No more regrets

chapter 7

"So tell me Denny, why did you let yourself go so badly? Did Amanda really mess you up that much?" Julia asked.

"It has nothing to do with her, I wanted this for me." Denny said as he sipped his coffee.

These were exactly the types of questions he didn't want to have to answer...even if it was Julia asking them.

"Why the hell would you want to get so fat?" Julia asked.

"Why does it matter? It's my life and my body. I want it bigger." Denny replied shortly.

"Hey don't bite my head off, I was just asking. It's quite a shock to see you like this." Julia said.

"This is why I just wanted to be left alone, to fall off the radar, to cut ties to my former life. I like it here. I fit in." Denny said.

"Even your best friend? Why?" Julia asked.

Denny sighed heavily; she was not going to let up.

"Because you grew up in money just like me, you know the kinds of pressures that has attached to it. It's not all parties and vacations, it's hard work to maintain an image when you have influence. I didn't want that kind of pressure. My parents worked hard for an image and a lifestyle because they felt they had to. And it ended up killing them." Denny said.

"That wasn't your fault Denny; no one could have predicted that avalanche right at the same time they were on the slopes." Julia said.

"And they would never have had to be there in the first place if they weren't keeping up appearances at that Swiss Banker's conference would they? It got them killed, for an image, for an appearance."

"Is that why you did this? You chose to use your inheritance like this? How is that healthy?" Julia asked.

"Look, I did what I wanted to do. I have no more regrets about going off the grid, I'm happy this way Julia, and if you're just going to harp on me about my choice then perhaps we shouldn't meet again. Thanks for the coffee; I could have done without the lecture." Denny said as he got to his feet.

"Denny, wait!! I'm sorry! Come back." Julia called.

He was already around the corner, impressive for someone of his size. He got into his car and headed back to the docks as fast as he could legally drive. He suddenly felt like stuffing his fat face with something good and fattening. His old life would probably have found him eventually; Julia was always the resourceful one in that respect. She was some big shot doctor at Cedar Sinai in L.A. and of course she couldn't resist lecturing him on his health and the evils of being fat. It was one reason he left California, a state that fat-phobic would have driven him insane within a year if he had stayed. She had fallen into the brainwashed masses and there was a time where he had thought of calling her. Denny followed her career over the last twelve years she had always wanted to be a doctor; mostly because her parents were both doctors. After today though, he figured he would have been better off not going out to the post office. He got home and tossed the package on the couch and opened the fridge. He pulled out the last of the eggs, bacon, peanut butter, whole milk, butter and the last biscuit. He wanted to make his favourite snack, the Heart Attack. He called it that jokingly of course but it fit so well, his almonds helped to keep the cholesterol down enough to prevent an actual heart attack of course. Almonds were a much underrated nut; they had such good cholesterol lowering properties in them. Even the almond milk had the same effects.

He tossed the milk and peanut butter into the blender along with the eggs and hit puree, the colour changed to a light brown and the smell of the peanut butter rose up to meet his nose. The eggs gave it thickness and made the mixture sit better on the biscuit, which he now realized was too small to hold all of it. Denny spooned out some of the mixture onto the biscuit halves and stuffed them into his mouth, the rest of the mixture he had to eat with the spoon. It tasted like cookie dough which was good, it made it stick better to his stomach when it went down. He was still not satisfied so he rummaged around in the pantry and fridge for something else, he had eaten most of it over the last few days so there were slim pickings left.

"Damnit, I should have gotten food while I was out. Is it too early for pizza and beer?" Denny said aloud.

After scraping every last bit of the peanut butter out of the jar into the blender to make his weight gainer shake he waddled over to his laptop and checked his emails. He saw one from Lexi, and suddenly he felt a lot better. He opened it and it had an attachment this time, the attachment was a JPEG image, so he clicked it.

From: Lexi_in_Lanai

To: DennyDblChins

I'm sorry about not getting back to you sooner, I was busy. I don't want to impose on you to make that call on my behalf, I appreciate it though. My parents left for the mainland this morning so I'm basically living in my car right now until my paychecks go into the bank. I found a place in Honolulu; I rented a room with a nice Japanese family who were good enough to only charge me $400 a month, plus a share in the utility bills for the house. I also have to cook dinner once a week for them and help out the mom with the household chores so it's not a bad deal. I would love to meet you once I'm settled with the family I think it would be fun to see you. I just hope I can recognize you without seeing that beautiful belly of yours. :wink: I'm sending you a picture of me and my car so if you want to find me you can. It's from last month though, I've since cut my hair but I should still look enough like the picture. I hope to hear from you soon Fatty Boy.

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