Ghost gainer

Chapter 10 - if threes company what does that make four

"She's going to get a big tip after this." I said.

"I cannot wait to begin. I'm famished." Edward said.

"And I can't wait to see you pack all that in." I said.

"I will promise not to disappoint you my love." Edward replied.

Once the food arrived, it came in stages. First was a huge rack of pork ribs that were so juicy and laden with sauce that they fell off the bone onto the plate, with that came a deep fried hoagie, mashed potatoes drowned in butter and sour cream, and topped with chives, a huge cup of pop that could easily be an entire two liter bottle's worth, a thick, triple-stacked bacon cheeseburger with half a bag of fries with nacho cheese poured on top of it. Edward attacked the meal like a man half-starved to death. I sat back and sipped my tea as he ate. My salad was not exactly small; it was a meal on its own. I picked at it while trying not to be too distracted by my husband's ghost-controlled appetite. Gaining fifty pounds suddenly seemed like it was too small a goal for the month...

"I think you'll be coming back after this trip way heavier than we thought, fifty pounds seems too short-sighted." I said.

"One can only hope my love; I would much rather enjoy the journey getting there rather than be looking ahead at the destination." Edward said between mouthfuls of food.

"Profound; who knew you were also a poet." I said.

"I am a renaissance man; most Victorian men were." Edward replied.

"Eat up. There's still dessert to come after this." I said.

"Yes dear."

His stomach was bottomless, one by one each plate was cleaned and one by one the dessert plates arrived. The waitress was constantly taking away plates and bringing new ones over, her own belly looked like it was nurtured here as well, only her legs seemed to have any kind of definition to them, her belly, butt, breasts and arms were much softer and jiggled more than her legs. When she smiled her chins were highlighted along with her chubby cheeks, it was nice to see a woman with some girth. Edward groaned and undid his pants tie; he had more room after lifting his belly out of the confining fabric of his sweat pants. The desserts kept arriving and he would dutifully chow down on each one. The last plate finally came and it was a massive slice of cake, four thick layers and an even thicker layer of rich, fondant on top. A chocolate wafer sat happily on top of the cake before vanishing into Edward's mouth. It melted quickly on his tongue and slid down his throat; I could see the pleasure on his face and hear him moan quietly as the sweet concoction disappeared into his gaping maw. He sat back, belly full and distended. He rubbed it and gave it a pat; the satisfying thump made me wet with desire.

"Finally full fatty?" I asked.

"Oh yeah...that was incredible." Edward replied.

"And this is only day one..." I said.

We paid the $250 bill with an additional $25 on top for her tip, the waitress looked thrilled as I helped my overstuffed fat husband to his feet, his belly hung out below his shirt and he had a substantial waddle going on as I watched him in front of me. I had to move the seat in the front back as far as it would go so he could squeeze into the car. The seatbelt barely made it under his massive, bloated belly. He put the seat on recline and groaned loudly as his belly flopped out.

"We may have to invest in a bigger car to fit you inside." I said.

"Ughh...that would be great. I need the space for this massive body I'm growing." Edward said.

"How you feeling over there tubby?" I asked once we were on the road again.

"Fat...and sleepy. Wake me when we reach the motel." Edward replied.

"Sure. You get some rest; you've had a busy day tubbs." I said.

Edward was snoring soon after and I had some time to think about what we had talked about. It was true I did love how fat Edward was, even when I saw him in the pictures. Derek was happy with the weight he was putting on thanks to him and he knew that without Edward's help getting this big it would have taken him twice as long. It was hard to believe that only two years ago he was just starting to enter the chubby range at a miniscule two hundred and twenty pounds, now he had nearly tripled his weight with Edward. Both Edward and Derek were sleeping at the same time and that was a rare thing, I wondered if that meant they would share dreams. I glanced at my side mirror and gasped; I saw the angry pale face of Emma in that mirror and it scared me, my gasp woke up Edward.

"What is it my love?" Edward asked.

"Did you bring anything of Emma's with you when you packed? I think I just saw her face in the mirror." I said.

"No, I didn't although I wasn't watching the whole time Derek was packing." Edward said.

"How would she be able to follow us out of the house then?" I asked.

Edward felt around in the pocket of his pants and his fingers closed around something round and metallic. He took it out and examined it; it was a pocket watch that had an inscription from Emma on the lid. It was the anniversary gift that Emma had given him when he gave her the locket. The watch was ticking, even though it hadn't been wound up in a few decades.
25 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 9 years
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The Donut King 5 years
Great story! Makes you very hungry, don't it? lol