Noblesse oblige

Chapter 2

Edmond kicked her robe to her from the edge of the room, and she slipped into it quickly. She got it when she first moved, but now it was almost too tight, and her fleshy stomach, thighs and breasts peeked every time she moved. She tried to ignore it, while she hurried after Edmond to the dining room.

It was a big room, mostly covered with dark decorated oak and heavy detailed rugs were hanged on the walls. As always, the table was full of food, fresh and warm. The smell was wonderful, and she gave, as always, a quick glance in Edmond who held the chair for her like a true gentleman.

Truthfully, she didn't know him much – although she had known him for almost 4 months. Even though she always thought of him as a perverted, brutal sadist – sometimes she felt as if he just tried to pretend, while other characteristic seemed to peek from time to time without him to be able to oppress them. The way his eyes always seemed too intelligent, for example. The way he always held the chair for her at the table. That one time the he caught the flu and started to cough in the middle of the session – and apologized every time he coughed – no to the Marquis, but to her. Behind the mask they both wore, he was probably a well mannered young man that choose an unusual – and a bit disturbing – fast way to earn enough money to start his life in a good point.

She glanced up, toward the tiny camera that was settled in the eastern corner of the room, and then lowered her eyes to her plate. She started to cut the humongous piece of steak that was placed there, chewing slowly. Edmond was still standing, and leaned against one of the walls, his arms crossed on his lean and strong chest.

"Not hungry today?" he asked after a while, when Lulu just started to nibble on her baked potatoes. She looked at him.

"Does it matter?"

"No," he smiled a bit harshly. "But I was looking for a reason to open this." He went to the table and opened a long dark bottle that seemed a bit dusty. In the minute the cork was released, the most amazing aroma started to float around the room. Edmond filled Lulu's glass to the top, and then poured just a bit to himself. Lulu forgot about herself a bit when she saw the way he smelled the wine, and then tasted it, like a true expert.

"Drink it," he finally said, his eyes half closed in concentration. "it will open your appetite."

Lulu amused herself with the thought of imitating him, but found herself drinking the thick dark liquid as if it was sweet grapefruit juice. She licked her lips, and was surprised to find out she was absolutely up for some food – and charged on her plate. In the next hour her success was almost too dazzling – half of the table was almost empty, and she struggled to bring the last spoonful of (the entire) cream cake into her mouth. Edmond was watching her, sitting down now. She expected him to look disgusted, as he always appeared by the end of her meals, but he smiled quite calmly and filled her glass for the fifth time. He poured what that was left from the wine into his own glass.

"I wonder how old it is." He said, looking at it. "those idiots took away the label before they brought it over. It has such a dark rich color."

"You seemed to understand a lot about wines." Said Lulu, feeling a bit drunk and braver then usual.

"Yes, well, when I was younger – " he started and then closed his mouth, his face turning blank. He took the spoon from her hand and shoved it into her mouth. "Eat."

"hmmff!" answered Lulu, irritated. She felt like she was about to burst, and her robe was barely closed under her full breasts, hiding only their lower part. Her fleshy swollen belly was completely exposed. The cream was still in her throat as she washed it with the last wine glass. "That was a horrible thing to do!" she called grumpily.

"No," answered Edmond arrogantly. "That was random act. This is a horrible thing to do – " and by that he sent his hand to grip one massive breast, pinching her nipple with his cold hard fingers. Lulu gave out a pained cry.

"That hurts!" she shouted.

"Then tell me to stop." Offered Edmond with a strange, cruel smile. Lulu closed her eyes, feeling aroused all over again. Her breaths were so heavy, and her stomach was so full – she thought she will faint.

"Don't stop." She whispered.
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Sofia 15 years
Thanks, I will.