Ghost gainer

Chapter 13 - hidden

"Oh man...that was great." Derek said.

"It's been too long since we've done this...don't make me wait this long again." I said.

"I'm sorry mistress; I'll try to remember that." Derek said.

"Glad you understand, now go drink one of those shakes in the cooler and get some rest, there's more stuffing for you to do tomorrow." I said.

"Baby I love it when you order me around." Derek said with a huge grin.

That night as I slept, I didn't feel him get up and quietly slip into his clothes. Edward was hungry again and made sure Derek was sound asleep before heading out to the twenty-four hour diner across the street from the motel. He had found the trigger he needed to get more of that sex he had experienced tonight and he planned to use it as much as he could from now on. Edward had access to all the knowledge that Derek had and through that he figured out how to use this debit card to pay for all the food he planned on consuming. The food was enticing as soon as he walked in the door, there were few patrons in the diner and Edward preferred that. He could order as much as he wanted and not be bothered by anyone. The waitress looked him over once and took out her notepad.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Let's see, I'd like one order of everything on this breakfast menu, as a start and some coffee." Edward said.

The look of horror on her face made Edward smile, that reaction was more common when he was alone and he found it oddly pleasing. The waitress headed back towards the kitchen and relayed the order to the cook, who shared a similar look of horror on his face. He was expecting a nice quiet shift with little work. Edward planned on eating everything on the menu before he was through. As the plates came to the table he dug in with enthusiasm making the waitress try to hide the looks of disgust on her face every time she put down another plate. He ate constantly for nearly three hours before he finally got the last plate of his order. Dawn was just starting to peek over the treeline and he knew it was time to get back to the motel. He paid the bill and left the waitress a nice tip, his belly was painfully overstuffed again as he waddled back to the motel room. Edward crept in quietly and shut the door before locking it with the deadbolt and chain again; he took off his shirt and slid into bed next to me. As soon as he closed his eyes he was out, the food was heavy in his belly and felt good.

"Hey, Derek or Edward...did you go out last night?" I asked.

Edward grunted as he shifted into a sitting position, it was four hours later and the morning sun was streaming through the window. I towelled off my hair and sat down to get dried off.

"Yes, sorry. I was hungry and I didn't want to wake you my love." Edward replied.

"Oh, well you left your shoes by the door with mud on them." I said.

"I apologize again; I didn't want to make too much noise. You looked so beautiful sleeping there."

"Do you want to shower before we head out again? It's kind of small and tight for you but I think you can still squeeze in there." I asked.

"You want to help me get in there? I'm still stuffed and bloated from eating..." Edward replied.

"Easy boy, I just got cleaned up I don't want to get all messy again."

"I would like you to." Edward said with a grin.

"Maybe later, you have to gain some more weight to earn shower playtime." I said.

"I accept your challenge; I will gain as fast as I can." Edward said.

He got up stiffly and waddled into the bathroom, he closed the door and I heard the toilet flush before he started the shower. While he was in there I took out my tablet and checked my email for a reply from Javier, the inbox showed two new messages. One was from Javier and the other was an unknown sender. I ignored the unknown one for now and opened the other. Javier had enclosed a list of the antiques he wanted to get back, there was the usual ones the photos, the furniture but he also wanted the clothing, the wedding bands, and the locket returned as well. My heart jumped as I read the last three items on the list. The clothing was an easy thing to get away with but the wedding bands and the locket? Edward wanted to keep those with him...I didn't know how to excuse their absence from the list.
25 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 9 years
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The Donut King 5 years
Great story! Makes you very hungry, don't it? lol