No more regrets

chapter 2

He burped and sank lower in his seat on the couch, his over-stuffed belly rising up from his lap like an over filled balloon. He rubbed it and gave it a pat; the satisfying "thunk" it made pleased him. His shirt had ridden up over the swell of his belly and his sweat pants were tight around his lower folds of fat. He tried to pull his shirt back down over his huge mountain of a belly but it slowly slid back up. The empty pasta tray and plate on the coffee table made him frown; he had mindlessly inhaled the entire lasagna and garlic bread.

"Oh man, I am getting soo fat." He said. "I don't want to buy new clothes again."

He looked over at his laptop that seemed miles away on his desk across the room, he had to order some new clothes soon, and he would make sure they were a few sizes too big so he could delight in filling them out as he continued to get fatter. He grunted as he shifted his massive bulk off the couch to waddle over to his desk to place the order, it was a good thing that he was close to Honolulu his P.O. Box address was where they would have to send his packages and that meant he had to go into the city to pick them up. He hated doing that, it was a pain to find something that still fit his ever-fattening body well enough to venture out into public wearing. Once the screen came back on he realized he had left his browser open on the site he frequented, Fat Friends dot com. He had a message from a user he had only started talking to on there. She was new to the site and nervous about discussing her fat fetish. Denny had been the first one to welcome her to the site and to encourage her to talk about it with him and others on the boards.

From: Lexi_in_Lanai
To: DennyDblChins

Hey, it's Lexi again. How have you been? I've been missing talking to you life's been hectic here. My parents are on my back about getting off my computer and finding a "real person" to talk to. As if you're not real, they just don't understand me like you do Denny. But I do have some bad news though my parents are planning to move back home to the mainland and they want me to go with them. I'm an adult now and they can't force me to pick up and leave every time they have a whim, I mean they don't even care that I'm trying to make a life for myself here. I even found a job. I've been saving to move out of their house here. Which I guess is now sooner than later, I don't have enough saved for even a crappy apartment in Honolulu right now. I'm worried about it Denny, I don't know what else I can do to convince them that I don't want to go back to the mainland. I tried getting a second job here on Lanai, but it's just not as a popular a tourist spot as Oahu is. I've been applying in Honolulu and I've had a few call backs, there's one I'm waiting for in particular. They have an opening at the Hilton Hotel for Hotel Assistant Manager and that's right up my alley. I took Travel and Tourism in college; you remember when I told you about that right? I've been praying to get a call back from a hotel for weeks now.

I have another interview there next week so now I have to find money for an inter-island flight to Oahu, that's harder than it sounds. Even short inter-island flights are expensive it seems, that's why I want to find a place that's on the same island as the job I want. Sorry about the ranting, it's just been stressful here lately. I'll talk to you soon I hope?

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