Ghost gainer

Chapter 11 - revelations

"This pocket watch was Emma's gift to me on the anniversary I got her the locket, she had it inscribed for me." Edward replied.

"So she's coming through that?" I asked.

"It would seem so; at the time this was a very expensive watch and only a few dozen were even made. I remember getting this and I loved it..." Edward said.

"Why would Derek pack that?" I said.

"I can ask him. Perhaps it just fell in by mistake."

I watched as Edward's image shimmered out and Derek's come into focus; it was a creepy moment.

"I didn't pack this watch, I didn't even know there was one in that said you saw Emma's face in the mirror before this?" Derek asked.

"The two of you switching like that is kind of creepy you know; but yes, that's what Edward says. Maybe it was wrapped in the shirt you packed?" I said.

"How can it still be working after ninety years? Don't these things need to be wound or something?" Derek said.

"Yeah they do, but we live in a haunted house with a ghost who likes to take over your body and make you fat, so is another haunted object really that weird?" I said.

"I suppose not, but Edward tells me that he's gotten a lot of energy from us I don't recall ever seeing Emma come through as strong as he does." Derek said.

"She doesn't; this is only the second time I've seen her come through at all. First time was when I found her dress that I wore to the Steampunk thing but after I found it, I never saw her again until just now. You'd think me wearing her dress would piss her off enough to come back." I said.

"Well what did she look like?" Derek asked.

"Pale; and gaunt like she was ill or something but despite that I could tell she was angry at something or that she was angry at me..." I said.

"What did you do to make her angry?" Derek asked.

"I don't know I haven't done anything that I can think of. Maybe its Edward she's really angry with, the fact that he can get so much energy from us to become so solid and she can't."

Derek leaned back and rubbed his belly, it was a habit I'd seen him pick up lately. I loved watching him lift up his shirt so he could do it, he was looking really happy about it. I guess he loves the feel of the fat in his lap or under his fingers when he massages his belly. I pulled into the motel and parked outside the office to check in, Derek stayed in the car and waited. While I was in there I glanced back and saw him staring at something in the mirror, he was talking because I could see his mouth moving. I signed quickly and got the key from the desk clerk and got back to the car.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked.

"Edward. He wants to come back out." Derek replied.

"Does he know something about why Emma is angry?" I said.

I pulled into the spot in front of our room and helped Derek out of the car. I went back to get the suitcase and I saw Emma again, she was a full torso this time and she pointed at the suitcase then vanished into it. I gulped and looked around to see if anyone saw me staring at nothing, I grabbed it quickly and headed back into the room. Edward was adjusting the sleeves on his shirt and undoing the buttons on the cuffs.

"I just saw Emma again." I said.

"You were right my dear, she is angry. She's angry at me for telling you to wear her locket." Edward replied.

"What did you say to her about it?" I asked.

"Regardless of what time we live in now, my word is still law with her and she will no longer bother you." Edward replied.

"I didn't say she was bothering me, I don't want to upset her. Having an angry ghost in my house is not something I want. Is it the fact that I'm not family? Is that why she's so upset about the locket?"

"She is upset because she heard me say I loved you; she still believes in Victorian values where marriage should be respected, even after death. She doesn't want you to interfere with her marriage. Even though she knows that as the man of house I am allowed to look outside the marriage, she isn't." Edward explained.

"That's not fair to her; I never want to be the mistress in someone else's life. Nowadays cheating on a spouse is a legitimate reason to get a divorce." I said.

"Back then it wasn't, many married men in my position had a mistress or two outside the marriage it was perfectly legal and acceptable. Since I'm dead and no longer married there's no reason for me to respect her wishes. And technically, you aren't cheating on your husband with me, I am your husband." Edward said.

"That just makes it sound creepy and wrong, and it's still not fair to her. It's obvious she still loves you Edward, despite you both being dead." I said.

"I cannot stop how I feel for you, despite how unfair it may seem."

"I need to talk to Derek for a while; can you go away for a bit? Maybe explain things to Emma about how the world works now? I want her to understand." I said.

"As you wish." Edward said.
25 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 9 years
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The Donut King 5 years
Great story! Makes you very hungry, don't it? lol