She'll be ready for thanksgiving

Chapter 3 - livestock

Amanda then turned to Rob, rubbed his swollen belly and said "Wow, a bonus, I didn't expect to see you fattening up so quickly," she then rubbed her own fat belly, licked her lips and said, "looks like we'll be having a great Thanksgiving this year with two well fattened Turkey's!"

Amanda told Chef that he was doing a great job and to make sure they were both stuffed and prepped for next Saturday night as she was going to have some of her friends over that would be dining with them on Thanksgiving for a showing of this years honorary guests.

Tammy looked at Amanda and asked "am I really being fattened for the meat on my body?" Amanda said, "but of course dear, you're simply livestock to me now and I want every possible pound on you for Thanksgiving dinner, you're my turkey, so don't move around to much I want you nice and tender!" Tammy said, "I don't have many choices, I lay here and am continually stuffed by Chef and sleep most of the time after that." "That's the plan" Amanda laughed, "and if you act up I'll have Chef put you in a cage so you really can't move around, so you be a good girl!"

As the week passed the days blended together to Tammy and Rob as they laid around with no physical activity, continually being stuffed by Chef's high calorie food that was laden with a very strong appetite stimulant and the muscle relaxers and the only real activity being the sex between to two soon to be Thanksgiving dinners!

It was now Saturday and Tammy and Rob were helping each other bathe as it had become more difficult to reach certain areas when Rob said to Tammy, "Honey I can't believe how rapidly you are fattening up, I mean a month ago you were only a little plump in your bikini. I know I'm being fattened to but you are gaining at an unbelievable rate, almost like you were made to be fattened! Do you think you could try to resist any of the food honey, if we could only stop gaining so much, I see the look in Amanda's eyes when she looks at you, she see's her Thanksgiving dinner walking by." Tammy looked down at her belly, the belly that only a month ago stuck out cutely and jiggled only slightly when she walked, which now was very large and with bright red corpulent stretch marks popping up everywhere. "Rob, I have no will power at all, I can't help myself not even a little bit, besides why even try, I'm going to end up on Amanda's Thanksgiving serving tray anyway, you heard what she said, she told me that she would have Chef put me in a cage and stuff me if I didn't cooperate."
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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Azerty 2 years
Yes please, continue. Thank you it is such a good one.
Clubkong 2 years
Such a great story with Thanksgiving coming next month.
Sutherngent96 5 years
Love it
Clubkong 5 years
Still one of my favorite story ! And oh so timely in sync with the season
Clubkong 6 years
I love coming back to this amazing story
Pepper1985 7 years
more more
Clubkong 8 years
More more !
Clubkong 8 years
Awesome story ! Please more !
Fatlilboy 8 years
OMG - we need so much more from you!!! You're keeping us hanging like keeping them from cumming - don't dangle - keep going, you erotic genius!
Plumplilbird... 9 years
aah i need more!!!!!
Plumply45 9 years
more more more!
Clubkong 9 years
Mmm, waiting eagerly smiley
Plumply45 9 years
More please!
Fatloverde 9 years
I really like this one!
Clubkong 9 years
Such a mouth watering story !
Jmr1903 9 years
yes continue
Bradypig 9 years
Please, please, please continue !!
Plumply45 9 years
I want to hear about their trip into the kitchen "fully-fattened" and ready for either the oven or hung upside down and stuck like pigs. Jiggling as they're bled, watching as the fat legs and bloated torso are squeezed to pump out thick gushes of their own creamy blood into the waiting pail
Doggy375 9 years
Yes I want you to continue with the story!
Clubkong 9 years
Absolutely amazing ! smiley
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