The picnic

chapter 2

Yet despite the heat you made me proud, glutting yourself endlessly until you could absolutely hold no more. It was with great pleasure and satisfaction I had to help you back to the car.

The entire drive home I could barley keep my hands off myself I was so aroused by what I had seen, what was relaxed and gently snoring next to me.

Slowly you begin to stir. No longer lulled by the movement of the car you start to awaken.
" are you feeling my sweet fat man?" I rub your arm then lightly brush your cheek. "Did you have a nice nap?" You nod and notice we are now home.

"Here, let's get you out of that seat belt." As I unbuckle the seat belt, I take every opportunity I can to touch you, feeling how very full you are. Your huge belly is so firm and taut under your shirt as a result of the day's endless gorging. I press the side of your belly closest to me causing you to wince a bit. "My you're a full one my sweet. I don't think I've ever seen you eat so much. Look how far your belly sticks out now. God you're such a glutton. I though we going to have to roll you to the car." I laugh and open my door. "Here, I will come around and help you out."

Soon you are leaning against the car. Breathing heavy from the exertion of maneuvering your fat body from the car you hold the sides of your belly. You feel the brunt of your indulging as gravity seems to increase the pull on your hanging belly. Overfed like never before your belly aches and there's a small tinge behind your belly button.

"Come my fat man, let's go inside and get comfortable. If you are a good boy I might even give you a nice belly massage." I grin wickedly as you struggle to balance, arching your back to support your newly expanded girth. "Go waddle up to the house now my beautiful fat man."

I walk behind you as we make our way to the house, listening to your slight grunts and moans. How very sexy you are. I open the front door and turn on the lights. Finally, we are home.

I look at your overstuffed belly as you stand before me, the buttons on your shirt long given up any chance of containing your gluttony; white patches of your undershirt showing where the fabric parts and can no longer meet. I draw my finger down the front of your shirt, tracing along each little gap your burgeoning belly has created between the buttons.

"Mmmmmmmmmm...someone has enjoyed their holiday feeding" I say as I stand even closer to you.

I hear your breathing become shallow as I move my hand over the curve of your lower belly. I open my hand as I slide it up under your fat, the fabric of your tight shirt rough against my hand as I feel the weight of your growing belly, heavy and solid. Placing my other hand on your swollen stomach, I press ever so lightly, your belly captured in my hands. You groan and your breathing deepens. I know I am arousing you yet causing you some distress as I press against your aching overfed belly. It pleases me to tease you, to call attention to the results of my feeding and indulging you, allowing you to wonder what I may do next.

"My, my, my fat boy feeling the effects of his overeating today?" I pat your bloated stomach as the fingers of my other hand continue to explore your underbelly, barely encased in the fabric of your shirt.

I slide my fingers along the waistband of your jeans, feeling the tension and strain on the waistband caused by your recent gaining and now the holiday feeding. Your shirt tails are barely tucked in, it won't take much before tucking in your shirts will be a futile effort. It is so erotic, seeing you push the limits of your clothing, no longer able to hide how fat you are becoming; your huge, lush belly a testament to our mutual needs and desires. I am aroused, knowing you crave this as much as I do, being fed and growing fatter.

"You are such a good boy, standing for me when I know that big hanging belly must ache from being so overfed."

I move my hands to your sides, just below your fattening breasts, exploring the rolls of fat that are beginning to extend around to your back. Drawing my hands down until I am holding the fat of your belly that bulges over your waistband. Grasping and squeezing, lifting it a bit before letting my hands glide farther down until I am cupping the sagging heavy fat of your lower belly.

"It's so heavy and soft. You are becoming so very fat" I murmur as I fill my hands with your warm soft flesh, closing my eyes as I am overcome by the feel of you, the size and softness. I take a deep breath and open my eyes before making a little moue and kissing your belly.

"Poor baby, I imagine you're aching to be free of all of these miserable tight clothes; to feel your fat belly hang completely free and unrestrained? Would my fat pet like me to unbutton those uncomfortably tight jeans?"

You nod, face flushed with the plethora of feelings I am creating in you combined with your own burning desires. I slide my hands under your belly and up to your waistband, running my fingers between your waistband and fat, finally finding the button as I try to hold your belly up with my forearms.

"Help me lift that huge belly my fat boy" I tell you as I struggle to work the button of your jeans free. "God you are getting so fat. I might have to dress you in sheets like a Roman god soon" as I kiss your belly again. The button finally springs free and I quickly unzip your jeans as your belly bursts completely free of its confines and falls into my arms.

Soft and warm, little creases in the soft skin of your underbelly where the tight shirt pressed into you. Your fat gut expands out and down even more now causing the tight shirt and t-shirt to appear even smaller. I hear you sigh with relief. I lift one side of your belly then the other exposing the sensitive skin, slightly damp from sweat, to the cool air. I tug your jeans down a bit so I can run my fingers along the crease of soft skin between your belly and your thigh.

With a shuddering pulse in my deep center and a warm wetness between my thighs I see that your underbelly has started the very beginning hint of two lobes...just a hint, something I hadn't noticed before, but clear indication of your increasing fatness.
I know how much you enjoy having your belly held up, easing some of the strain on your full and bloated insides, the sensitive skin stretched and pulled. I grab the waistband of your jeans, pulling them down and letting them drop to your feet before I slowly unbutton your shirt to expose the taut t-shirt underneath, rubbing and stroking the sides of your big belly again as I press myself close to you. The pressure on your belly causes you to burp and I hear your stomach gurgle. I giggle.

"Come my fat man; let's get those tight shirts off. I think you deserve some time to relax after all that gluttonous eating you did for me." I clap my hands together with delight seeing you finally naked. "You ate so much, what a greedy boy you were today. I am so proud of you my delicious fat love". I kiss your cheek and pat your belly. "Now let's get you comfortable"

You step out of your jeans and walk to the couch. It has been mesmerizing to see your body move as you become fatter. Watching with pleasure the little waddle you're developing or taking pleasure in the slight struggle it can be for you to sit when you're stuffed and full, spreading your legs wide to make room for that huge fat gut. Those drooping breasts as they jiggle, so soft, the fat extending under your arms into large rolls on your back. Begging to be pinched and squeezed. I love stroking the insides of your thighs, now covered in a soft padding, the muscle definition long ago lost as you got fatter. But mostly I crave your huge rounding abdomen. Touching and caressing that crowning achievement of eating and indulgence; of pleasure and desire. I shiver; tiny goose bumps graze my skin as I daydream. Coming back to the moment I grab your hand.

I help you settle you into the recliner, adjusting the large expanse of belly that lies in your lap and is starting to slightly hang over the sides of your fat thighs.
I stroke your cheek and kiss your ear, whispering "relax now my love. We can enjoy each other more after you've had a little nap. Drink this for me." I hand you a mug of hot chocolate spiced with a bit of cinnamon, sweetened with dolce de leche and with a shot of caramel liqueur for added warmth.

I stroke your fat neck and breasts as you finish your drink, watching as your eyes become glazed and heavy lidded. Gently I rub your distended belly as you doze off to sleep. I am lost in the hedonistic love of your fat body and I sigh, settling myself closer to you as I too begin to doze off, flashing one last glance at the tray of sweets on the counter. Content knowing how much my fat man will enjoy them I finally drift into sleep, my head filled with dreams of Roman gods...


you approve? if you like this kind of story see my others here, just follow the story link under my profile.
2 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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Csmith 9 years
This is the sexiest story ever written B. and I just re read it. ^^^^^
Chubbybellygirl 9 years
Brilliant. Made me crave the fun of a round full bodied man.
Obsessed 9 years
A pleasure, as always xxx
Obsessed 9 years
A pleasure, as always xxx
Built4com4t 9 years
comments like that make writing all the more worth while. ;-)
Csmith 9 years
This is so good that I must excuse myself from polite company for a little while. I can think of a lot of things I would like to do to you while you are wearing thar too small shirt.