She'll be ready for thanksgiving

Chapter 4 - saturday night

It was then that they heard Amanda's voice and several others downstairs. Amanda came up stairs and said, "well are you two ready to be shown off to my friends?" Amanda opened a bag she was carrying and pulled out a bikini bottom and top for Tammy, "I hope this fits honey, I had to order it from a specialty shop to fit you," she giggled, "I had noticed when we were away your bikini's were already and XL and knew nothing would fit you now." Tammy struggled to get the bikini up and over her now heavily dimpled bottom as the top barely contained her ample breasts. Amanda then pulled out a small egg shaped vibrator and placed it in Tammy's tight bikini bottom in just the right position against her clitoris, "I don't think that will move as tight as those bottoms are on you," she giggled. Amanda held the wireless remote control in her hand and said, "lets just check to make sure this is working," and as she turned it on Tammy immediately began to moan. "Ok, I see it works, now lets go downstairs."

Both Tammy and Rob were led downstairs to meet with three other couples that were friends of Amanda and Mike's and would be joining them for Thanksgiving dinner. All of the ladies were also BBW and about the size of Amanda, and immediately upon seeing Tammy began to comment. One woman patted Tammy's belly as another began to jiggle her bottom, "Oh this one is going to be tender" one of the ladies exclaimed. Amanda directed Tammy to sit in the recliner, a recliner that Tammy was familiar with as it had nylon straps affixed to it for the purpose of restraining someone and as soon as she sat down Amanda strapped both of Tammy's arms down so that she couldn't move them at all. Once Tammy was strapped in Amanda took the remote control out and turned it on to once again hear Tammy begin to moan almost immediately. "Let's make her suffer" Amanda laughed, I love watching my strapped and trapped turkey squirm around as she's fattened! Rob sat back quietly and helplessly as he watched the other men in the group talk and enjoy drinks as they watched their wives stuff Tammy with high calorie foods, rub her belly and tease her endlessly with the vibrator. Tammy was brought to the brink of orgasm over and over as the ladies continued their almost cruel ritual of feeding her and teasing her and telling her just how tender she would be for Thanksgiving.

Amanda finally looked over at Rob, "don't think you're getting off easily," she said. Amanda called Rob over and told him to take the only thing he was wearing, his tight shorts, OFF! Rob knew he had no choice but to listen to Amanda's command and slowly took his shorts off. As Rob stood there Amanda grabbed his arm and led him over to his strapped down girlfriend. She put a leather strap around Rob's waist and fastened it so that she could pull him at the waist if she wanted and said, "Ok Rob, I want to see my Thanksgiving turkey stuffed," Amanda then took the vibrator out of Tammy's bikini bottoms and took the bottoms off of her as she lay their helplessly. She then took the small egg shaped vibrator, turned it on and lightly placed it against Rob's cock causing him to quickly become erect. "Stuff my turkey" Amanda demanded as she watched Rob mount Tammy. Rob's very large and well fattened belly made him move a little slower but he mounted Tammy and thrust himself deeply into her with a loud groan. Several minutes had passed and both Tammy and Rob's moan and groans grew louder and quicker when Amanda pulled sharply on the leather strap around Rob's waist pulling him out of Tammy. Amanda said "your cock is dripping profusely, now why is that Rob," as she laughed. Rob looked down to see cum dripping from his cock and pleaded with Amanda, "please please let us cum." Amanda let Rob enter Tammy again only to stop them in several minutes by pulling on the leather strap, "Do you want to cum, hum," she giggled, "Ok Tammy what does a turkey sound like?" Tammy gobbled several times and each time was met with Amanda demanding, "louder, louder," and finally hearing Amanda saying "very good." With Rob kneeling over Tammy, his cock throbbing and several inches away from Tammy's pussy but being held back by Amanda and the leather strap, Amanda asked "how badly do you want to cum?" Both Tammy and Rob moaned and pleaded, "we'll do anything, just let us cum."

Amanda directed two of her friends to get two of the bags used to tube feed the helpless couple and soon to be Thanksgiving dinners as one was held over Tammy as she began suckling on the tube and one was held over Rob's head as he began quickly sucking on the it also. "As soon as you are almost done your high fat treat my dears, you can cum," Amanda laughed and it was at this moment she released the leather strap allowing Rob to forcefully enter Amanda, "keep sucking my dears, I want my Turkey's fat," she laughed and almost simultaneously both Tammy and Rob exploded into orgasms with the last suck from the tube.

As Tammy was unstrapped both her and Rob laid their gasping for air Amanda laughed, "look at my fat turkey's trying to catch their breath! I guess that's enough for tonight, go to sleep my dears before it's time for your next feeding!"

4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 2 years
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Azerty 2 years
Yes please, continue. Thank you it is such a good one.
Clubkong 2 years
Such a great story with Thanksgiving coming next month.
Sutherngent96 5 years
Love it
Clubkong 5 years
Still one of my favorite story ! And oh so timely in sync with the season
Clubkong 6 years
I love coming back to this amazing story
Pepper1985 7 years
more more
Clubkong 8 years
More more !
Clubkong 8 years
Awesome story ! Please more !
Fatlilboy 8 years
OMG - we need so much more from you!!! You're keeping us hanging like keeping them from cumming - don't dangle - keep going, you erotic genius!
Plumplilbird... 9 years
aah i need more!!!!!
Plumply45 9 years
more more more!
Clubkong 9 years
Mmm, waiting eagerly smiley
Plumply45 9 years
More please!
Fatloverde 9 years
I really like this one!
Clubkong 9 years
Such a mouth watering story !
Jmr1903 9 years
yes continue
Bradypig 9 years
Please, please, please continue !!
Plumply45 9 years
I want to hear about their trip into the kitchen "fully-fattened" and ready for either the oven or hung upside down and stuck like pigs. Jiggling as they're bled, watching as the fat legs and bloated torso are squeezed to pump out thick gushes of their own creamy blood into the waiting pail
Doggy375 9 years
Yes I want you to continue with the story!
Clubkong 9 years
Absolutely amazing ! smiley
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