Tragic loss-turns to a big gain

Chapter 3 - life at aunt ginas

A week had passed since allen arrived at his Aunt's house. The pain of the loss of his parents was still alive and well but things were improving. One of the things that was definitely improving was his appetite.

Nobody went hungry in Aunt Gina's house. The first morning he woke he found his aunt sitting on a huge reinforced stool at the kitchen table tucking into a huge pile of food. She immediately encouraged him to sit down, and "mangia mangia". And that he did. just like the night before Allen ate like man possessed. he literally ate so much that he felt like he would throw up. However despite himself by lunch he was hungry when his Aunt hailed him into the kitchen for another huge meal. Dinner was another repeat.

Day after day meal after meal Gina poured food into Allen. One evening after Allen and Gina had eaten an entire platter of italian pastries, Gina commented that Allen better watch out or he "would end up as big as she was". Allen shuttered at the thought of this as he watched his aunt stand up.

Could he really end up that big? So big that he needed a reinforced stool to sit down dinner on? So enourmas that he had to turn sideways in door ways? So big that he got out of breath just walking to the kitchen? Would he end up with his own 'usual order of food at Mcdonalds'? All of this made him wonder. He had come to enjoy Gina's lifestyle. It was a lifestyle of constant relaxaton, decadence, and gluttony. Her house was perfectly suited for this lifestyle. It had extra cozy furniture that was perfect for someone her size. The kitchen was always stocked with snacks.

He thought about how much his life had changed in the past few weeks. His parents who were both averaged sized people, with normal views on food. Now he had Gina a hugely obese women, who simply lived to eat and feed him it seemed. He used to have a variety of hobbies and friends, within his facinity. Now he was in Ohio, living with his Aunt and his only activity seemed to be eating.

After this reflection Allen decided that it was time for bed ( not before his aunt instated that he finish the last canoli). He laid down in bed and changed into his PJ's. When he put them on he couldn't help but reflect that they were a bit tighter. Before he went to bed he informed his Aunt of this development. she told him not worry about it, and that they would go to Wal-Mart and get some larger ones for him tomorrow. The thought of wal-mart immediately made Allen's tummy rumble because there was a mcdonalds there. When he mentioned the possibility of having lunch their his aunt whole heartedly approved. Once they said goodnight Gina first thought was that they better get Allen PJ's several sizes larger. His clothes didn't stand a chance she chuckled to herself.
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Daredevil 9 years
Thanks for the feedback guys. Going to clean up the name issues here soon. I do these chapters in kind of a stream of consciousness way where I just sort of sit down and let my keyboard take me away. This sort of lends itself to some typos. I don't really have a long term end point, I just like to sit down every day or two and see where I feel like taking it.
Jenemc 9 years
um. they dont have frostys at mcdonalds. those are at wendys
Huntsman99 9 years
I hope you are going to add more, I love these types of stories!