The king and the stable girl

chapter 7

His silence just seemed to anger the woman standing in front of him. "What's the matter? Has she already ran screaming from the sight of you? You disgusting fool."

He merely laughed. "Be gone you old crow. I'm finally free."

He watched her turn bright red and whirling on her heel, stormed out of the throne room. Laughing he pulled on the nearest bell cord and summoned his prime minister.

"There you are George...thanks for being on the jump. Listen, I know you heard all, I can tell by a relieved expression on your face that happens to match mine. It appears the witch has left us for good, let my subjects rejoice. Yes? ...Good."

He tapped his jaw thinking, "George, you run this place better than I ever could...our borders are at peace, our subjects are happy and contented and fat...well, maybe not as fat as me" he added with a wink "but healthy."

He watched the man nod in agreement and continued "then you know what comes next...I'm going to take a long LONG vacation and spend some time doing things that please me. I have that suite down at the stables which is where you will find me if anything comes up. And not even then unless it is catastrophic. Got it?"

His minister grinned and shook his hand, "My prescription in a nutshell, your majesty, I've already called for your carriage." And adding with a wink, "I envy you. Go enjoy yourself."

With a light step the king climbed into his carriage, noticeably tilting because of his weight, and headed for where his wildest dreams were going to come true and where he would do his absolute best to make hers come equally true.

He walked into the stable suite and looked around. It was so quiet and he knew she was staying out of sight for fear of his hateful old wife. "Rachelle, come out my sweet. I have wonderful news for you.", He called out into the silence. She appeared quickly at the door and bowed her head to him, acknowledging her king. She then glanced around him as if to make sure they were alone. Seeing that they were she wrapped her arms around his neck and tiptoed up to press her lips to his. For several minutes they stayed that way, forgetting that the world existed around them.

Her hands twisted up in his hair, first knocking his crown off center then moved down to his broad chest and started to remove his shirt. Finally he pulled his face up out of her reach and smiled down at her. Picking her small frame up he carried her upstairs to his suite, kicked open the bedroom door and laid her down on the huge overstuffed fourposter.

He moved his large bulk to the side of the bed and finished removing his heavy clothes until he was naked before her. Her eyes grew hungry as they roamed over his body. Never once did either of them say a word as he gave in to the passion that was bursting in his chest and centered his bulk over her small body. He did not enter her though.

Not yet. For now he just leaned over her, letting his fat roll over her and encase her sides. He lowered his face to hers and began to kiss her passionately. He just wanted to feel her, get used to her under him, enjoy the sensations. This was going to be his new life and he wanted to cherish every single moment. Taking a moment to breathe, he moved to her neck. As his fat lips pressed against her smooth skin her heard her let out a sigh.

Breathlessly she asked "you said you had news my love...".

Moving up he looked down at her wide amazing eyes..."she's gone Rachelle. She's never coming back and we are free to be together. You shall stay by my side."

He felt her hands again, fluttering at his curving sides, gliding over the silken fat encasing him. It was cool against her fingertips and incredibly erotic as he moved over her. He relaxed his abdomen so it was soft and sack-like, heavy and warm, molding to her small voluptuous body.

He paid most attention to her amazing breasts, tonguing them, spiraling around her nipples as they slowly grew erect. He nestled his great belly between her thighs as he covered her torso with his tongue and lips, loving the feel of her inner thighs squeezing in it's sides.

He stopped and looked down at her...those amazing, voluptuous breasts. He didn't realize until now how big they actually were, great curving orbs of woman fat riding liquidly on her chest. He decided he wanted a different view and grabbing her waist, rolled over on the huge bed until she was straddling him and they hung down over him like silken bags.

Her slightly rounded abdomen pushed into him as she panted, he wondered how it would feel as she grew fat and heavy with child...his child. Yes he wanted to fill this beautiful desirable woman with his it take and the enjoy her growing roundness.

She smiled down at him and slowly pushed up against his soft underbelly with her pelvs. "I want nothing between us my king, not a shred of fabric ever when we lay together like this." And slowly kissed his great fattened belly, taking his breasts one at a time between her small hands and squeezing his small kingly nipples into her mouth.

He groaned as he felt her warm lips and tongue tracing circles around his almost womanlike man breasts. This was his woman...She loved him exactly how he was. She wanted to pleasure him...And he wanted the same for her.

They made love all night long that night, in celebration of his new found freedom, and every night and sometimes every day thereafter.. For this woman was his and he was going to fill her with his children, as many as she wanted.

He was her king and she his new queen.

And of course they lived happily ever after.


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Obsessed 9 years
What a wonderful read.
Then i wouldnt expect any less of you love. Xx
Enoshima Sama 9 years
holy shit!!! a great story omg