didn't, he only likes to feed me and lick my fat pussy!"

Sara's cousin Michael would routinely help around the bed and breakfast. He was a big handsome man of about 350 lbs, dark hair with a glowing tan and piercing eyes. Michael was also a great cook and helped to prepare the hogs that were fattened for guests like Sandra, he also specialized in pastries and deserts. Sara knew that Michael also loved watching and helping a woman grow fat but she also knew he was a little shy. Michael seemed to keep his distance from Sandra but Sandra noticed his good looks and sometimes felt as if he was staring at her as she lay by the pool wearing practically nothing and eating. She wasn't sure whether he was staring in disgust of a woman growing so large or whether he liked it. Sandra knew she was fat and getting fatter fast and found the thought that another man, let alone a man as handsome as Michael, would even find her attractive very tantalizing! "Hey Mike," Sara called out, "come over here, I know you've seen Sandra out here by the pool, how could you miss her, but I don't know if you've been formally introduced?" "Hi, I'm Mike, my pleasure to meet you!" Sandra struggled to sit up a little on the lounge and said, "Oh the pleasure is mine, I've noticed you around the house." Sara quickly interrupted, "Sandra honey there's no need to try to suck that belly in you've gotten way to fat for that!" Sandra blushed, "Well yea I know but I guess its just instinct when a good looking man is around." "Oh honey you don't have to worry, Michael likes girls really big, he's used to girls much porkier then you, isn't that right Mike," Sara asked? Mike was kind of shy and just smiled, but Sara was laying out her plan, her plan to make Rick hers! "Hey Michael I could use some help with tonight's dinner, could you help me, maybe with deserts, Sandra really loves her deserts, can't you tell," Sara laughed, "after that maybe we can all relax in the hot tub and drink some wine! "Alright, I'll see you girls for dinner," Mike answered, "It'll be my pleasure to have Sandra eat my deserts!?

Sara's plan was beginning to take shape! Sandra was very excited about the approaching dinner even after eating most of the day away by the pool. The thought of Michael's deserts make her mouth water. "Sara I'm going to shower, nap and get ready for dinner, what do you think I can wear, nothing fits me but I might be uncomfortable sitting there at the dinner table with a man and having all of me just hanging out," Sandra asked? "Well just put on your panties and try to get that white terry cloth robe around yourself, I'm sure Mike won't mind a bit, besides, he see's you laying by the pool in that bikini bottom that used to fit a long time ago" Sara laughed!
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Bigbellys4eva 9 years
Brilliant cant wait to read more
Sam24 9 years
Part two please!
Thefeeder1 9 years
Thank you, I'll get it posted!