Tragic loss-turns to a big gain

Chapter 2 - the meal

Allen and his Aunt arrived at the resatuarant, and proceeded out of the car. Allen were still numb from all that had happened the last few days and simply sat in daze. When they arrived at the restaurant Allen sulked in. He really didn't want to eat but your aunt insisted that some food would make him feel better. he was dead from the last few days he just went with it.

When they got to the counter, the cashier simply asked your aunt if she wanted 'her usual'. Your aunt nodded and then let allen order. He ordered a big mac simply because it was the first thing he saw. As he waited for his food somehow he began to get more hungry. It was as if all of the food had awoken his appetite.

When the order was ready, he was awestruck by the amount of food that his aunt had. She had two big macs, two large orders of fries, an apple pie, and a large coke. No wonder this women was huge he thought! She literally needed two chairs to sit on and here she was eating enough for three people! This blew his mind.

As they sat down his Aunt explained to him that even though it was hard to think about the future she would be happy to let him live with her as long as need be. She was a widow and had plenty of extra room in her house.

As they began to eat something changed within allen. When he took the first bite of his big mac it was like a burden was lifted off his shoulders. That shooting pain in his chest was gone. He attacked his sandwich with vigor and in a blink of an eye it was gone. He looked over at his Aunt and who had barely finished half of her first big mac. She chuckled as she said, "I guess I better protect my meal over here". She reached into her wallet and handed him a $20 bill and said "go get some more you must be famished".

Allen walked up to the counter and decided to order another big mac because the first one was so excellent. He got his order and went back to the table where his aunt was tearing into her mountain of food. He sat down and began eating his second big mac. It was almost as perfect as the first. He had never had an experience like this, he could taste things that he had never taste before. It was like this sandwich was band aid for his pain.

"You look better", his aunt commented. "you've been through so much these past few days, food can be an amazing healer for life's valleys".

Allen and his aunt both gathered yourself as you decided to head home. Gina's house was a moderately situated duplex in a modest part of town. Gina showed allen to his room and allowed him to get settled in. Allen felt very drowsy after dinner, the proverbial food coma he rationalized.

As he laid down in bed he couldn't get over the experience of stuffing himself at the restaurant with his enourmas aunt. He and never eaten that much in his life. Little did he know that would soon be changing.
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Daredevil 9 years
Thanks for the feedback guys. Going to clean up the name issues here soon. I do these chapters in kind of a stream of consciousness way where I just sort of sit down and let my keyboard take me away. This sort of lends itself to some typos. I don't really have a long term end point, I just like to sit down every day or two and see where I feel like taking it.
Jenemc 9 years
um. they dont have frostys at mcdonalds. those are at wendys
Huntsman99 9 years
I hope you are going to add more, I love these types of stories!