The big pumpkin

chapter 9

Brittany stayed with the little people until the day of All Hallow's Eve, and as Sophia had promised her, she had eaten herself into quite an interesting state. Her belly was most of her, a giant, swollen blimp of a girl, with her gut bigger around than she was tall. There was no way Brittany could hope for escape now, she had ballooned up far bigger than Helen herself would have thought possible. She was moved occasionally, rolled by a group of her captors like a fat, heavy beach ball. Sophia herself had grown quite plump, her only job of feeding Brittany taking a toll on her own figure. Sophia had become the roundest of the little people without even realizing it, her potbelly swelling out past her breasts and swaying side to side while she walked. Of course, Sophia didn't notice her tightening clothes or her changing body, as she was so focused on feeding and laughing at Brittany, whose small fat arms could barely rest at her sides for all the layers of blubber she had packed on. It was on this night that Helen appeared in the caves of the dwarf-people, looking for her prized piggy. Six tall, muscular young men followed in the witch's wake, their stride even and purposeful.
"She'll be in the Great Hall, no doubt," Helen told them, "these greedy little bastards steal every meal I have, they'll be prepping her themselves."
"Yes, ma'am. We will check and bring her back to you immediately," one of the young men said, flexing his strong arm muscles. The seven of them swept past scores of the little people, Helen casting paralyzing spells to keep them from interfering. She was going to get her fat little Brittany back, no matter what.
Sophia was feeding Brittany in the Hall, laughing as the girl moaned and sucked down a thick, creamy liquid. Brittany was clothed in a large orange suit, with buttons that strained hard around her enormous girth.
"You're such a bloated, greedy hog!! You're so fat you can't even try to move, and here you are, stuffing your huge gut and adding even more blubber onto yourself!! Can you even see anything that isn't your belly? I can't wait til Helen sees what you've done to yourself," Sophia laughed, patting Brittany's round body.
"You've grown quite chubby yourself, Sophia," Helen said sharply, and Sophia whirled around in panic.
"Wha-Helen-I was just-" she stuttered, terrified.
"My, my. Will you look at this plump little belly you've put on!" Helen exclaimed, putting her slender hand on Sophia's own pie-stuffed gut and giving it a firm jiggle, "You know, Sophia, I think I'll take the both of you home with me."
"No!!" Sophia shrieked, as one of the young men seized her and bound her tightly, throwing her over his shoulder like a backpack. Helen laughed.
"What did you think was going to happen? Did you think I was going to pay for my property that you stole? I must thank your people for fattening her up so nicely, however. I'll be sure to send a gift to them," Helen said, her eyes narrow. She looked Brittany over and sighed dreamily, imagining what was soon to come.
"Oh, Brittany, Brittany. Why did you try to escape, my little pet? Didn't you know that you were too heavy to get far? Didn't I tell you that? You poor, round little thing. So very, very fat and juicy.. how will I prepare you? A stew? A pie? A roast? I have so many decisions in so little time! How do you feel, you lardball?"
"Ashamed," Brittany replied, her round, berry-smeared cheeks making the word hard to hear. Helen cackled.
"As you should! Here you are, too fat to move. I remember the days when you could still barely waddle around, your blubber shaking as you struggled to get yourself moving. Ah, well. You've fattened up quite nicely."
Helen snapped her fingers at the young men, who surrounded Brittany and began to roll her to the front of the caves, making remarks to each other on how deliciously fat she was, their hands sinking into her blubber. Brittany felt every pinch and grope, and knew that her time was close to ending. A shiver ran through her massive body, and she thought about what she would look like, trussed up like a pig with an apple in her mouth. Instead of horrifying her, she just hoped it would be a candied apple.
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Bradypig 9 years
This is absolutely wonderful. More please!!!
Clubkong 9 years
Awesome !
Chubbybellytoy 9 years
so good!!
ThePaladin 9 years
Write more, please.
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