The king and the stable girl

chapter 6

He flexed his manhood and felt it push against her cleft watching the guilty start of pleasure on her face.

"My wife the queen not only is a non-entity here, I guarantee she has no idea you even exist. In fact I haven't seen the witch for weeks and rumors are whispered to me she is having a discreet affair with someone younger and much more physically desirable than I.

"I wish her well, he deserves her." He continued, "The fact is you are here now with me, and you have given me pleasure tht I have only dreamed of long before I ascended the throne.

"You are not disgusted by this obese body of mine, rather you revel in it as I do...the sensuality of your touch, our lovemaking is all the proof I need that I must keep you near me from now on."

She smiled at him, her hands constantly working his fat. "She is a lucky woman. I would love to be your wife. Even if you were only a commoner as am I"

He groaned in pleasure as he felt his belly fat move and shift in her hands again. "One would think so," he replied frowning , " she has everything a woman could wish for except a physically desirable husband."

He started at the thought...would it be possible? Could he renounce this life of luxury and live a simple life with this amazing woman? Or wait...what if I endow this woman with title and lands? That I can easily do.

She leaned over to kiss him, loving the feel of his body under hers. "Other than Carl, you're the first person I've spoken too since my mother died. I would talk to the animals but others began to think me a witch. That is why i was uncertain to speak at first."

He sighed with pleasure as her heavy softness moved over him, the warm weight of her breasts flattening against his as her lips brushed his fat neck.

"You are a witch," he teased, smiling, "you have bewitched me as no other has. Your touch is magical, moreso that I have not experienced anything like it in memory. I feel so alive, so desired for more than just my wealth and position."

He reached behind her and massaged her back, the base of her spine, loving the flare of her soft hips as she straddled him, delighting in her almost virgin softness.

"You can put any fear of my wife out of your mind...she has no power here, here I will make you queen of all my farmlands, all of the royal livestock, mistress protector of the wildlife on my estates. No one will question you, I shall decree it.

She looked at him in have such power? Shall your wife not kill me?

He held her face in his hands and looked deep in her eyes. "No one will harm you, I swear by all that's holy that you shall be master of my farms, ranchlands and forests."

She threw her arms around his neck. "Oh thank you my king!! The only thing I desire more than that is to bear your children. But that is the job of a wife and not me. So I shall be content to watch over the animals of your kingdom. Oh thank you..."

He smiled, happy that he had pleased her. But at her words, the thought of children gave his heart a surge...could he? I mean of course he could, his father and grandfathers as far back as he could remember took mistresses who bore children without fact it was expected of a king to be prolific, yes?

"Actually, that can be arranged...the children part I mean...and of course all the rest, but I have no offspring and I confess I have long dreamed of a woman ripening and swelling with my seed inside her."

A small smile played across her lips. "We shall see, my king. If it happens then I shall be surely blessed. But the fun is in the trying." As she moved over him again, heading for between his legs, there was a knock on the secret door. A servants voice came through the heavy wood, "Sire, your wife had returned to the palace. She is looking for you. You must hurry." He watched Rachelle's eyes grow wide with fear as she fled the bed.

He cursed under his breath, seeing her out of the corner of his eye struggling with the rich gown she had been wearing. "Be easy Rachelle my new love, she cannot harm you. I will be back shortly."

He called out through the heavy door "Tell her divine majesty I will attend her when I am ready." Good and ready he thought to himself, now is the time for this matter between her and I put to rest. Seeing her slip through the hidden door, he took his time putting his clothes back on, loving the feel of his spent manhood and the warm pulsing still in his groin. This is something I could definitely get in the habit of, he said half aloud.

His carriage was waiting at the entrance to the large rambling stables, he climbed in ponderously and settled back with sigh as the carriage rambled up the hill to the palace.

"What an ostentatious pile," he muttered to himself as he waddled up the long curving entry stairs and into the throne room where his wife was waiting impatiently.

"Leave us," she commanded the servants and courtesans. He watched them with disgust...useless, imbecilic bloodsuckers. He grimaced as he walked to his throne, scratching the side of his belly where his tunic pinched him mercilessly.

"Look at you," the queen fumed, "you are as fat and disgusting as ever and you look even fatter than the last time I saw you. You are unbelievable" She walked over to him shaking her head in disbelief and poked her finger into his protruding front. He gasped and shied from her. "You forget yourself woman, I can have you beheaded with a snap of my finger."

"Hah," she retorted, "your fingers have grown too fat to snap. Anyway, I'm through with you, I'm here to tell you I am moving to the summer palace on the coast for good. We have to remain married because of a technicality, you know that as well as I do. But we shall be apart so that I can live the life I wish to lead, be with the beautiful and charming members of the other royal families."

He caught himself smiling and his heart gave a lurch. "You will be missed my queen," he said bowing with a straight face.

"That I sincerely doubt," she retorted, "I understand you found that snip of a girl at the stables ...just as well I did, you're welcome to her. Hopefully she will make you happy, if she can stand that gross fat body you have grown. Just looking at you makes me shudder in disgust, the thought of you naked makes me want to vomit."
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Obsessed 9 years
What a wonderful read.
Then i wouldnt expect any less of you love. Xx
Enoshima Sama 9 years
holy shit!!! a great story omg