The big pumpkin

chapter 6

Helen didn't bother locking Brittany's cage anymore, as she was sure Brittany had no power to escape. In fact, just to taunt her fat captive, Helen stuffed her full of pies until she was groaning and holding her belly, half-asleep from the energy she had spent eating. Smirking, Helen walked up to her room and stretched out on her bed. Almost a week away, and Brittany was so close to being ready.
Downstairs, Brittany waited until she was sure the witch must be asleep, then pushed open the cage door. It took her a second try to get her blubbery belly through the opening, but then she was free!! She waddled out to the front door, and got wedged in the frame, quite horribly. Her fat, distended gut, though empty, was much too round to fit through Helen's slender door frame. Brittany panicked and shoved herself harder, trying to suck in what she could. It only get her more stuck, and she felt tears of frustration welling up in her eyes. She could feel the cool breeze of October on her round face, the dark trees in front of her promising escape. With a renewed effort, she tried again, but was unable to move. The doorframe cracked, and Brittany froze. She listened, but the house was silent. She pushed herself harder, the frame cracked completely off, and the obese girl was free! She waddled towards the woods, her nightgown tight around her wobbling gut, and had gone but six feet into the dark when she had to sit down to catch her breath, panting as though she had just run a marathon. She went to stand up, but her heavy gut met with gravity and pushed her back down. Again, she tried, and again she ended up forced back down.
"My goodness, why are you huffing and puffing like this? Your belly is huge and round and heavy, you should know that a tub of lard like you can't stand up on your own," said a voice behind her. Brittany gasped, her hand flying up over her heart. A short man stood next to her, his own belly slightly plump. He was wearing suspenders and a silk shirt, but stood no more than three feet high.
"Who are you?!" Brittany asked, subconsciously rubbing her large lovehandles. The small man walked up and sniffed her, ignoring her question.
"Got away from Helen, have you?" he chuckled, rubbing his hands together, "You really should be more careful, little girl. There's hundreds of beasts in these woods that would love to eat up a piggy human as fat and round as you." he grinned at her, revealing tiny pointed teeth, and Brittany felt a chill go through her. Had she just landed herself in a far worse situation?"
"I--I need to go--" she stammered, and he shoved her onto her back, hard. She struggled and thrashed around, panicked, and he laughed loudly. Four other little men appeared from the woods, cackling with their sharp little teeth glinting in the moonlight. The five of them rolled her over, one grabbing handfuls of her doughy buttcheeks, and then kept rolling her. She glanced around wildly as they rolled her large bulk down a beaten dirt path, her overfed gut sloshing with the movement. She couldn't see where they were taking her, and she was getting way too dizzy to keep her eyes open. She closed them tightly, feeling ten little hands pinching and slapping her fat as she was rolled away to her next prison.

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Woah! What's happening??! Any ideas for this story? :)
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 7 years
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Bradypig 9 years
This is absolutely wonderful. More please!!!
Clubkong 9 years
Awesome !
Chubbybellytoy 9 years
so good!!
ThePaladin 9 years
Write more, please.
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