The big pumpkin

chapter 3

She ate like the hog she was for days, stuffing herself to the limit multiple times per day and then falling asleep. Not a single pound showed up on her belly, which looked as though she had swallowed a watermelon. After a week and a half of this, Helen finally recast the spell. Brittany had just gobbled down every treat on the cart, plus well over half of another food cart. She was lying against the wall, her hands holding her beachball-sized belly, when all of the sudden, she felt the changes go through her. Her jaw felt heavier as a hefty doublechin grew, the sleeves of her blouse pinched as her arms turned large and flabby. Her thighs and butt were dimpled and looked like jello, but her belly was the biggest change of all. It grew and grew, popping off the buttons on her blouse one by one. She watched with shock and horror as bright stretch marks appeared across her swelling gut, roll after roll forming from her week of gluttony.
"Goodness," Helen laughed, "You've really made a blimp of yourself, haven't you? My god, you are simply obese! Look at the size of you! Such a round, fat belly.. you're as juicy as a ripe blueberry! I don't know if i can even wait until All Hallow's Eve!"
Brittany sat, stunned at how big she had become. She'd been a bit chubby before, sure-but she had to be well over 250 pounds now. Her gut was simply massive, it rested on the ground between her large thighs as her pudgy, sausage-like fingers rubbed the top, trying to believe that it was really hers. Her belly gurgled. Hungry? That was impossible. There was no way...
Helen laughed loudly, hearing the noise.
"Well, stand up, piggy. You'll be too fat to get anywhere if you do try to escape. Come out to the kitchen, You can have new clothes and you can gorge yourself on sweets."
Brittany slowly stood up, her huge belly wobbling as she tried to support her new weight. Helen opened the door to the cage, and Brittany took tiny steps, feeling every ounce of fat on her body jiggle. Helen walked behind her, eyeing the way she waddled and fantasizing about showing her new prize to her witchy friends come Halloween.
Helen gave Brittany a pumpkin-colored terrycloth robe to put on, and it tied nicely around Brittany's new girth, showing off the round curve of her overfed gut and her large, blubbery ass.
"Your bottom has also gotten quite fat," Helen said, giving it a sharp slap. Brittany winced as Helen slapped it again, watching the fat ripple and shake.
"Go on, sit down and eat up," Helen ordered, gesturing towards the kitchen table which was laden with more food than had ever fit on the carts. Despite the shock of turning into a sudden blimp, Brittany's belly was demanding food. She looked at the table, something like despair in her eyes. She was going to eat it all. And she couldn't stop herself.
9 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 9 years , updated 7 years
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Bradypig 9 years
This is absolutely wonderful. More please!!!
Clubkong 9 years
Awesome !
Chubbybellytoy 9 years
so good!!
ThePaladin 9 years
Write more, please.
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