Ghost gainer

Chapter 12 - secret faces

I saw Derek come back; he shook his head and sat down on the bed.

"I feel so fat...oomph." Derek said.

"You look so fat too; how many calories do you think Edward put in you today?" I said.

"I don't know maybe a couple thousand or so. Feels great though, but it makes me sleepy." Derek replied.

"I asked Edward to go away for a bit to leave us alone; Emma seems very upset by his actions. Although Edward doesn't seem too concerned about how she feels."

"We know the era that they lived in and it's a far cry from what we live in now. Women had very little rights in marriages back then. Now I don't mind if you're in charge of me, I like it. Turns me on to see you get all authoritative over things. Like my weight, you won't let me leave a single crumb on my plate even if I'm stuffed so full I could burst. You make me eat it and I gladly force it down." Derek said.

"I'm glad to hear that, because you will be getting very, very fat after this trip is over and I expect you to stay that way." I said.

"Yes mistress." Derek said.

That was all I needed, I wanted him and I wanted him now. He saw the look on my face and he smiled, what I wanted is what he wanted too. Eating made him horny and he was pitching a tent right about now. He took off his shirt and tossed it on the chair by the desk, I lifted off my shirt and kissed him, he moved up the bed to reach the pillow taking his pants off as he moved. His fat belly spilled out and showed signs of fresh stretch marks on the sides.

"That's always a good sign, you're growing bigger already." I said as I traced it with my fingertip.

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you with those. I knew you'd like them." He said.

"Such a big ball of blubber you've sexy." I purred.

"Yeah, I'm hopeless...whatever will I do about it?"

"Grow bigger; that's your job. I want to see you fatten up even more..."

Covers were tossed back and two bodies became one big mass underneath them. I tickled his sore belly before fondling the new rolls of flab that had grown on his sides. He moaned as I felt his fat fingers run through my hair, taking out the clip that held it up. He looked at me for a minute or two before pulling me into a kiss. His big belly kept getting in the way when I tried to get closer, he found this hilarious.

"Having some issues there?" He teased.

"Baby I love this gut but the mountain of blubber is starting to annoy me and keeps getting in the way. I can't reach what I want to reach." I said.

"Oh? And what is so important down there that you need to reach?" Derek said.

"You know what I want, your treasure stick but's buried under Mount Blubbermore here."

"Well if you want my treasure stick you'll need to dig deeper under Mount Blubbermore."

He shifted his stuffed belly enough for me to get under it, I finally found what I wanted and positioned it right where I wanted it. Although the mound of pubic fat around it was pushing back against that spot and it made me jump. I never really realized how fat he was getting until now. He held onto my hips to keep me planted on his dick while he pushed against me. I moaned as the soft fat brushed against me and we could hear the wet sucking noises as my juices spilled down onto his fat inner thighs before trickling down further between the rolls of flab on his thighs. I closed my eyes and let the sensations ripple through me, unaware that Edward had pulled another silent switch while Derek was distracted. I felt his movements change and opened my eyes, Derek was looking back at me and he pushed again.

"Sorry, cramp." Derek said.

"Push back baby..." I said, not noting the change of tone in his voice.

Edward was nearly caught; he had to be more careful about switching places with Derek while he was lost in the throes of passion. The discussion he was supposed to be having with Emma was short and abrupt and as soon as he saw what Derek was doing he had changed places with him. He was not a man who was accustomed to being denied what he wanted; in this case he wanted to have sex again and through Derek he was able to. Seeing Andy's reactions to the stimulus he provided was a completely new experience for Edward. In his day a wife would not show such open enjoyment of sex it wasn't considered proper for her to do so, even with her husband. It was exciting to Edward and he quickly became addicted to getting this kind of sex whenever he saw the opportunity arise. The trigger seemed to be after he had made Derek eat a huge meal, the arousal it gave Derek was a signal that he would soon be having sex with Andy. It gave her pleasure to see him bloated and stuffed as well, the energy that kind of reaction produced was massive and Edward greedily sucked it in, it made him very powerful and strong enough to take over Derek even if he wasn't receptive to it. It also meant that Edward needed to have more control over himself to avoid being discovered or upsetting Andy so much that she completely locks him out. His clothing and wedding bands were very strong anchors that allowed him to exist on this plane and losing them would break his hold onto his corporeal form in this plane. He would drift off into the strong flowing currents of Purgatory and limbo where he would become a lost soul. Andy looked beautiful on top of him, the look on her face and her body's surprising reactions drove him wild with pleasure. He was sorely disappointed when he went off; he wanted to drag it out some more. He pulled back just before Derek realized he was in control. He glanced back at Emma who was crying as she had been watching the whole thing. Edward stood there naked in front of her, his much larger and fatter belly hanging low and covering his still erect penis.

"Do not ever interfere with my business again, do you hear me?" Edward said dangerously.
25 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 9 years
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The Donut King 5 years
Great story! Makes you very hungry, don't it? lol