She'll be ready for thanksgiving

Chapter 2 - a thankgving turkey is about to be fattened

The arrangements had been made and it was now a week after returning from the beach that Tammy and Rob arrived had arrived at Amanda's estate where they were greeted by a care taker who helped them with their bags and showed them to the "Thanksgiving house." The house was very beautiful, very plush and decorated entirely in a Thanksgiving theme with pictures of stuffed turkey's everywhere! It didn't take Tammy long to settle in to her new plush surroundings and then soon realized that the house was fully stocked with everything she could possible imagine from every type of food imaginable to fully stocked bathrooms and bedrooms and it was then that she received a phone call from Amanda. "How do you like your new surroundings," she asked, "everything in there is for you and Rob and I'm sending over a cook to prepare you dinner right now if you're hungry?" "Hungry," Tammy answered as she was laughing, "I'm always hungry!" Little did she know but her hunger was about to become almost endless!

Tammy had made herself comfortable as she likes to do and was wearing her soft white shorts, that like everything else she had, barely fit and were tight enough to reveal her rounded lower belly, dimpled thighs and bottom. Tammy happily answered the door bell ringing and was greeted by man wearing a chefs outfit who introduced himself to her and very forwardly took the liberty to lightly pat her lower belly and asked "are you hungry my dear?" Tammy taking no offense to the light love tap answered the chef quickly as she giggled, "I'm always hungry!"

It wasn't long before Tammy and Rob sat down to a feast of pork, ribs, pasta in heavy cream sauces in abundance and many other things! Tammy asked, "who else is coming to eat with us?" The chef told her no one else was coming and that this was all for them to enjoy. Tammy said, "I'm hungry but we could never eat all of this." The chef was laughing and said to her "but I'm sure you could, it's been especially prepared for you and made with special ingredients and plenty of love." "I'm going to stay and clean up when you are finished and make sure you've had enough and see if I can't interest either of you in a dessert." Once Tammy and Rob started it seemed as if they couldn't stop stuffing one thing after another greedily in their mouths and before long the entire feast was gone and the chef was looking on with a look of accomplishment as he said, "I'm preparing desserts for you now so don't go anywhere." Tammy not being the shy one was leaning back, and had lowered her shorts to the point that her lower belly was now fully exposed as she rubbed it, "Oh my god I don't think I could eat another thing," but the chef had already prepared a thick gooey looking chocolate desert in a tray and placed one in front of Tammy and one in front of Rob which each immediately began to eat. Chef cautioned them, "you know you probably shouldn't eat that all in one sitting it's very very fattening and you have to be careful around here or you'll grow very fat very quickly and we wouldn't want that with thanksgiving being about 3 months away now would we," he laughed. Tammy looked up as she rubbed her incredibly distended belly and asked, "chef can I have more please?" Chef knew his job and he knew it well, as he had already prepared another tray which he knew was going to end up in Tammy's belly but he said to her, "you'd better ask your boyfriend, I don't want to get in trouble for ruining your figure, if it's ok with him." Rob looked at Tammy's belly which he had never seen like this before, bright red stretch marks were starting to pop out already and he said "Tammy, you already have stretch marks popping out, you know they don't go away honey." Tammy looked at her belly and rubber her fingers over the newly formed stretch marks and said, "Ok, can I have another tray now?" Soon after Tammy finished her second tray of the dessert she and Rob fell into a deep sleep.

Tammy and Rob didn't know that the food they ate was filled with appetite stimulants to keep them both continually hungry and muscle relaxers to keep both of them very relaxed and not wanting to do much besides eat and lay around, all of this, part of Amanda's plan for her honorary Thanksgiving guest!

A week had past since Tammy and Rob arrived at the "Thanksgiving house" and it seemed as if had been a continual cycle of uncontrollably stuffing themselves, cuddling together, sleeping and an occasional love making! As Tammy and Rob awoke in each others arms to the smell of breakfast being cooked on the 1st floor Tammy eagerly tried to put something on, anything, but she could not find one thing that went over her ample thighs, her swollen belly or her now heavily dimpled and much larger bottom. As she looked down she saw that the cute little lower belly she had was gone, that she had a very large belly and that rolls had began to form on her sides and under her breasts as she looked at Rob.....Rob had also gain substantial weight in his belly and had developed large love handles that were hanging over his shorts. "Rob, we're both getting fat," Tammy said, "do you still think I'm attractive?" Rob quickly answered, "I don't care how fat you get you're the most beautiful!"

As Tammy and Rob went down stairs to have their breakfast they were greeted by Mike, Amanda's husband who they had not seen since their trip to the beach. Mike greeted them with a "Wow, you're coming along nicely, you've only been here and week and its about 3 months to Thanksgiving, Amanda was right about you Tammy!" "What do you mean Mike," Tammy answered?

"Well honey," Mike said, "Amanda is very spoiled as you probably could tell. Every year for Thanksgiving she likes to pick out a young girl that she thinks would fatten very very well and then lures her back to our "Thanksgiving house" to be fattened as our guest of our Thanksgiving Turkey dinner. So basically she only considers you as livestock now, your being fattened up for her to enjoy. Amanda is a big woman but she loves to have another woman fattened for her own pleasure, especially knowing that the meat on you will make her fatter, I guess it's a power thing for her," Mike said. Mike laughed, "she can pick them, I have to give it to her, I can't believe how much you've packed on in a week, imagine how much meat you'll have on you in 3 months!"

Even after hearing all of this Tammy was unable to control herself and began her morning stuffing, greedily eating everything in sight, with the white t-shirt she pulled down trying to cover her belly, now riding up revealing her swollen belly which was even more covered in bright red fresh stretch marks. Tammy glanced up, "what about Rob?" " Well that brings us to a very interesting point," Mike said, "we were going to keep him around for you, we didn't think he was going to pork up so quickly but if he continues like this I'm going to talk to Amanda about having a Thanksgiving couple!"

It was the next day when Tammy was laying on the couch and having Rob rub lotion on her stomach that Amanda stopped in with another woman who was also very large, about the size of Amanda. Amanda was very different now and very demanding, "look at that, my Thanksgiving dinner laying on the couch! How's the prep going Chef," she asked? "Well Amanda," he answered, you are the boss, what do you think?"

Amanda rubbed her hand over Tammy's swollen belly and then told her to stand up, "look at that fat that is already accumulating on her bottom," Amanda smacked and then shook Tammy's ample growing bottom, "only a week here and look how well she's fattening, look at those dimples. You're doing a great job Chef, now up her calorie intake, maybe start tube feeding her, I want her waddling around just like a turkey is supposed to waddle before it's ready for the Thanksgiving serving tray!"

4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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Azerty 2 years
Yes please, continue. Thank you it is such a good one.
Clubkong 2 years
Such a great story with Thanksgiving coming next month.
Sutherngent96 5 years
Love it
Clubkong 5 years
Still one of my favorite story ! And oh so timely in sync with the season
Clubkong 6 years
I love coming back to this amazing story
Pepper1985 7 years
more more
Clubkong 8 years
More more !
Clubkong 8 years
Awesome story ! Please more !
Fatlilboy 8 years
OMG - we need so much more from you!!! You're keeping us hanging like keeping them from cumming - don't dangle - keep going, you erotic genius!
Plumplilbird... 9 years
aah i need more!!!!!
Plumply45 9 years
more more more!
Clubkong 9 years
Mmm, waiting eagerly smiley
Plumply45 9 years
More please!
Fatloverde 9 years
I really like this one!
Clubkong 9 years
Such a mouth watering story !
Jmr1903 9 years
yes continue
Bradypig 9 years
Please, please, please continue !!
Plumply45 9 years
I want to hear about their trip into the kitchen "fully-fattened" and ready for either the oven or hung upside down and stuck like pigs. Jiggling as they're bled, watching as the fat legs and bloated torso are squeezed to pump out thick gushes of their own creamy blood into the waiting pail
Doggy375 9 years
Yes I want you to continue with the story!
Clubkong 9 years
Absolutely amazing ! smiley
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