Meaty petey

Chapter 5 - part six & seven

Part Six

He sat down on the hard floor like a rock. His gut pouring out of the kimono, covering any traces of the mawashi he wore. He did his best to stick all he had inside out. Ben was being examined by the Sensei of the sumos. Usually, the Sensei never took part in the KimonoRule(TM); however, he changed the tradition of it for this specific challenger. He did not mention why. They all thought nothing of it. Takumi, Slack, Suzy, and Asuma were there in the sidelines. They all bit their tongues hoping for the best, especially Asuma. This was a great deal of pressure for him. He was close friends with the Sensei. After all, if the Sensei wasn't pleased with Ben's weight, his plan would take a lot longer than he would have hoped for...
Asuma's plan... For the past three months, he has been working on a strange project. A project that he told of no one... No one other than the the Sensei. No one really cared and Petey himself did nothing to stop it, so the two were free to carry out what they so wished to do. And with that, the Sensei and Asuma began working harder than usual; rumor has it, they even conversed with Ben's rival about the topic. It was strange, even Ben didn't know what it was about...

"300 pounds," the sumo said.

Ben did his best to show no sign of happiness to assure the Sensei that he chose a grand amount for a serious gainer; however, the crowd did not hesitate to cheer, with an exception to the rivals. Their estimate was less than 100 pounds.

Ben and his friends left the dojo victorious. Ben had 15 weeks to gain 300 pounds and stand at a total of 711.8 pounds, exactly 300 pounds heavier than he is now. Although it seems impossible, Meaty Petey offers a variety of consumables to aid challengers.


One whole week since the start of the challenge; a rough beginning to be honest. To achieve the minimum goal required, the challenger must gain 20 pounds per week. Ben had gained 15 pounds so far. Looks like his friends have to up their game and help him better. The first week was assigned to both Slack and Suzy. It's most likely the two won't be major helpers anymore for they didn't pay much attention to Ben. Ben struggled to gain since Slack wanted to "tag along". Suzy focused on Slack's gaining as opposed to opposite contender. Asuma grew angry when he heard of this and forced the two leave and never help Ben during these trials again. Now to assure Ben has a good start, he decided to help him gain during the second, third, and fourth weeks.

"Here, take this," Asuma said. He handed over some strange looking capsules capsules. "If you wanna get bulky, you gotta take one of them per day."

"Is it safe?" Ben asked.

"Would I be letting you take it, if it wasn't?" Asuma smile. "It's healthy for you too. When taking this, you're body won't get harmed by the junk you eat."

Ben shrugged but still swallowed the capsule.

"It's time for breakfast! Let's move to the Private Buffet on Level 39. I reserved the place for the next three weeks."


"Son, tell me what you usually have for breakfast?" Asuma asked.

Strange question, Ben thought. Asuma and him had been eating breakfast together for over a year, but for his father's amusement, he said, "three stacks of pancakes with each stack consisting of six of them, a pile of waffle, which is usually about a dozen, a dozen muffins, and a jug of OJ. A healthy sized meal, in my opinion."

"That's childsplay compared to this."

This definitely excited Ben. "Go on," he smiled.

Asuma couldn't be more excited, "I call it The Grand Breakfast Binge. It consists of a dozen stacks of pancakes, two dozen buckets of waffles (50 in each), four packs of muffins, and a few jugs of OJ." As he announced the buffet, waiters came out from the kitchen and placed the feast on Ben's table. "Finish it quickly, son." he winked.

Ben did his best to stuff himself with all the food. He ate whatever he saw, not starting in any particular order. Stuffed waffles and pancakes shamelessly down his throat. After he finished, Ben truly felt bloated. A feeling he never felt in quite a long time. He knew this feeling wouldn't shy away from him for quite some time...

Part Seven

5 weeks left to go yet he was way passed what was needed. Takumi and Asuma both took turns feeding monstrous amounts of food to Ben; they were a great team. He was just under 800 pounds, 798.1 pounds to be exact. Ben, at this point, could barely waddle. His enormous girth made it impossible for him to be in an elevator with more than two people, harder to maneuver through hallways, and was not even able to fit through some doorways. It was practically a miracle he still walked to begin with.He hadn't changed in about a week; what a slob, his father thought. However, he never did anything about it for it would waste time and conflict with his eating schedule. His shirt only covered his moobs, acting as a sort of a bib. His jeans were so tight on him, you could call it a second layer of skin. He was enormous.

Ben started to eat around 2 and then 3 of Asuma's Breakfast Buffet styled feasts every morning. He'd snack on a cake or two before lunch; Now lunch and dinner were served together in one sitting, since the food given was very extreme. Ben and Takumi fed him exactly: 200 burgers, 250 hot dogs, 300 pizzas, 200 buckets of fried chicken, and 100 bowls of pasta. This obviously was started off at a much smaller amount in the beginning of the weight gain process, but soon expanded to what he started to eat recently. And for dessert, it usually varies, but is either a 20 pound cake, or 200 boxes of assorted doughnuts. Again, it started off at a much smaller scale. Thanks to the consumable capsules offered by the store, Ben did not feel pain while consuming this much food most of the time.

Ben was well on his way to surpass the Sensei's expectations, and he was fully aware of this. The Sensei occasionally came to the room to check up on him, while also conversing to Asuma about their "plan", but to be frank, Ben could care less about that prank. He was having an amazing time by stuffing food in his mouth with the help of his friends and father. Life couldn't get better, he thought.
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