No more regrets

chapter 4

Before he turned off the computer he ordered several new outfits that were three sizes too big for him and sucked back the last of his weight gainer shake. He was now stuffed enough to sleep, he glanced at the time, eleven-thirty. The night just flew by when he was stuffing mindlessly. He put the cup in the sink and waddled off to bed, he would clean up tomorrow maybe. Right now bed was calling and his stuffed belly ached comfortably. Denny tossed back the cotton sheets and got into bed, it creaked loudly under his mass and it made him grin. He loved to hear the groan of the bed under him; it meant his dream was coming along well. He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. A food coma was what he knew it was called, it was delightful. He began to dream soon after; he was wearing a typical Hawaiian shirt and sitting on his deck outside in the cool ocean breeze. His huge belly hung low between his legs as he relaxed in the deck chair he had taken up playing the ukulele lately and learning some Hawaiian folk songs to sing with his playing. He figured he was well over five hundred pounds his belly peeked out from below his shirt which felt like it was shrinking every day. He had two girls in front of him doing the Hula along with his playing, he grinned. Though their faces where blurred out he could tell they had a bit of chub on them, it was perfect for the hip swivelling of the Hula. The yacht sailed into view of the majestic Diamondhead Crater and caught the sun, a serene picture of Hawaiian beauty. He saw several hundred beach goers playing on Waikiki Beach in the white sand and swaying palm trees. They were laughing and playing in the ocean water to the music of the party yachts that were anchored nearby. A warm breeze blew across the water, carrying with it the tropical scents of the island. He smiled even wider as the girls continued their Hula.

Someone put a drink next to him on the table as the girls had finished their Hula and took off the grass skirts to go swimming. The yacht had dropped anchor and they were out in the water, he put down the ukulele and took a sip of his Mai Tai. The pineapple wedge soaked up the alcohol as he popped it into his mouth. He leaned back a bit more in his chair and his belly poked out even more from underneath his shirt. This was the life...peace and quiet.

"Getting way too fat there aren't you?" Someone said.

"That's the idea." Denny replied as he took a sip.

"What would people say if they saw you this way? It would shame your parents' memories."

"Who are you?" Denny demanded as he turned to the voice.

Amanda was standing there in her three inch stilettos and hands firmly on her bony hips. The bikini barely had anything to cling to on those hips and her breasts were so gross looking, they were made of plastic and not flesh like the rest of her. The scowl she wore on that fake face of hers was chilling. Denny struggled to his feet and faced her; her eyes were cold and bore holes into him. She jabbed him hard in the gut and shuddered as it quivered.

"Disgusting; you're such a filthy pig." Evil Amanda said.

"What are you doing in my dream? You're ruining it!" Denny cried.

"You're the one who's ruining it!! Look at you!! We should roast you over the pit like a luau pig!" She argued.

"This is my dream harpy!! Be gone!!" Denny yelled.

"Oh please, like I want to be here looking at that disgusting flab. I'd rather be in Paris. You brought me here remember?" Amanda said.

"Why would I do that? I hate you."

"How would I know? This is your subconscious." She said.

Denny thought about why Amanda would be here in his dream. He couldn't think of a reason until he saw who had brought him the drink. Dream Amanda turned to the other person and so did Denny, now it made sense.
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