Daniel explodes

Chapter 2 - pain now pleasure later

Daniel shifts in his seat, and I swear I can hear his underwear waistband stretching ever so much more. His thighs jiggle as he moves. I reach behind him and pull on the waistband of his tightened underwear, causing it to ride up and give him a slight wedgie. He winces as I giggle.

"Yes, my big boy is going to burst right out of his underwear if he's not careful!" I say, taunting him while my fingers trace his belly overhang bulging over the top of his waistband. I am overcome with the sensations of that warm belly fat. "God, look at all this flab!"

I pinch the fat between my finger and thumb and make it jiggle. I then take his right hand and force him to feel his love handles, then push it around behind him and force him to grab a handful of flesh on the side of his right butt cheek.

"You really are getting fat! Better not eat another bite, or you'll burst out of your underwear, piggy!"

I release his hand, and it lingers there on his fattened arse, then drifts to his right love handle and holds on tight. I move my hand around to the front and pull slightly on his already-stretched waistband. I feel his soft warm heavy gut hanging over on top of my knuckles. I let his waistband snap back against his flabby belly. It makes a slapping noise as it hits him.

He moans out loud, looks a bit angry, then starts to speak. I muffle his words with another slice of cake. It is so warm and deliciously moist, making it easy for him to swallow.

I touch my fingers to Daniel's throat, waiting, waiting, so patiently waiting. His cheeks are bulged out, and soon he swallows as I massage his neck, feeling all that food making its way - belly-bound chocolate and calories.

He has chocolate frosting all over his lips. Cake crumbs have dropped all over his chest and belly. My fingers gather them up and place them back into his mouth. With my finger, I wipe the frosting from his lips, then thrust my finger into his mouth as he sucks the deliciousness from it.

Before he has a chance to think, he has finished another slice, practically inhaling it. I manage to cram the entire slice into him all at once, followed by the chewing, more half and half, and that wonderful gulping and swallowing, pleasing me in so many ways. This is just so hot, I feel I can barely contain myself, but I remain cool and in control.

"There's no filling you up, is there?" I chuckle, patting the top of his swollen belly. "Don't worry. I still have plenty of cake left." I reach for another slice as he moans and leans back grabbing the sides of his engorged gut. I lean in and whisper, "And I can always make another one if you get hungry later, mister."

His eyes fill with horror, and I laugh heartily.

I continue feeding Daniel. I rub the sides of his belly as he passively eats more and more, my fingers lingering in plushnesss and grabbing onto his love handles.

I pull his shirt totally open, ripping it and popping off the remaining buttons. I play with his little moobs as he keeps eating. I love that Daniel is finally growing some moobs! I imagine them growing bigger, rounder and softer in the months to come. Mmmm, I can't wait. So hot and sexy!

"Eat up, big boy. Can't have you going hungry. Fat boys need to eat all the time, don't you?" I can feel his nipples stand up and harden when he hears this. I keep talking to arouse him even more. "Soon, you are going to get too big to move. And then, you won't have a chance to get away from me and my fattening ways. You'll be the Desiree boyfriend who couldn't get away - if you don't explode first, that is."

I chuckle, seeing a bulge enlarging in his tight underwear. Soon, I look down to see his underwear moisten near the end of his hardened penis. I have him just where I want him now.

I draw circles about his moobs with my fingers, then move my hands slightly lower, massaging the top of his belly, slowly sticking my finger into his deepening belly button. I grab and fondle his flab. I proceed downwards ever so slowly, ever so sensuously, making him crazy with desire. He is sweating and shivering now as I play with the flab beneath his belly button, that beautiful underbelly of his. I smile as I remember all the food and stuffing it took for me to grow all this extra Daniel.

(more to come)
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Badhansel 7 years
I keep coming back to this story - it is positively delicious! Thanks!
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
Thanks, otherland78! Yes, that is my intention to keep those two kinds of things going on in the story, and I am glad you can appreciate them -- and be turned on by them.
GrowingLoveH... 8 years
Thanks, Built4com4t! Hearing that from a writer like you is like getting a big piece of cheesecake from a lover.
FrecherTyp 9 years
yes reading it again i realized the hotness for me comes in the majority form the twist, that she seduces him but always tells him it´s his fault he got so fat and that he has no willpower due to her sexy seduction to resist and eat whaever she holds before him :....:_) the he this is just such a turn on the be so helpless cause of a female naughty seduction :-) really very excellenty put into a story
Built4com4t 9 years
love the details, nice!
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Thanks for all the encouragement!
FrecherTyp 9 years
oh my awesome :-) :-) hehe u´m very intrigued to read more ^^^as always
GrowingLoveH... 9 years
Thanks so much! Yes, there are definitely more parts, and I will put them up once I update a few other stories here -- "Bewitched and Fattened" and "Love Song of Circe." I am glad you count this among your favorites, Breadmakesyoufat!
Sokotron 9 years
Awesome! Cant wait for another one!