Ghost gainer

Chapter 6 - reliving the past

"As my lady commands." Edward replied.

Watching him eat made me flush again; it was hard to control myself at the sight of seeing him fill that huge belly up. The other people around the table seemed to not notice or even bat an eye at the two of us. Maybe they were staying in character for the image or perhaps it was just normalized seeing a fat guy eat for them. The third course was another meat dish, this time it was roast pheasant and potatoes steeped in the juices of the meat. Edward dug into the next course with gusto as soon as it was set down in front of him. Another waiter came around pouring wine for the guests, I waved him away from my glass and he nodded. Edward held his out for the pitcher and drank deeply from his glass. The vegetables were swimming in butter and mixing with the juices from the pheasant, adding to the flavour. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair; the warmth between my legs was rising as Edward ate more and more. The courses seemed endless as the waiters filed in and out of the doors leading to the kitchen I had no idea that Victorian meals had so many courses and were so lavish.

"How many courses are there in this dinner?" I asked.

"At least eight my dear; a banquet of this era and this size would only be served to the richest people of society. I am used to this level of food; it is one reason why I am so fat. Attending several of these functions on a weekly basis really packed on the pounds. If you got invites to every one of them you were in the best circles." Edward replied.

"And I assume you did get invites to every single one." I said.

"I did, Emma loved to socialize with the other rich wives of the men; she called it making the proper connections. I just came for the food. She would always accost me as soon as we got home about how I wasn't being polite enough to the other prominent men and that I was supposed to be making business contacts at these galas, instead of filling my fat face." Edward continued.

"I see. Sounds like it would have been extremely dull if I had to do that." I said.

The last five courses were enormous and the dessert course put me into a sugar coma just looking at it. Edward had at least five or six pieces of the rich, fluffy moist angel food cake. The fondant alone could account for half of the calories of the entire cake. He rubbed his overstuffed belly and loosened the fastener on his belt.

"That was exquisite; I am stuffed." Edward said.

"I'll bet you are so what are we supposed to do after the banquet?" I asked.

"Socialize; as a woman that was your role, while as a man it was my role to join the men in the smoking room for brandy. I however, do not smoke." Edward replied.

"So if you didn't smoke or drink, what did you do?" I asked.

"I sat down; my belly was often full and tight from the stuffing. Several other larger men would sometimes join me and we would talk business." He replied.

He got up and pulled my chair out for me, I took his arm and he led me back to the ballroom. I could see some of the women congregating over by the fireplace doing needlepoint. There were a few couples dancing while others were grouped off into corners talking. Edward stuck his belly out a little further as he passed by a group of men and some of them followed us with their eyes.

"Now why are you strutting around like a peacock?" I asked.

"Because I have a beautiful woman on my arm and I have noticed that some of the men are watching you." Edward said.


"My dear do you need to ask? They are wondering how a man of my girth can have such a fine woman."

"So they think I'm your wife?" I asked.

"Probably; and that's what makes me proud. And I say we shouldn't let them think otherwise." Edward said.

"I see, and what should I do to continue to play that part?" I asked.

"Stay close to me; I imagine that as soon as I leave you they will be coming over. I would like to have another dance with my beautiful, young wife." Edward said.

He made it sound so elegant, calling me his young wife. It made me blush again which made him smile even wider. He placed a hand on my waist and took my other in his free hand; he planted a kiss on it and led me into a slow waltz. And once more I felt that warm feeling rise between my legs and he was actually turning me on by doing something as simple as dance with me. That was weird; I never got like this when I was with Derek. I must look like a newlywed wife to the others who had been watching us. I wondered what it was they were seeing, was it Derek's face or Edward's? All I could see in front of me was Edward so did that mean Derek's image was being reflected to the other people?

"Are you sure we should be dancing? It will burn off some of those precious calories you just put in." I asked.

"I know, but that just means we can stop at another place to get some more food for me to put them back again doesn't it?" Edward replied.

"You still have room after that feast?"

"When you're fat like me, you're always hungry." Edward replied.
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The Donut King 5 years
Great story! Makes you very hungry, don't it? lol