Broken heart, healed with food and love

Chapter 3 - let the healing begin

I went down to the kitchen, turned on the lights and opened the refrigerator. I saw the leftovers piled in there. I got more turkey smothered in gravy, more buttered cornbread, more biscuits, more green bean casserole and mac and cheese, more of everything. As I sat down, I heard something behind me and looked around to see Amanda there in a short low-cut nightshirt, showing off her thick soft thighs and beautifully deep cleavage between round perky breasts.

"Man, I have never seen anybody eat as much as you," she said, reaching around me from the side and rubbing my belly. "How do you do it?" She looked at me with the kindest grey eyes, and I knew I could never hide from her.

"Food is the best way to heal a broken heart," I told her, confiding in her the story about my ex Emily and the breakup. She listened intently. I wiped away my tears. As I told the whole sad tale, Amanda got up and fixed me plate after plate filled with desserts.

After a while, I was surprised to realize that she was feeding me as she listened. It seemed the most natural thing I had ever done. How odd! But also how wonderful to be so compassionately cared for! I had never felt such love!

She would give me time to say a sentence or two before sticking a big bite of brownie into my mouth. I even licked her fingers when the chocolate chips from the cookies melted on them.

She didn't react judgmentally to my story about Emily. She would nod her head or say, "You poor, poor boy." She reached under my shirt and massaged my gut as she fed me.

"You are about the cutest nicest guy I have ever met, Tommy, and any girl should consider herself lucky to be with a guy like you." She fed me one big serving of each dessert, then an entire apple pie with ice cream spooned atop each piece, then another whole pie - this one pumpkin with whipped cream.

When I finished, we kissed some, then went out on the front porch to watch the sunrise together.

Soon, we heard everyone gathering in the kitchen for another round, this time with breakfast. Amanda said she had to get some sleep and headed upstairs. Me, I was ready for some serious eating. I felt better after eating a few stacks of blueberry pancakes. I went into the living room then with a huge glass of milk and a plate of fudge and more pancakes. I settled into a recliner to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with a few other family members. They had recorded it on the VCR the day before since the men outvoted the women to watch football on Thanksgiving.

I was absolutely exhausted, and as I finished the plate of fudge and pancakes, I saw the greatest spectacle of the parade, those big blimps bouncing down the New York streets. Watching those big blimps, I dozed a bit and began to dream. I imagined myself as one of the blimps, and Amanda pumping me full of whipped cream, encouraging me with her words and caring caresses. This dream was funny but also strangely arousing. In my dream, she lovingly patted my huge love handles as she praised my eating abilities and my capacity.

When I awoke, I realized that I was quite aroused, and I was thankful that my baggy sweatpants and the fact that my relatives were engrossed in watching the parade had helped keep my arousal hidden. I drank the last of the milk and burped loudly.

"Someone is really enjoying this holiday," one of my second cousins said, and the room erupted in laughter. Unlike Emily's biting Halloween comments about my overeating and weight, this comment was given in good humor and love. I chuckled along with the others, feeling the warmth of their family love.

I realized then that this holiday, my family, all this delicious food and Amanda were helping heal me from the ravages of a heart broken by such a cruel girlfriend.

I stood up, went to the kitchen and another plateful of food.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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Td0057 7 years
Really enjoyed rereading this story. Two people coming together to overcome the bias of a judgemental world, with happiness being the goal. Please continue writing. Have followed you for years, and your stories are always fantastic.
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
And two more favorable comments from other writers here! You put me in writer's heaven by commenting! Thank you! By the way, ralphie1974, welcome to the writers of fantasyfeeder!
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Thanks, writergrl! I appreciate your saying that -- especially since I love your stories so much!