No more regrets

chapter 5

"Lexi?" Denny asked.

"Hey, what's up? What am I doing here?" Dream Lexi replied.

"Oh I get think that this...thing is who you're going to replace me with. HAHA!! As if that will ever happen." Dream Amanda sneered.

"I brought you another drink; you finished the other one so quickly. You know liquid calories add up faster than solid ones right? Have another drink." Dream Lexi said with a smile.

"Lexi...I--I umm this bitch here is my ex Amanda." Denny said as he rubbed his fat neck nervously.

"Oh? So that's her? Huh...not much is she?" Dream Lexi replied.

"Excuse me? I'm way more than you'll ever be!! I'm famous and rich; you're just some poor scrawny bitch who thinks that she can make it on her own. Yeah right!" Dream Amanda taunted.

"Is she always so shrill? Whoa..." Dream Lexi said as she rubbed her ears.

Dream Amanda tried to fire back but nothing came out, her mouth gaped like a fish as she tried to scream and protest. Denny watched with intrigue as the banshee tried to make a sound. Lexi grinned and made a blowing motion with her hands. Dream Amanda turned to plastic dust and blew away.

"How did you do that?" Denny asked.

"I didn't; you did. This is your dream Denny, remember?" Dream Lexi replied.

"But how?" Denny asked.

"I don't know, I'm no expert but I think it means you've moved on from her. She doesn't hold any power over you anymore." Dream Lexi replied.

"So why did I get you to do it and not me?"

"You want to be more than friends with me I guess. I'm just a figment of your subconscious. What I say is what you really think about me." Lexi replied.

"How do you know all that?" Denny asked.

"Like I said; what I say is what you already know. You must have picked up on it somewhere." She replied.

"I don't get it." Denny said.

"Just drink the drink fatty, eat. It's what you want to do." Lexi said.

"Yeah that is what I want to do. Thanks." Denny said.

He sat back down on the deck chair and picked up the ukulele again. His Hula girls had come back on deck and began their dance again. Denny sighed happily and began to sing another song.
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