Ghost gainer

Chapter 5 - possession is nine tenths of the law

The dress slipped on easily and Edward did the buttons up on the back for me, I could see his face in the mirror his eyes were following the curve of my back as he slowly did the pearl buttons up. The look on his face was one I had seen on him when he was eating, a look of contented happiness.

"You're enjoying this aren't you? Living in my husband's body, getting out of this makes me wonder if you've done this before to other couples who have owned this house." I said.

"My dear Andrea, until you uncovered that false wall and opened the attic door I had been sleeping in here ever since I died, once about thirty years ago something awoke me from my slumber. It was the sounds of construction going on below in the house. That was when I realized how much time had passed since I died. The neighbourhood was not the same anymore." Edward explained.

"So I gave you the power to awaken permanently?" I asked.

"You gave me a reason to want to stay awake. It is as simple as that." Edward replied.

"What reason would that be?"

"A reason to stay on this plane of existence; through you and Derek I've been able to experience wonders and amazements that I never thought possible. A true love." Edward said.

"Isn't that more the true love of food?" I said.

"Perhaps, but it is only half true." Edward said.

"We should get going. The party will be starting soon." I said.

I knew what he meant by that, he didn't have love in his marriage while he was alive and now he's trying to find it by living through Derek. I should be more disturbed by it about being loved by a guy who's been dead since the early 1920's at the expense of my husband. But there was a bigger feeling of sadness for him because of what he went through back then. I had only seen a flash of Emma's ghost once and that was months ago, when I first found her dress that I was wearing now. Edward's ghost was much stronger because of his connection to Derek. And I knew it was also because of me and my attraction to his size, like he told me both Derek and I were giving him a lot of energy and he's been using it to become stronger over the last year and half since we've been living here. Now I know that Edward's feelings for me were more than just friendship and I had to really think about how I felt about him. Do I like him for his size, or because he's been helping my husband gain weight and fulfill one of his desires? Edward was a true gentleman and it was no secret that I was attracted to him, but I had to remember he's dead and has been dead for a long time before I was born.

We got to the meeting and there were plenty of people there dressed like Victorians, Edward linked his arm with mine and tipped his hat as the doorman let us in. He was in his element and no one seemed to care that he was hugely fat. I undid the ribbon holding my bonnet on and set it down on a table, Edward took of his top hat and set it down beside mine. He was nodding at the other men who passed by.

"Remarkable; it is like the 1900's all over again." Edward said.

"That's what Steampunk culture is about; the elegance and wonder of the Victorian era. I've never been to an event like this before." I said.

"You look beautiful in that dress by the way. Did I tell you that?" Edward commented.

"Edward..." I said.

"It is true; you are truly beautiful." He said.

The music began and Edward got to his feet, he held out his hand.

"Care to dance?" Edward asked.

"I can't dance, I have two left feet." I replied.

"Don't worry, I'm a strong partner. I'll lead and you follow." Edward said.

He put his top hat back on and fastened the bonnet on me. He took my hand and placed it in the crook of his arm and led me to the dance floor. I felt nervous about all the other dancers around me, like I would bump into them or step on their feet. Edward didn't take his hazel coloured eyes off me and placed a chubby hand on my waist and began to dance, I was looking down at my feet trying to match his steps. He lifted my chin up to his face.

"Watch my face; your feet will know where to go. Trust me." Edward said.

He took my hand and led me around into a small circle, he smiled making his chins stand out more. I felt my cheeks flush and averted my eyes; he was looking at me strangely. He tilted my chin up again and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes and let the feeling wash over me; it was warm and kind and filled with love. Everything around me seemed to fall away and it was just the two of us dancing slowly together in the center of the room. Edward moved gracefully for a very fat man who you would think was clumsy on his feet, he was a man used to carrying a lot of weight around and who had learned to adapt to it. Following his lead got easier as we danced in the ballroom, I was surprised that I was able to keep up.

"You're right, you are a strong partner. I can't believe I'm actually dancing." I said.

"I have your beauty to inspire me dear Andy." Edward said.

"Derek calls me Andy..." I said.

The music stopped and Edward bowed to me before leading me off the dance floor. The feast was ready and I could hear his stomach rumbling.

"Sounds like my fatty is hungry." I said.

"Indeed. Shall we eat my dear?" Edward said.

The dining hall was slowly filling up with people and the smells of delicious food filled the air. Edward pulled out a chair for me and pushed it in as I sat down; he took the one next to me. I looked back as his ass spilled over the edges of the chair. He glanced back at what I was looking at and smiled.

"Nice overspill there tubbs." I said.

"Yes, it is impressive that this chair can hold my massive girth isn't it?" Edward replied.

"You break it, you buy it." I said.

He smiled as the first course was set out in front of us, a scrumptious cream soup. Edward took a spoonful and lifted it to his mouth, it was rich and creamy and warm going down. Edward tucked his cloth napkin into his shirt and took another spoonful of the rich soup. I kept glancing at him as he enjoyed the soup, it was delicious. He cleaned the bowl quickly just as the next course was coming out, a roast perfectly seasoned and juicy. Edward loaded the thick gravy onto the roast and dug in; I ate some but left most of it on my plate. I slipped it onto his plate.

"Eat up tubby, you look half starved." I whispered.
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The Donut King 5 years
Great story! Makes you very hungry, don't it? lol